Can I Fly with Motorcycle Gear?


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Jul 3, 2007
Niceville, FL
FJR1300 ES, 2018
Some of my motorcycle gear has Lithium batteries, helmet with attached Sena for example. Garmin XT GPS?

Any problems taking my gear on a commercial airline? Carry on ok? Checked bag (or a box) ok?


Some of my motorcycle gear has Lithium batteries, helmet with attached Sena for example. Garmin XT GPS?

Any problems taking my gear on a commercial airline? Carry on ok? Checked bag (or a box) ok?


You're flying, not riding?
Where are you going Shuey?

Last month I flew on Southwest with laptop, GPS and backup li-ion packs for my android and iPhone.
Nary a blink, no questions asked.
Well, except one TSA stop in Dallas did want to look closely at my DJI drone, and all the stuff in that small case.
I think you should be fine.
The only time I've ever had issues flying with my motorcycle gear was one of my bags had bungee straps in the bottom and the screeners were really confused why they were there. I had a helmet with Sena (not mounted but in my bag with the helmet), jacket, boots, gloves, GPS, lots of other motorcycling stuff and my tablet with me but they couldn't wrap their head around why a bag would have bungees and hooks on the bottom. Finally another agent from a few rows over told them the same thing that I'd been telling them - it's for hooking the bag on the back of a motorcycle - and they let me through.
No problem with batteries or any other stuff.
Small batteries in phones and laptops are not going to be a problem. I would not try to take a jump starter gadget (for your car or motorcycle) mostly because they might not like it and you would have to abandon it at the gate. And leave the spare battery for your Tesla at home.....:rofl1:
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