Basecamp interface with Mac


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Oct 26, 2020
Makefield Highlands PA
2016 ST1300P
2024 Miles
First, I am a paper map guy, for a long, long time. Recently decided to get a GPS, went with the Zumo XT. Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Watched a few tutorials, turned everything on synced with phone, computer, and helmet. So far so good. Turned on basecamp and was instantly lost.
A few more hours of tutorials for basecamp and off to plan routes. We all know it's never that simple... it wasn't, it isn't. So I am looking for some help.

I have a 2012 Mac Book Pro. Latest OS, Garmin Zumo XT latest updates. I had to download the maps to the HD or the lag was intolerable. After fighting for a few days I realised using garmin express and BC at the same time will not work. I have to open BC plug in Zumo and hope it recognises it in a few minutes, if not just repeat. After a few attempts it works. But wait, I have to disconnect the Zumo to plan a route or the lag hurts. So I plan and plot and fix and all seems well enough. Then I plug the Zumo in ( you know where this is going) and wait. Sometimes it will actually let me up load and it works, other times it seemed to work but alas, no. This is quite frustrating.

Does anyone else have experience in this type of navigation, with this type of equipment? I was a click away from a new Apple Air book and discretion got the better of me. The system seems like it would be great, I would love to experience that greatness, any help would be great.
Yes, BC is frustrating... it's probably taken me a couple dozen hours to get mediocre at it. No idea on issues with a Mac, as I use Windows 10. I've used BC a fair amount, but mostly only for rallies because I need to see all of the bonuses at once and colored/styled based upon point level, but that's a whole nuther story in itself. For basic touring routes, I just use Google maps or equivalent to figure out my routes and times. If complex, I may do it in BC to import into my GPS. Note that there is a crude way to rubberband routes in BC (use the ALT key) like you can do in Google maps, but it's not near as good. If routes aren't too complex, I'll just put in the waypoints directly and route on my GPS. Pretty much any way you can create a gpx file, you can then move that on to your Zumo.

There are a LOT of BC tutorials on YT. It's a steep learning curve, but allows you some very detailed and planned routes, which I don't normally need when touring as I'm generally not that tight on a schedule. For me on Windows 10, BC and Garmin Express seem to work well when both are open. One trick I've learned is to release/eject my GPS (Zumo 396) in BC before physically disconnecting it. One thing that helped a lot was updating my 2 year old i5 Dell laptop with an SSD drive... everything is MUCH faster.
There is a Zumo Forum and it has a dedicated forum for the XT.

I still use a 665 and, while I have a MacBook Air and have BaseCamp installed I still use Microsoft Trips and Street (under Windows 7 running under a program called VMware).

There is a Zumo Forum and it has a dedicated forum for the XT.

I still use a 665 and, while I have a MacBook Air and have BaseCamp installed I still use Microsoft Trips and Street (under Windows 7 running under a program called VMware).

Thank you. Oddly I clicked on a topic from your link and had read it earlier. The gist seems to be PC or virtual. Surely it can’t be the only answer, could it?
I have a MacBook Air (2013) and Basecamp seems to run well on it, transfers files between GPS and computer fine. It is not an intuitive program but once you start understanding it works better and better.
I have a zumo, a mac (big 27" desktop) and basecamp. I hear your frustration. My solution to using BC is to plot my route on Google maps, write the turn by turn instructions on a pad that measures roughly 3 x 8" and then tape the instrucitions to my gas tank. No problems using BC, but I've simply not needed it to plot routes for relatively short rides.
I have a zumo, a mac (big 27" desktop) and basecamp. I hear your frustration. My solution to using BC is to plot my route on Google maps, write the turn by turn instructions on a pad that measures roughly 3 x 8" and then tape the instrucitions to my gas tank. No problems using BC, but I've simply not needed it to plot routes for relatively short rides.
This! Yes, pressing print from google maps was my go to. I still find a sheet here or there from days gone by.

I have a MacBook Air (2013) and Basecamp seems to run well on it, transfers files between GPS and computer fine. It is not an intuitive program but once you start understanding it works better and better.
I am never fully prepared for the steep learning curves.

This guy is top shelf for teaching but his hardware seems to never push back.
The best BC tutorial is on the New England Riders web site done by Ed Conde. The way I do it is I create the route in BC then transfer it to the GPS. But Check out Eds tutorials they are the best out there by far.
I have a 2012 Mac Book Pro. Latest OS, Garmin Zumo XT latest updates. I had to download the maps to the HD or the lag was intolerable.
Well, I'd connect the XT to the PC, start Garmin Express and see to select the [install maps on PC only]...
Once this is settled you can work your route planning (fast) with that (notorious) BaseCamp autonomously without the need of having that XT attached.

Hint: learn how to master creating [folder] and [new list] for every trip/tour you're planning, otherwise that BC will simply drown you...
Thanks, Peter. I had ignored this thread as the heading seemed to be about Basecamp and the Mac. I know nothing about the Mac at all. Its a computer of some sort, yes ?

BUT - I know heck of a lot about Basecamp. And I know even more about how the Zumos - the 590, 595 and the XT interact with the files that Basecamp creates.

@Willsmotorcycle - you don't need to know everything that there is to know about Basecamp. If you do that, and follow the tutorials, they will build up a load of problems for you when you start to transfer that knowledge to the XT. Simply put, I know that Basecamp has a lot of features. I use only a small proportion of them. Why ? Because The Zumos are not interested in most of the features, and they are quite capable of screwing up what is supposedly a perfectly good route, when it is transferred to the Zumo.

What you need to know is how to plan a route in Basecamp that will work with the Zumo XT. For that you need to know a few simple skills in Basecamp. If you can work these out for the Mac, I'll be in a much better position to help you.

1) How to create a new folder and give it a name.
2) How to create a list within that folder and give it a name.
3) How to create a few WayPoints using the Flag tool and name them as you want them.
4) How to create a Route using the your saved Waypoints.
5) How to use the insert tool to add in additional route points to force the route along particular roads.

Beware - there are many helpful videos available. Many of them use terminology which is not very helpful. The term 'Waypoint' for example is often mis-used and when it is, it is extremely confusing.

There are also what appear to be very serious bugs with the Zumo XT software (which I have reported and which have been acknowledged, but not yet fixed).

This is one of my videos - which was done as a series of about 12 to illustrate a document that I produced. This is number 3 in the series, which will show how 3 and 4 from the list above are done on the PC version of Basecamp. If you can get to the point where you can do something similar on the Mac, I can certainly help you from that point on.

It actually points to the 3rd video in a playlist. Don't bother with any others yet. They will confuse you at this stage.

If you want to send private message, that is OK - or if you want to alert me in this thread, then put the @ symbol in front of my name jfheath and it will appear like this @jfheath on the forum - and will also email me to let me know you would like me to read a post. Which is how @SMSW alerted me to the fact that this wasn't just about the Mac and Basecamp.

Hope we can get you moving forward.

To do on the Zumo XT

Can I recommend that you get the latest version of the software for XT loaded ? It is currently on V2.90. (Nov 2020) If you can do it using Garmin Express and USB cable rather than by Wifi (if you have the choice). You will get more of an idea that the software has actually been updated. Each time you get an update, make sure that you turn the XT power OFF - ie hold down the power button - 4 seconds or until the screen asks you if you want to turn it off, and press the red OFF button on the screen. Power it on again, let it start up fully, and then do the same again.

Reason for this is that when testing features in the XT that have not worked properly, they have suddenly started working after a couple of cold restarts (like above).

In the meantime, I'll take a look see if I can find a Mac version of Basecamp to see how that works, so that I know what I am talking about at a later date.

I will add that the Mac and PC versions of Basecamp are very similar with a few differences. This was told to me by one of the ride leaders in our BMW club. The ride leaders plan the rides and, as their name implies, lead the group ride.
Thanks, Peter. I had ignored this thread as the heading seemed to be about Basecamp and the Mac. I know nothing about the Mac at all. Its a computer of some sort, yes ?

BUT - I know heck of a lot about Basecamp. And I know even more about how the Zumos - the 590, 595 and the XT interact with the files that Basecamp creates.

@Willsmotorcycle - you don't need to know everything that there is to know about Basecamp. If you do that, and follow the tutorials, they will build up a load of problems for you when you start to transfer that knowledge to the XT. Simply put, I know that Basecamp has a lot of features. I use only a small proportion of them. Why ? Because The Zumos are not interested in most of the features, and they are quite capable of screwing up what is supposedly a perfectly good route, when it is transferred to the Zumo.

What you need to know is how to plan a route in Basecamp that will work with the Zumo XT. For that you need to know a few simple skills in Basecamp. If you can work these out for the Mac, I'll be in a much better position to help you.

1) How to create a new folder and give it a name.
2) How to create a list within that folder and give it a name.
3) How to create a few WayPoints using the Flag tool and name them as you want them.
4) How to create a Route using the your saved Waypoints.
5) How to use the insert tool to add in additional route points to force the route along particular roads.

Beware - there are many helpful videos available. Many of them use terminology which is not very helpful. The term 'Waypoint' for example is often mis-used and when it is, it is extremely confusing.

There are also what appear to be very serious bugs with the Zumo XT software (which I have reported and which have been acknowledged, but not yet fixed).

This is one of my videos - which was done as a series of about 12 to illustrate a document that I produced. This is number 3 in the series, which will show how 3 and 4 from the list above are done on the PC version of Basecamp. If you can get to the point where you can do something similar on the Mac, I can certainly help you from that point on.

It actually points to the 3rd video in a playlist. Don't bother with any others yet. They will confuse you at this stage.

If you want to send private message, that is OK - or if you want to alert me in this thread, then put the @ symbol in front of my name jfheath and it will appear like this @jfheath on the forum - and will also email me to let me know you would like me to read a post. Which is how @SMSW alerted me to the fact that this wasn't just about the Mac and Basecamp.

Hope we can get you moving forward.

To do on the Zumo XT

Can I recommend that you get the latest version of the software for XT loaded ? It is currently on V2.90. (Nov 2020) If you can do it using Garmin Express and USB cable rather than by Wifi (if you have the choice). You will get more of an idea that the software has actually been updated. Each time you get an update, make sure that you turn the XT power OFF - ie hold down the power button - 4 seconds or until the screen asks you if you want to turn it off, and press the red OFF button on the screen. Power it on again, let it start up fully, and then do the same again.

Reason for this is that when testing features in the XT that have not worked properly, they have suddenly started working after a couple of cold restarts (like above).

In the meantime, I'll take a look see if I can find a Mac version of Basecamp to see how that works, so that I know what I am talking about at a later date.
OK, I will certainly do as you suggest. Thank you for jumping in this way, I am confident we will get it sorted.
The New England Riders Basecamp document is not a bad place to start and the techniques will work in taking you along a predefined route......most of the time.
As I said, there are some traps that Basecamp can lead you into and the NER tutorial don't steer you away from them. A couple of the suggestions don't work or don't work well on the XT. Hardly surprising, it was written before the XT and (I think the 595) came in the scene.
Nevertheless, it does a good job in taking a newcomer to BC through the process step by step.
I am using both the PC version and the Macbook version of Basecamp for all route planning. 90 % of the planning is done on the PC, mainly because work gave me 3 huge monitors to take home, but also because I can keep Google Maps (dropping down to street-view here and there) and Basecamp on different screens. The PC's drive is solid state, so its pretty snappy. The routes get pushed up to a Garmin BMW Navigator 5, which is what I use on both bikes.. When the routes are done (on the PC), I push the entire list folder to the GPS, and export the same list folder for use on the Macbook. Routes, waypoints, and all. Then I import the list folder to the Macbook, which I take with me on the trip.

I agree that working in Basecamp (both versions, although the PC version is a little better) is a bear, particularly if you are just starting out using it. But over time, and if you use it enough, it gets easier. So don't get frustrated. Stay with it, and you'll get more comfortable with it.
I have a 2012 Mac Book Pro. Latest OS...
You seem to be describing older hardware that's not really up to the task for potentially RAM and processor hungry apps. You didn't mention if it's a 13" or 15" Book. I think the 13" Pro maxes out at 8GB memory and the 15" at 16GB. Then there's the CPU/GPU differences as well.

Both sizes have flash memory (SSD) so that's fairly quick stuff. It can take a lot of load off RAM but there's a limit especially if you're only at 4 or 8GB. Catalina is the latest OS and it's a LOT of OS for an older Mac. Your Book is probably the oldest MBP that'll run Catalina and in all honesty it probably shouldn't.

I imagine you've checked the sys req for Base Camp and Garmin Express. But that you can't open one reliably and you can't open both at the same time (if I read that right) points to hardware overload. You should probably take a look at Activity Monitor to see your CPU and memory usage for BC and GE.

There was a computer ad years ago that ran something like "Your computer is one year old. In dog years it's 7. In computer years it's already dead". For processor intensive software and hardware that's not far off the mark. Had you stayed at the minimum OS that would run BC and GE you might have fared better (if neither required Catalina).

Naturally you want to sort your workflow (because that's free) but if you feel the need – the need for speed – you should wait until at least 10 Nov when Apple announces new product. It's not known what'll be announced but it's rumored that there will be at least one Mac (iMac or MacBook) announced.

Even if no computer were announced it's a very good bet one will be announced before the end of the year. You want to pull the trigger with info and out of need ("want works too") not out of frustration.
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You seem to be describing older hardware that's not really up to the task for potentially RAM and processor hungry apps.
I have a feeling it isn’t a hardware issue, I have a MacBook Air from 2013 and it runs BaseCamp as snappy as needed, no waiting for calculating routes, launches fast. In the 1980 and 90s a 18 month old computer was outdated but I think today that is no longer the case. My computer would not be up to gaming where the graphics card is more important. The other thing is there have been no major updates to Basecamp since then.
Maybe buy a used Windows laptop to run BC? I think you could get one that would run BC very well (and most anything outside of CAD/gaming) for <$300. Probably be a lot less hassle, plus you'll have dedicated computer that you can take with you.
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The issue with the connection between a Macbook and the Zumo XT is that the Zumo XT is an android device which only allows one application connection to MacOS.

To use BaseCamp, first make sure on you MacBook under your privacy settings that BaseCamp has access to the file system and external drives.

When you plug your Zumo XT into your MacBook, Garmin Express will launch and create a connection to the Zumo XT. To use BaseCamp, you must close and quit Garmin Express. Not just quit it, but ensure that it is closed in your toolbar. You can then start BaseCamp and it should now show the Zumo XT in the left hand pane. The Garmin "drive" and any microSD will not show in the MacOS file system.

I own or have owned multiple Garmin GPS's including Zumo 550, 595, Montana, Navigator V, and GPS Map62. The behaviour of the Zumo XT is unique and was frustrating until I learned this work around to interfacing with my MacBook.
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