350k on my 1300

Lol.. yes I was crusing at 90 when I took that pic... it was 810pm clock off... and I was taking it for the milage but didnt want to stop. And with the phone holder i now have it holds the phone right in front of the guages so it wasnt like i was riding with no hands... just one free one.. haha
Lol.. yes I was crusing at 90 when I took that pic... it was 810pm clock off... and I was taking it for the milage but didnt want to stop. And with the phone holder i now have it holds the phone right in front of the guages so it wasnt like i was riding with no hands... just one free one.. haha

Mystery solved! :rofl1:
But MAN! 370 miles on the trip meter and the tank is still full! Even at 46.7 mpg that's pretty tough to beat. What are you doing, towing a tanker trailer? :)
Like you NEVER forget to reset your trip?

Ooooohhhhhh is THAT what it was? :rolleyes::ang1:

I forget to reset the trip. I forget to reset the MPG calculation. I forget to open Bubbler and push the gas, food, and sleep message buttons. I forget where I'm going. I forget where I was. I forget what I was going to do, when I get to wherever it was I forgot I was going to. What did you tell me my name is?
At the moment, you are on top of the mileage podium as far as a single person on a single ST1300.. congrats!

member sportourer aka Alex Schmitt has 350k on an ST1100..
This one needs updated under the avatar also to 350K. I take it you bonafide his miles with your answer post back in 2015.
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