1250FA Clutch

Jan 22, 2019
Kingsland, GA
2011 Suzuki 1250FA
Good day all!

Let me begin by saying, winter sucks. Anywho! Last night I rode my bike about 70 odd miles to hang out with my best mates, This morning i woke up and it was in the mid 40s maybe a little lower and the bike was acting like i had no clutch. My my handle was super soft and even with my front brake squeezed in, she kept leaping forward and stalling soon as i put her into first gear. But here I am far from work and home so i had no choice but to make the adventure, But by time i got half way or so to work my clutch was half working and felt like it was working normal by time i got to work.

So my question is thus... Can cold weather effect my Clutch to the point it disables until it warms up? IE, do i have to warm my bike up in these winter months like I do my car?
I believe you have a hydraulic clutch, so perhaps cold weather can affect it if the fluid is old and moisture-laden. Juice clutches should be flushed and bled every year to be optimal. Also, remove your clutch lever and inspect the brass bushing that actuates the master cylinder, it may be dry, scored and worn oval... to a point it is causing clutch/gear change issues. Easily replaced, lubed with silicone grease (won't wash out). A new one can do wonders.
Clutch plates can stick together from cold and cause the bike to lurch when putting in gear but this usually only happens once and then the clutch breaks free. What could be happening is you have some old seals in your clutch master or slave cylinders that are getting hardened with age and when cold are not pliable enough to seal well. After the bike warms up the clutch cylinder it will soften the seal and allow it to build pressure. Old fluid may be contributing to this as well.

I changed my clutch fluid last month, My clutch fluid was nearly coal black (I know! Blasphemy.) I put fresh fluid in (DOT4) and bled the line, but this is the first time i had any issue with my clutch.

Yesterday i popped my clutch lever forward made a small adjustment and it seemed to help, my mechanic scolded me and said it was likely air in the line but I dont think so at this point. Being here at the weekend ill flush the line again and see if it helps, How do i figure out the length of my clutch cable if i need to replace it? I've searched revzilla and cycle gear with no luck and my manual has no mention of cable length.
By cable, you mean hydraulic line, generic lengths are available... I doubt that's your main issue. Bleed again, and tie clutch lever to the handlebar and let sit overnight. Residual air, if any will migrate into the reservoir. But, you have to remove the lever and check that brass bushing........ let us know how that goes. Not ruling out a master cylinder issue, but this will narrow it down more.
I just saw a low milage example of the faired bandit at a local shop.. I am fan.. Such a beautiful machine. https://www.engelhart.com/Pre-owned...1250FA-Engelhart-Motorsports-8893632?ref=list

The bandit is great, she is definitely a different creature than my old ST, a few hundred pounds lighter, quick acceleration and a surprisingly not aggressive riding stance. Just before Halloween last year i took the bags off mine so i can lane filter and loving how sporty it is. I can get about 145 miles per tank but I mostly ride highways and about 85+ everywhere so i dont get the best mpg as i could. I went from the ST to the bandit and haven't regretted a moment of it, In a few years i plan on getting a proper sport bike :)
Hello all!

Over t he weekend i took apart the clutch lever and did a deep clean on it, flushed the fluid and put fresh in, It seems to be working fine now, I scrubbed the clutch lever inside and out with a wire brush (Gently of course) as well as the brass fitting inside of it. It was very cloudy and looked very weathered but is shiney again, I may be losing clutch fluid somewhere and will have to keep an eye on it but for the moment looks as if it were air in the line due to low fluid level (Unsure why it didnt show in the eye)

Thanks all!
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