BMW K1600 recall


I saw it today too, my 2012 is in the number series, going to call Tomorrow and see if the software updates that they have already done cover it. Good thing I still have an ST, Huh?

Gotta say though, the dealership experience has been FANTASTIC. The bike does break, (fuel pump , Water pump) but they expedite everything, call and update, provide a loaner bike when needed and bend over backwards to make sure I am satisfied. My local Honda dealer won't even acknowledge that I am in the store unless I make a ruckus, does not have any parts for the bike and then overcharges me on a regular basis in the service department on tires and mounting to the point where I don't give them any business anymore.

You are lucky to have a good BMW dealer . My Grand Rapids , Michigan dealer was the BMW dealer from He!l . Went thru 2 1/2 years of the worst new vehicle grief nobody should ever have to go thru , ending up by me taking them & BMW to court - I won via Magnuson - Moss Federal lemon law.
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