Back To The Repair Shop - Again!

I had a outpatient procedure Monday to try to clear an arterial blood clot in my left leg but the doctor could not punch through it.
The previous doctor did not want to do anything so now it is like concrete.:mad:
November 11, I go in for the 'replumb' procedure much like they do for the heart arteries except in the leg.
That sure will shut down my riding for quite a while as the recovery is lengthy including a hospital stay.
You've put a lot of miles on your bikes.

I would take this seriously and not try to rush a full recovery.

Best wishes for getting fixed soon and thanks for all the posts over the years with helpful information on the ST1100.

Just saw this and realized it was not an 1100 thread. I'll be thinking of you on the 11th and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Good luck to you Phil.. They said it would take me 4 to 6 months to heal and a month later, here I am walking. You can do it too.
Just seeing this Phil, Prayers uplifted! Have faith for this is just another bump in the road. The good Lord looks out for his own!
I wish my body was in good a shape as my ST1100s. ;)
If I were a car, I'd be in the junk yard and they would be parting me out!
I had a outpatient procedure Monday to try to clear an arterial blood clot in my left leg but the doctor could not punch through it.
The previous doctor did not want to do anything so now it is like concrete.:mad:
November 11, I go in for the 'replumb' procedure much like they do for the heart arteries except in the leg.
That sure will shut down my riding for quite a while as the recovery is lengthy including a hospital stay.
Please remember me on November 11 that things would go well.
At least I made it over a year without repairs and for that I am very thankful.
Uncle Phil, Already have fond thoughts of you even though I have never met you, but Bob always has good things to say about you. We will be saying prayers for you that all goes great
on November 11. Bob is sorry he did not make it to the Blue Ridge Gathering. He had a scratch on his cornea and very blurred vision in left eye due to working in his brother's yard. Eye is
better, but not quite right. No major problems with the eye though- they took plenty of pictures. Take care. Sue and Bob Dantinne
Uncle Phil, Already have fond thoughts of you even though I have never met you, but Bob always has good things to say about you. We will be saying prayers for you that all goes great
on November 11. Bob is sorry he did not make it to the Blue Ridge Gathering. He had a scratch on his cornea and very blurred vision in left eye due to working in his brother's yard. Eye is
better, but not quite right. No major problems with the eye though- they took plenty of pictures. Take care. Sue and Bob Dantinne
Miss Sue - Tell Bob he was sorely missed at the BRG! And I hope his eye heals up soon. To me, eye issues are lot more serious than 'plumbing' issue like I have. Hope to stop by y'alls place one day when I'm up that way.
Oh, your situation is EQUALLY important if not more so ! You are welcome at our house whenever you get up this way ! Sue
I hope your physician has a great day....I'm wondering if you could have avoided this if only you had used the proper oil.....
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