Concours 1400 Test Ride Re-Post

Ahhhh...I knew it was something like that. Well...Look on the bright side. If there's another outbreak, you're in the perfect location.
Stopped by the local Kawasaki dealer on my way home today after finding out they have one of the new bikes. I don't know anybody there since I've never owned a Kawi so I figured I'd introduce myself and grease the wheels for a future test ride.

The sales guy was pretty honest about the heat and some of the other shortcomings. The exhuast has to go! No pockets, but lots of room under the side panels. He thinks they'll come out with replacement plastic that makes better use of the space. The plastic top piece with the lame door is pretty usuless. Seating position feels pretty good.

It's intersting that the engine is designed for the chain driven bike and they just fit a 90 degree "adapter" to attach the shaft.

Finished off the visit BS'ing with the guy about MotoGP and the upcoming WeSTOC here in the area. We figure it wouldn't be a good idea for them to show up with bike, but then I figure, why not?? :)

He says all the old Connie owners are coming by and bitching about the price?? Are they kidding?? :confused:

Anyway, he tells me to come back with my gear any time for a test ride. Perfect!
Perhaps Honda might give some thought to putting the F1 V10 in next year's ST.

They should do SOMETHING constructive with that motor.

Oh, wait, why would they degrade the ST?
I'm thinking it wouldn't be too hard to tool around with the 1300 motor and get another 20 to 30 hp out of it. I guess we'll have to wait and see what they decide to do. I think they'll step up though.
I love the ST, as stated before and am not in the market for a new bike. However, if I were, the new Connie would be in my crosshairs. I'm a little put off by the honking exhaust, and the windshield is a joke. I do, however, believe that Kawasaki is working hard to nail the sport touring market down. I rode both the FJR and RT before buying the ST, and I can say without a doubt that the ST is the better bike for me. Do I wish it had 30 more HP? Sure! Who doesn't like more power? Even if you may not use it all that much, it's nice to have on tap. Another big negative for the Connie would be the crash / tip-over protection, or perhaps I should say the lack there of. As you say, one drop and I can almost hear the stealer saying "cha-ching". Not having riden the bike, I can say that I have had some seat time, and I really like the feel of the bike. I think the seat is pretty comfy, but that would take a 500 mile trip for me to really commit to. It will be interesting to see what the upcoming reports and testers have to say about the bike. I turned down three other bikes over the ST, and it's going to take a lot to make me go another route at the current time.
My one and ONLY issue with the ST is ergonomics. It seems like all of us, regardless of our height, arm length or inseam, need major modifications to the stock setup just to be able to ride the bike for a day. We ALL need new (or modified) seats, risers and windscreens.

The ST is a great bike, but I can't understand why Honda has allowed well-recognized and universal problems to persist for years. Although I don;t place a lot of stock in the police review of the bike, even that study faulted the stock setup of the ST as far as comfort is concerned.

Yeah, we can -- and have to -- work around these problems, but we shouldn't have to.

I am a Connie man at heart... I too,,, want about 1 year or 5,000 units out the door before even THINKING,,, about making the new Connie mine...

Course,,, it will have to be Red too... ;)

Like this...

tease tease
Like this...

tease tease


I already have the first line in the check book made out for that!!!:bow1:

I would fill in the second line on the check,,, "IF",,, it was a shade more Red,,, but that looks good too...

I would fill in my name on the Check if they will take $12,400 OTD for an ABS,,, and throw in the 3 year extended warranty... :rolleyes:
I stopped by a Kawasaki dealer yesterday again and was surprised to see they still had that 1400 on the showroom floor. The salesman I had talked with two weeks ago said a lot of folks looked at it but no one stepped up to buy. That kind of surprised me.
I don't like that color/shade. My local dealer has an ABS model for $12,900 and a non ABS model for $11,900. I'm anxiously awaiting the reviews.
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