ATGATT, Oh yeah!

Good to hear that your riding gear saved your Goaty butt. I can never understand why people risk so much by riding in shorts and t-shirts, and even without a helmet. :confused:
I definately do not mind being candid about when I went through and remember, did wrong and right, etc. Although I prefer not to go into too much detail about what the other riders did or may have done. Kind of makes me feel I may be overstepping. I know three of the other four riders are forum members and one has posted. I will let the others post as they see fit. I had lengthy conversations with two others about what they did wrong and right, but it is their prerogative to talk to anyone else about that, not that I wouldn't want to share as much as possible, I just think it is not my place to.

That's understandable. I know the organizers and had hoped to be there this weekend but work intervened. I hope everyone will be OK. I'm glad you escaped without serious injury and hope whoever the more injured rider is recovers fully...
I definately do not mind being candid about when I went through and remember, did wrong and right, etc. Although I prefer not to go into too much detail about what the other riders did or may have done. Kind of makes me feel I may be overstepping. I know three of the other four riders are forum members and one has posted. I will let the others post as they see fit. I had lengthy conversations with two others about what they did wrong and right, but it is their prerogative to talk to anyone else about that, not that I wouldn't want to share as much as possible, I just think it is not my place to.

Oh yeah, I was stating this just as general information. Not directed toward anyone or implying anything else.
Good to hear that your riding gear saved your Goaty butt. I can never understand why people risk so much by riding in shorts and t-shirts, and even without a helmet. :confused:

As I was getting the ST ready to unload yesterday, Mrs. Goat saw a couple on a Boulevard, beanie helmets, shorts, flip flops. To each their own I guess. I can only imagine what I would have looked like without the gear and the padding that cushioned the short fall.

At least two riders I know would have stopped at the SC line and snatched off the helmets. They always harass me about my gear, but all of us had on some sort of gear and all of us walked away. I shudder to think what I may have seen if someone had taken off a helmet.
Would have been nasty without a helmet!! Glad it wasn't worse. Heal quickly...

Ride safe... :03biker:
Posted some photos of the bike in my albums. STealership says $10,100 to fix. Looks like there were some parts added to pad the estimate, but wow. The insurance company is sending out their own people to take a look at it.
Are you able to include you helmet and other damaged gear in the insurance quote for reimbursemnt? I've always wondered that since the gear is really a part of the bike.
I just noticed this thread. Anyway I was the last bike in the pileup. The event between DixieFlyer and myself happened as he stated, however, I have to take some of the blame. As I arrived at the corner I saw the carnage of 3 bikes and one rider laying on the ground and looked too long and didn't see DixieFlyer until it was too. late to manuever out of his track. I hit him and ended up in the ditch the bike climbed the bank and easily fell over into soft dirt.

I was ATGATT. The bike was rideable but there must be a hole in the radiator.

Posted some photos of the bike in my albums. STealership says $10,100 to fix. Looks like there were some parts added to pad the estimate, but wow. The insurance company is sending out their own people to take a look at it.

When a dealership does an estimate, they have to include matter how trivial.....if there's even the slightest chance that it might possibly have been caused by the crash, they include it on the estimate. I worked for one dealership and we had a crashed bike come in. There was a part that the mechanic was positive was not the result of the crash and he omitted it. When the repairs were done, the owner had a complete tizzy about the part not having been replaced. We had to order the part, submit for further money, and apologize to the customer. It was a pretty big headache. Much better to just put it all down and let the owner of the bike and the insurance company debate what should or should not be replaced.
Are you able to include you helmet and other damaged gear in the insurance quote for reimbursemnt? I've always wondered that since the gear is really a part of the bike.

Ours will cover it. I think the helmet is covered with the standard policy, but it is addtional for the other gear. Allstate calls it provisional coverage, not sure about other insurers. We have that and they will replace gear up to $1000. There was not a piece of gear I had on that was not touched.

Got everything from Vinny this afternoon and was able to take a good look at it all. I will get some photos up of it soon.
Are you able to include you helmet and other damaged gear in the insurance quote for reimbursemnt? I've always wondered that since the gear is really a part of the bike.

4 years ago 2 big dogs came charging out from behind a tree as I topped a rise in the road, and I hit them both. The dog owner's Homeowners insurance paid about $1000 for riding gear (my documented replacement cost) and a few hundred bucks for Oldwing crashbars without arguement.
I was not injured.
When a dealership does an estimate, they have to include matter how trivial.....if there's even the slightest chance that it might possibly have been caused by the crash, they include it on the estimate. I worked for one dealership and we had a crashed bike come in. There was a part that the mechanic was positive was not the result of the crash and he omitted it. When the repairs were done, the owner had a complete tizzy about the part not having been replaced. We had to order the part, submit for further money, and apologize to the customer. It was a pretty big headache. Much better to just put it all down and let the owner of the bike and the insurance company debate what should or should not be replaced.

I suppose that is understandable. But some of it I know does not need to be replaced, saddle bag bodies for example, that would take it below the threshold and it is holding up the insurance decision now.

But I am using this time to get the old Connie up and running. If they total the bike, I will ride it for a while until I can find another bike. I figure I can ride it until my son-in-law gets home from the desert and give it to him as a welcome home present. I can squirrel away what I may have paying on another bike and in insurance premiums and maybe buy something outright.
Well, Allstate totaled the ST. The settlement is agreeable, about what I expected actually. I am going to check out a blue ST I saw at one of the local shops tomorrow. I have been riding Mrs. Goat's C50 to stay in practice. Although I have a tendency to scrape floorboards.
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