A Difficult Day

Oh wow. So very sorry to read this Phil. I can't even begin to imagine.... sorry for your loss.
Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement. And a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to John (Nashcat) and Janis for coming to the funeral - that was an act of kindness beyond what my words can express. God gave Grace as needed that was really appreciated. Now that the important thing is done and the goodbyes are said, my sister and I can sort through the other 'stuff' that one's passing brings.
So very sorry to hear about this Phil and you and your family have my prayers. My condolences and there's no words to express my sympathy but having been through something similar many years ago, there is no one like your Momma.
So sorry to hear that Phil, she and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Uncle Phil, I'm sorry to read of your Mom's passing. I hope that she had a long and happy life leaving behind
good memories for you to cherish. My hope is that with the passing of time you and your family will find peace
in those memories.

Take care my friend.

Just read about your Mothers passing. I have no doubt that your good heart would lead you to saying the appropriate things at her memorial service. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Even though I don't know you personally, and may never meet you, losing someone we love is one of those things we all hold in common. It makes us reflect on what we have lost but it also makes us think about what we still have. I lost my stepdad in 1985 when I was 20, and hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him, in fact the other night I had a dream about him and it was as vivid as it gets. Hold on to those memories, They say time heals all wounds, but I don't agree with that, I think time helps us to accept what we can't change, the ones we still have helps us to appreciate who we lost even more. Make sure you let those who love you be there for you, be there for them. I'm sure you will say just the right words, even just a few things said can mean so much. Sorry for your loss. :(
Phil, I want to add to the list of people/friends here that have prayed for you.

Have recently lost my Dad and more recently my Mom.

Your friend in Spokane
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