Cancer again

Glad to help Karl, thanks for letting us be a small part of your care team. Please keep us updated as you can.
I sent you a little something, Karl. I’m praying for your well being.

Thanks for the financial support leaving fo md anderson probably tomorrow
Glad to help Karl, thanks for letting us be a small part of your care team. Please keep us updated as you can.
Cancer is actually grade 4 so the doctor wants me to stay at md anderson another day to discuss my unique previous cancer and new cancer and possibile if any treatments seeing radio oncologist tomorrow
Grade 4. You beat Grade 5. You got this Karl. Thinking about you.

Let us know what your up against and next steps.
Cancer is actually grade 4 so the doctor wants me to stay at md anderson another day to discuss my unique previous cancer and new cancer and possibile if any treatments seeing radio oncologist tomorrow

Best of luck and heartfelt wishes for the best possible result. I have a relative undergoing treatment for a return of cancer, so I have some practice at sending good thoughts. Consider yourself included in them.
I just sent a little something to help you out Karl. Get well buddy. I'll be praying for you.
Thanks for the financial support. diagnosis
New mri 07/27/2020
Testing and diagnoses 08/01/2020
Well at md anderson grade 4 brain cancer they want me to stay another day to dicuss if i have any treatment options
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