10 Days On A VFR1200

Very informative and lots of details Uncle Phil. Hope your wife has a complete recovery!
ALAN - The sidestand did not collapse and the bike did not roll forward - the bike fell on the right side over and off the sidestand when she shifted her weight from what I can tell. My bad for not making her get off and putting it on the centerstand - but then that's a long story too ... ;-)
Thanks for a great "seat of the pants" review. Just looking and sitting on the bike at the show led me to believe your findings. It is not a 1100 or 1300. And since most of the time we ride 2 up I can't see this bike becoming a member of our family.

Again thanks,
Phil so sorry about your wife's mishap and pray for a fast and complete recovery.

Great write up on the bike. You said a lot that the motorcycle magazines must have missed as nothing but glowing reports from what I've read.

You know I wrote Rider when they announced they were having a section on sport touring and begged them to include passenger thoughts about each bike they tested. They even printed my letter, but never followed up on the passenger comments. Guess they expect everybody to ride solo and ride them like Rossi wannabes. As I don't, passenger accomodations info is as important to me as horsepwer and handling and way more important than quarter mile times and top speed.

I had high hopes for a lighter weight sport touring bike from Honda, but it sounds like I'm going to have to wait a bit longer.

Thanks for the report.
Sorry to hear about the injuries to your wife. My wife will never sit on the bike with it on the side stand. We had a 2005 Concours and with no one on - it stood straight up. Of course with the ST1300 it leans at 60 degrees.

My question is - I have never had a serious tipover and would like to know about the " baking soda and superglue comment"
How does that work??????????
BILL - Best stuff in the world for 'gluing' back motorcycle body parts plus it is easy to get at most grocery stores. Superglue gel is preferable (a little more working time). You glue the pieces back together with the superglue then pour the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) generously over the superglue. It makes some kind of super sturdy bond that is ugly but really holds. We 'resurrected' my ST1100 mirror cover that was broken in 7 pieces in Yellowstone and it rode for 5,000+ miles and is still together. The VFR bag had a complete crack through right at the hinge, and it held for the rest of the trip (even on some of the worst potholed roads in Ireland I have ever seen). Cheap, effective and easy to get on the road! :D
Also if you are near a pharmacy they have a denture repair kit.. Has all the same stuff you need for a repair of teeth and ST's..............

Don't ask how I know...

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