
Feb 16, 2007
Burlington County, NJ
Does anyone have a front back and side pic of the carb and the way it is set up in the ST? I put one in my ST and I'm not sure it is set up right. All the vaccume hoses (I think thats what they are) and whee they lead to has me a little concerned.

Any help would be appreciated.

Does anyone have a front back and side pic of the carb and the way it is set up in the ST? I put one in my ST and I'm not sure it is set up right. All the vaccume hoses (I think thats what they are) and whee they lead to has me a little concerned.

Hi Adam,

There are hose, cable, and harness routing schematics/line-drawings in Chapter 1 of the Honda Service Manual, and some more for the carbs in Chapter 5. But here's some pictures for a 1991 standard that may be of some help:
click on the 'next' thumbnails for the rest of them.

Sorry I don't have any good clear ones in my archives of everything all put together. If you could poST some pics of the ones you're worried about I'm sure we could help better.

The only vacuum attached to my 91's carbs is from the #3 cylinder vacuum port to the Auto Fuel Valve (gas petcock). I know that 92 California and all USA ABS/TCS ST1100s also have their #1 cylinder vacuum port leads attached to the AVCV (Air Vent Control Valve) as shown on page 3-9 (Carburetor Synchronization).

Regards, John
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That does help. I was wondering if the two hoses wraped around the front of the carb (looped behind the bracket) attached to. I think I have it all set up right.

Thanks again,

I will burn a copy of my ST1100 service manual and give it to you Saturday.

Adam Buehler (snip):
I was wondering if the two hoses wraped around the front of the carb (looped behind the bracket) attached to..

The two side-by-side hoses pointing downward at the center of the front of the carb box shown here?:

They are Air Vent Tubes... open to ambient and don't connect to anything. The 'elephant nose' hose drooping down below them connects to the large black plastic 'T' connector of the two Air Injection Control Valves, also called Air Suction Valves in the Service Manual (aka: PAIR valves elsewhere).

Regards, John
hey adam

there are some excellent writeups about carbs, removal of the PAIR system etc on the website under the honda/st1100 category. good luck with all that fun!!
Ok, I have a strang find. On my 93 I was loking at the PAIR valve system and noticed there was already blocks placed in the system. Nothing was removed just the blocks in place. Would this cause problems with the system? I hope it may be the cause of the sptit I hear from the carb area at low speeds.


Were the "blocks" placed in both lines? Are they AIR TIGHT going both ways? There need to be 4 blocks (both ways on both lines). If not, you may have found your culprit...

Good luck...

Oh. My manual is the same age as yours. It is now in a 3 ring binder that I bought at Wally World (1 1/2"). Certainly makes it a lot more usable, now. Pretty easy, since it is pre punched...
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All four lines comming out of the sides of te engine (near the plug) has the block out plates. Is that ok to leave in and disable the PAIR system? Or should I get in there and remove the entire system?

If you leave them in place, make sure you properly seal the other ends. Otherwise, you'll have exhaust gases pooting out under your carbs. (That's if you remove the pumps but leave the tubes in place).

If you leave the entire system in place, yes, you can just disable it.

However, if at any time you plan on replacing those troublesome oring seals for the cooling system right there at the heads, you'll have a perfect opportunity to pull the whole system off as you have to remove that one fitting on the right head to pull the system. And if you're pulling that fitting to do the oring job, then that's the perfect time to pull the PAIR.
The "pooting" may be what I hear. It sounds like a spitting sound (short) and sounds like it is comming from under the carb. This could explain the problem that has been driving me crazy. I think I may remove the plates and see what happens. Or maybe I will make the effort and take the entire PAIR system out.
Decisions decisions decisions.....

Adam wrote (snip):
All four lines comming out of the sides of the engine (near the plug) has the block out plates.
and Martin replied (snip):
If you leave them in place, make sure you properly seal the other ends. Otherwise, you'll have exhaust gases pooting out under your carbs. (That's if you remove the pumps but leave the tubes in place).

Just minor point/comment, but if I understand this correctly, all four exhaust manifold air injection ports are currently sealed with 'block-off' plates installed behind the chrome pipes, so there's no way any exhaust gases are going to be 'pooting' back out from there.

IMO Adam will have to look somewhere other than his Air Suction Valves for the source of the sounds in question.

JMHO but here's an idea: go green and remove the plates. Let the system Honda put on your ST do its job. :)

Regards, John
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