Bacon powered motorcycle


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
'03 ST1300A
Yup, created by Hormel, it runs on biodiesel made from their bacon.

They say even the exhaust smells like bacon. I doubt sniffing bacon biodiesel exhaust fumes is good for you though.

1lb of bacon yields about a gallon of biodiesel. With the price of bacon I guess it helps when you make the stuff yourself.

It would be way more impressive if you just had to put raw bacon in somewhere to fill it up.


Yup, created by Hormel, it runs on biodiesel made from their bacon.

They say even the exhaust smells like bacon. I doubt sniffing bacon biodiesel exhaust fumes is good for you though.

1lb of bacon yields about a gallon of biodiesel. With the price of bacon I guess it helps when you make the stuff yourself.

It would be way more impressive if you just had to put raw bacon in somewhere to fill it up.


And cooked bacon came out the tailpipe ready to eat

In February 2024, the average price of a pound of sliced bacon in the U.S. was $6.56. I don't know what the cost is of converting the drained-off fat after cooking into biodiesel, but it's going to add something to the overall price. By contrast, the average price of a gallon of (non-bio) diesel last week in the U.S. was $4.03 nationwide (ranging from $3.75 along the Gulf coast to $5.23 in California) so, despite that the bacon fat is a waste product of a tasty food item it's still expensive. Then again, it enables you to avoid paying the extra amount for fuel, I suppose.

1lb of bacon yields about a gallon of biodiesel

How does that work, exactly? Biodiesel fuel weighs in at around 7.3 pounds per gallon, so how does a pound of fatty meat yield 7.3 times its weight in fuel? There must be some huge additional material input during the conversion process.
Weird side note to the Bacon Bike...

Those that have spent time in person with me know that I've had a lifelong allergy to poultry - chicken, turkey - though not eggs. Never had a turkey for thanksgiving (frankly, I wouldn't have one then even if I could eat 'em!). My idea of giving thanks is over the tenderloin of an Angus steer.

We digress... At the height of the biofuel boom in the aughts, in these parts there were some '70s - '80s era diesel Mercedes that had been converted to run on used fryer oil from local restaurants, including KFC I'm sure.

I was following one of these cars on my way to work. It was clearly burning vegetable oil with a whiff of potato, but the smell of chicken was much stronger. After about a mile I start to notice the onset of an allergic reaction! Itchy eyes, a little tightness in my chest... WELL, ENOUGH OF THIS!

I show the car the tailpipe of my ST`1100 and got outta there. The driver had no idea there's one person in town that he could poison just by getting in their way. :)
now if you could build a bike to run on methane gas that would be something. The price of corn went up because of ethanol just think what it could do to the price of beans. :old1::nuke1:
That just seems mean…

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