Corbin Smuggler ( thanks so much to SupraSabre )

Oct 6, 2018
Hi all here pics of my smuggler ,thanks to SupraSabre who went out of his way to collect this for me and shipped it to Ireland for me thanks again so much SupraSabre , I have know sent it off to the paint shop to have it matched to my pic ,I'm also collecting up all my service parts over the comming weeks and will give her a good service in the new year which will keep me busy in the garage at the weekends

Looks great. A top case and Smuggler?? Talk about conspicuous consumption! So you had the cost of the Smuggler + shipping + paint. Any customs fees you'd care to reveal? A pretty penny all told but it looks great and will look even better when color matched.
Looks great. A top case and Smuggler?? Talk about conspicuous consumption! So you had the cost of the Smuggler + shipping + paint. Any customs fees you'd care to reveal? A pretty penny all told but it looks great and will look even better when color matched.

Hi ST Gui ,parcel arrived with no custom charges thank god , we label it as used motorcyle part I don't know if that helped but everything was clearly labelled and cost etc , yes cost and shipping but I will save on paint as my uncle is in the paint automotive business , but I still saved they are extremely hard to purchase here and price of a new one are just crazy , but with the help of SupraSabre I took a gamble and payed off ,and was extremely happy with it
Steny365 said:
with no custom charges thank god
The Used bit probably helped but Customs is such a gamble. Lots of little stuff may get passed free but here Customs charge 'guidelines' are 'flexible' so you never really know what's in store. Major props to Supe for helping you out. Can't wait to see your pics of it painted! Congratulations on your project.
The Used bit probably helped but Customs is such a gamble. Lots of little stuff may get passed free but here Customs charge 'guidelines' are 'flexible' so you never really know what's in store. Major props to Supe for helping you out. Can't wait to see your pics of it painted! Congratulations on your project.

Cheers that's true ,over here I think they focus more on electronics stuff but your right it's a hit and miss , yeah I'll get some pics up soon when I get it back painted ,
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