Beware the Ides of March - coffee and weather, 15 March


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

Please let's not have any ugly back-stabbing coups or power grabs today, I'm just not in the mood. Instead, to soothe the feelings of Cassius, Brutus, and their cronies I've made some French roast which I'll gladly share if it will help everyone settle down and relax.

It's a pleasant 61°F in Rockville although it's also mostly cloudy and there's loads of pollen in the air. We'll only rise to around 69, the first intimation that a cool-down is coming our way, but that's still well above the average for this date. When I left yesterday morning the weeping cherry was on the threshold of blossoming; several hours later, when I got back home it looked like this:


Mrs. Fun's local sister and two of her three children arrive this afternoon / evening, continuing last weekend's 70th birthday celebration for a few more days. I expect that means I'll be pressed into service in multiple roles as domestic staff ("vacuum the house please", "we need groceries- would you go get them", "You're making pizza for us on Saturday") so there won't be a lot of time in the workshop, on the golf course, or on my two wheeler over the next few days. That's alright- plenty of time for all of that in the coming days and weeks.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Thanks for the coffee Keith!
I'll sip a cup while I wait for the correct time to leave for a doctor's appointment.
No power grabs from me today, unless grabbing the power cord for the vacuum counts!

It is currently 36F here, supposedly heading to 43F with rain showers this morning and just clouds towards afternoon.

No real plans for today just yet, other than the aforementioned vacuum. Most of the projects I want to work on are outside so the rain, melting snow and ankle deep mud are hindering progress. I suppose I can work on the home office. Since it doubles as my home and work office there does seem to be a significant amount of paperwork accumulated that should be sorted, filed or discarded.

Everyone keep safe, watch out for each other and just have a wonderful day.

Thanks for the start Keith. May be Mrs. Fun give you some time off this weekend. 46 degrees and raining here in Ithaca, NY heading to 48 maybe with more rain during the day. They put a ton of salt down during the last snow event so this is a good way to clean it off Have a great day everyone and be safe out there. Later!

Morning all! Dark and far too early again. 5C right now, 13C and sun to come. It was a gorgeous day yesterday, hopefully today will be the same,

Fits and starts with the knee. Physio was very happy with my progress, so much so that I've been discharged with a home program. However, sleep has deteriorated again. Seems I just can't find a comfortable position. In the meantime, I'll pass time with some pleasant reading and then toddle off to try again.

Hope everyone has a great day !
Ta me duck, French Roast you say. Don't mind if I blummin do.
The weather, just dreich'ish. Pffffffftttttt.
Just got back from Berwick-upon-the-Tweed, couldn't see a gull on a lamp post for sea fret. Thick as......erm.....sea fret.
Coffee will ease us into lunch then it'll be some'at or t'other.
Av a gud un and remember, 77 and 81 = 158.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Keith.

Day 5 off work. Might as well get the whole set I was told.

I was just outside the house for the first time since Tuesday, taking the recycling and compost curbside. I can confirm what the weather guesses said both from my looking out the window and by experiencing it in person. A frosty 0C under a grey cloud filled sky. Temps are suppose to go up a couple of degrees.

Pi day followed by Ides means tomorrow is Des day? (There are patterns everywhere you know.)

Sorry for those of you who had to dumb down your brain to think down at my level.

Hope everyone has an excellent Friday and if eating out, avoid the double cheeseburger and baked potato.

"Hey, Julius, did ya get any of those Beinies over at TheCattHouse?"
"Et Tu, Bruté"

Thanks Keith. Folders still flowing her. Plenty of baked goods still on the counter. Be a shame to throw them out.

Headed north to retrieve the CB today. I'll stop in Charleston to renew the trailer plate and register the VW pickup.

US folks, buy yur lottery tickets.

Weather: 45 to 60 F with mostly cloudy.

As always, CAREFUL ON THE ROAD!!!!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Keith.
I happend to have noticed some tulips poking through the ground, yesterday, as well. Nice looking tree.

It's foggy and 41 here in MA this morning, and the wet deck says that we've had some rain overnight.
The temp will rise to 52 and it will remain cloudy with the chance of a rain shower.

The cat's been caterwalling as she walks around the house, since returning from the boarder, and I've been trying to sooth her with some lap time and pets. She's never happy when she's there and it takes a while for her to get normal again.

Our tax appointment was painful, but not as much as I expected. I actually didn't know what to expect, since the distribution of my mom's assets threw a wrench into things. Brenda says we should wait until April to pay, so that's what we'll do.
We went to "Linner" afterward, at a restaurant that we like, but is difficult to get a seat at. It was enjoyable.
I asked Brenda when she was going to announce her retirement, and she said she'd wait a week or so after returning to work, before making the announcement.

Since today is her last day of vacation, we'll do whatever she wants.
I'll mention some range time, but we'll do whatever.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all and thanks for the delectable drippings, Cassius, Brutus and Keith. They really hit the spot this morning. I would have loved to see Julius et al. break out in a sweat while trying to pronounced "Keith." Hee.

The mild temperatures continue, but it's grey, wet and gloomy out there. Light rain all day pretty much sums it up. It is currently 4°C/39°F and the high will be 10°C/50°F, not much wind to speak of.

I have yet another big, busy day ahead of me, so better savour my refill and get on with it. Hey, at least I'm sleeping better (despite the nasty dreams), as I'm completely exhausted by 10 pm! Have a good one, everybody. Stay safe and go safely.

Thx Mr Fun!
I woke up waaaay too early in the cabin this morning, had to drink instant coffee…..pfffft!
Actually had one of my nightmares, including Putin and nuclear war…djeeeez.

Just returned to my house. Peter is turning 4 today, so there will be festivities later.
Maybe a glass of wine afterwards.

7˚c/45f, grey, rainy, calm.

Have a good one!

On my way home from the ferry
Stu, if I had to drink instant coffee, I'd have nightmares too.

So thanks to the majority of barristas here, I don't have to suffer that way, but I'll still keep the Black Rifle hot for a worst-case scenario.

Much rain, heavy rain, flooding rain with flood warnings and the whole shebang is on tap for today. 70s now, getting warmer, and we have buds and blooms and pollen to go with it. We'll see yellow rivers of pollen soon, but we gotta have it for those planty- things to grow and do their thing. I'm sorry for you allergy sufferers, I know it's no fun for y'all.

I think I'll take tomorrow off. Unless it dries enough to use the chainsaw on some fallen limbs, as I find running a medium-sized Stihl to be a lot like work. May have to drive the John Deere over our blooming weeds, too... so there may not really be a day off after all.

But that doesn't mean that y'all can't take off a day, if ya wanna. Good luck.
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G’morning all and thanks for the brew Keith…

73°/83° here in Houston today…storms are appoaching.

Day off and then back on reserve again tomorrow.

Headed down the road to the Truck shop to have a new fuel tank installed. Upgrading the OEM 36 gallon tank to a 60 gallon Titan fuel tank. Should only take a couple hours and be done by lunchtime.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Keith!
I’m enjoying the days, even if they’re cool!
We had enjoyed spring like weather far too early!
This whole area received very little snow over the winter! That’s not real productive for our farmers!

41-52F, a decent day with a NW breeze that will get a bit carried away! We have snow in tomorrow’s forecast apparently!

We chauffeured the happy couple (& the Judy’s sister's) to & from their dinner party celebrating their 60 years of marital bliss!
It actually was a fun engagement with subdued banter, it was our first encounter with the couple since our return.

I’ll have another day in the yard, slow but sure, I’ll manage to get things tidied.
Enjoy your Friday!
Happy 4th Birthday Peter! Enjoy!
good morning all. thanks for the FR Keith. 48F on the dog walk with a clouds everywhere. weather guessers are calling for rain around 3pm this afternoon so we will see how that turns out. have my gym class this morning then at 3:30pm I call the court house to see if I report Monday morning for jury duty. must do my civic duty I guess.
well enjoy the day.

stay safe
Headed down the road to the Truck shop to have a new fuel tank installed. Upgrading the OEM 36 gallon tank to a 60 gallon Titan fuel tank.

Was that tank a surplus from one of these?

60 gallons seems mighty small, if so, unless it was their reserve supply. It may take a while to fill and empty the tank, but filling it will almost certainly drain cash from your wallet in a hurry.
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Mmmmmmm. FR......
Thanks Keith, you da man.

Sometimes I wish I was 4 years old....... Out of diapers, yet everyone caters to me........ :D :shrug2:
Clear and sunny this morning, no wind, headed to the mid 60s today. Another nice day.

Yesterday the CRF450L got to get out and stretch a bit. Still lots of sand on the roads.
Today the ST may get to be cleaned up, checked out, and taken for a short ride.

Hope everyone has a tremendous Saturday eve.
Morning All, thanks for the FR Keith. Tankereng, what kind of truck do you have? My old dodge Van has a 36 us gallon tank cost me $300 to fill it here in BC, watch the weight when loaded ,easy to blow a tire.
Sunny here ,5C high of 15C later today , only plan for today is replace outside electrical outlet, and install raincover over it,oh yeah install anti-slip strips on porch steps. May get a ride in after said chores, cheers
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