Cowling surrounding speedo/rev counter

May 4, 2017
Devon UK
I need to remove the cowling surrounding surrounding the above and would be grateful for help please. I have the Haynes manual & looked for help there,but couldn't find the answer anywhere. I've had a trawl on the internet again nothing. Now I've had a look around and removed the screen,the screws I can see,the tops lose but as for clock & headlight dimmer & are there even more screw? Need to remove it as I have a crack on the fairing that needs to be fixed & this bit needs to be removed. Thanks
It's been a while since I pulled the dash out for a mod, but the cluster comes out as an assembly. Have to pull mirrors, windshield, and black piece windshield arms go through. There are screws in side that hold the cluster in place (if that is what you are asking)

Edit: Sorry, above is my recollection for 1300, looks like you are talking 1100
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You have to remove or loosen the upper right and left fairing (remove the seat, side panels, tank cover, fairing pockets, mirrors, windshield, garnish, cover first) to get it out. Beware that on the upper fairings, there is a bolt attached to the bottom of the headlight assembly that is hard to see.
I'm sure that the only parts that need to be removed are the seat/maintenance covers/sidecovers/fake tank/left and right inner fairing pockets. Then the screen/garnish/inner screen. After that the instrument panel cover will lift up and out (need to disconnect the headlight adjuster and the clock cables first).
Problem & broke bits all fixed now,thanks for all your help guys,very much appreciated.. All I have to do now is tackle changing the headlight bulb,which looks even worse!
If your ST1100 is an ABS model, it will be easier to get at the bulbs from the bottom. If not, you may be able to get to them from the top by removing the windshield, garnish, etc. I usually do mine from the bottom. I just replaced mine with the Evitek G6 leds and they seem to be working just fine.
Thanks uncle Phil. Mine is the ABS version,so I'll be looking at that over the weekend
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