06 Leaking Front ABS Brakes

Mar 10, 2009
Bartlett, TN
2006 ST1300A
I seem to have a leak in my front ABS brakes (I think). I came home from vacation a couple of days ago and discovered an oil puddle on my front rim. Looks like it coming from the brake unit. This is my first ST1300 and first with ABS. So just looking from some direction. BTW.. I purchased an Extended Warranty with the bike - I wonder if this repair would be covered. Guess I will find out soon enough.

I have added some photos in my photo gallary

thanks for any advice !!! :bow1: :bow1:
Check to see if it might be fork oil.
A quick check, if it is brake fluid the paint will be ruined...
Check to see if it might be fork oil.
A quick check, if it is brake fluid the paint will be ruined...

+1 my first thought as well. Brake system leaks are nearly unheard of with the ST13. A leak in the right fork seal can track down the back or inside of the fork leg and drip onto the rim with the bike on the side stand. Check for any "wetness" around both seals, they should be completely dry and clean.
+2 check the forks. Way more common than brake fluid leak.

As for it being covered under warranty give it a go but it seems to me that people have to fight to get it covered. Could be wrong, just what I recall with the fork seals.
If you pump your front brakes do you get resistance? If you're leaking that much, there's a big leak somewhere..

I agree, it just 'looks' like fork oil so a blown seal... check your fork to see if you have dried bugs or rock dings in the fork where it's exposed and slides into the fork... but a new seal is probably in order.
well, finally had some time to check out the bike some more. Turns out - you guy's were right...its not the brakes but right fork seal. What strange is that I hadn't written the bike in a couple of weeks and when I got back from vacation (gone 5 days) - there was the puddle. Maybe its the oppressive Memphis heat and the HOT garage that's causing the oil to seep out. It didn't even occur to me to check the forks. I have had an issue with this fork already. I actually thought it was "fixed" when I purchased a "Seal Mate" to fix the problem earlier. I guess I really shouldn't use the word "fix" - LOL. I guess this is going to be an ongoing problem until I pull the forks and replace the seals.

BTW - I did check the brake fluid reservoir and it was full. Actually rode it this morning to work and I can see a little bubble in the site glass - which I didn't see earlier when I took the pictures....so I assumed it was empty.
Oh, one other question. I purchased some DOT4 brake fluid from the auto part store (off brand) - should I stick with the Honda brand or does it really matter?

Thanks for the suggestions.
Oh, one other question. I purchased some DOT4 brake fluid from the auto part store (off brand) - should I stick with the Honda brand or does it really matter?

You should be fine. All DOT 4 fluids have to meet the same standards.
I'm with Jeff on DOT4.
If it meets the standard that is the minimum the bike requires and anything you spend *extra* is just money that could be spent on gas and tires.
Of course I personally have tossed some coinage at 'better' DOT4 fluids; but, I haven't seen any change in the behavior when I have spent the money.

Get that seal fixed, bleed your brakes and clutch and GO Ride!

And ride safe too!
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