Cardo Freecom 4+

Jun 1, 2020
Oklahoma, USA
2006 ST1300
This is my first helmet installed system. I've never had voice comms with passengers or fellow riders. I'm not sure I'll ever use that function. I like the idea of allowing the GPS to give me alerts so I don't have to look at it. I like the idea of listening to my own Pandora stations.

Instructions are so-so on installation. The videos tutorials on installation are meh. Basically, you just feel your way through it.

I installed on a Shoei RF1200. The clip-on install didn't work, so I ended up using the adhesive installation.

The unit is very compact but the buttons are solid, not squishy, and stand out. The controls seem easy to use even with gloves, but I'll know more after tomorrow, the first leg of an 1800 mile trip. It weighs nothing.

The sound quality is good. I'll have more to say about volume range, tomorrow.

Pairing the device was easy. The controls are simple but it will take awhile to remember them. I have decided to start with "reject call."

I routed all the wiring under the padding and put the wad of excess in the back. I don't feel it at all. Not even when I'm wearing the helmet.

You can't expose the USB charging port while the unit is on the helmet. You have to undock it. However, you can use it attached to a battery and extend it's already lengthy (claimed) 13 hours of uptime.

Aside from the claimed quality of the speakers, i got this unit because it is water proof rather than water resistant. With a two year warranty, I'll be happy to test that out. I'll ride in about anything.

I placed the microphone high and off center. That's supposed to be better for avoiding wind noise. However, I have to speak loudly to be heard, even at a standstill. Even so, my nose didn't bonk it and, because it's set to the side, there is zero wire exposure.

Pairing to the phone was easy. Pandora worked exactly as I expected. I didn't try using any voice commands. I don't really want to do that much with it except listen to my road music without having to flip a tape.

At a little under three hundred, I was annoyed at how difficult it was to seat the unit's docking bay to the glued on base. That's really been my only gripe. I'll update after tomorrow's ride.
Thanks for the review. I'm thinking about buying the Freecom 2. Just want it for GPS and music. Not sure how well it will fit in my Neotec 2?
I have the 2 and love it. Do all the updates on the app. I use it for music on the highway and mostly navigation while touring. Works great, synchs immediately with my iPhone. Not sure if the Neotec 2 has pockets near the ear position. The speakers are pretty flat and I can't feel them at all on my Arai Quantum.
I have the Cardo Backtalk Bold, with iASus speaker upgrade. Its the best sounding in-helmet system I have ever seen. (and yes, I've tried Sena and others)
+1 on the iASus speaker upgrade. I find a much better bass response compared to the JBL's (and they sound pretty good) that come with the Cardo. Freecom 4+ for me. I do find the "Hey Cardo" hit and miss for instructions. It does fine for battery status but that's about it. Volume up and down very seldom work for me so I just roll the wheel. Pairs nice on my Goldwing for Carplay.
I checked ebay yesterday and all they had were the X2s - the previous version.
But it was half price. From the site they're $20 more than when JMartin recommended them a couple years back.

They can be ordered through Bezobub for the same price as the iAsus site but they ship from iAsus anyway so maybe Amazon will save the shipping cost.
I've been considering a Cardo system but have reservations. Currently using Bluetooth plugphones that offer a significant dB reduction in wind/road noise, and then audio on top. My concern with using a Cardo with helmet speakers is the lack of ambient noise reduction. Do you have to blast the audio to hear it over the ambient at highway speeds? I realize I could use the Cardo with earplug speakers, but then I'm back to where I am already. One of the disadvantages of the plugphones is they work too well at times, I can't hear people talking to me in a parking lot for example. Everything is a compromise...

So, the ride I was going to take never happened because of a bizarre set of mechanical circumstances. But I've put time on the unit now. My main complaint is the JBLs are a little tinny sounding and there's not enough volume. So I'm ordering iasus 3s. I think you do have to blast, but I'm considering trying a NOJ quiet rider or a windjammer.
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Do you wear earplugs when you ride? I have a Cardo Packtalk Bold. I have no problems hearing it at highway speeds (with earplugs). The volume is not overpowering but I would describe it as, "just enough." I did try a short jaunt without ear plugs but decided fairly quickly that I much prefer wearing the earplugs.

My main complaint is the JBLs are a little tinny sounding and there's not enough volume. So I'm ordering iasus 3s. I think you do have to blast, but I'm considering trying a NOJ quiet rider or a windjammer.
I often wear earplugs but not always. The wind was pretty bad last Sunday when I rode, and I didn't have earplugs on that day. That's when i couldn't hear anything. I don't like to slab very much without my my music.
Can y'all clarify the earplug thing? When you say "earplugs" are you talking about regular, normal hearing protection earplugs? Or earplugs with speakers in them, fed by the Cardo unit? RT
One of the disadvantages of the plugphones is they work too well at times, I can't hear people talking to me in a parking lot for example. Everything is a compromise...
I don't know about the Cardo units but there's something I want to try with my Sena 20S. Mellow pointed out that the helmet speakers in some Sena products can be replaced with earbuds of your choice.

Then the Ambient Mode button on the Sena mount (20S in my case) can be used to pipe external audio through the boom mike and into the 'buds. This would work with the the helmet speakers to but as you point out there's no ambient noise reduction. Maybe the Cardo has a similar feature.
Then the Ambient Mode button on the Sena mount (20S in my case) can be used to pipe external audio through the boom mike and into the 'buds.
I don't think that it uses the boom mike for ambient sound. I have noticed that if you rub your finger along the unit while it is in ambient mode, the sound is picked up at that point and not the boom mike. It seems like there is another microphone in the unit or the cradle for ambient sound. Does anyone know?
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