Does this brake fluid bleeder work?

I prefer the vacuum bleeders myself.. doesn't matter, you can just use a clear tube and do a great job, the key is to follow the maint schedule and not let the fluid get too old.
Heard lots of raving reviews about the motion pro and now this hydrolic bleeder. Is one easier to use for one man to bleed his brakes alone?
Opinions will vary... those that like the motion pro will say it's best for a one-man job but I like the mighty vac and have bled my brakes a few times alone and didn't have any issues.

The motion pro is definitely cheap to try out so you could give it a shot and if you like it, you've saved a lot of $$.
Rumble-Rumble could be an earthquake -No, I think I hear Igofar racing to his computer- Motion-Pro bleeder in hand!!
Heard lots of raving reviews about the motion pro and now this hydrolic bleeder. Is one easier to use for one man to bleed his brakes alone?

Tell you what, I'll look through my garage for the vacuum bleeder (Mity-Vac) that I used only once before Larry (Igofar) educated me about the Motion Pro. Order the MP. Send me a PM, and when I find the vacuum bleeder, I'll ship it to you so you can try them side-by-side, then decide for yourself. You'll only be out of about $20 (for the MP). One catch (isn't there always?): Just return the Mity-Vac, because I'm sure this will happen again and I want to be able to provide it to others. Fair enough?
Tell you what, I'll look through my garage for the vacuum bleeder (Mity-Vac) that I used only once before Larry (Igofar) educated me about the Motion Pro. Order the MP. Send me a PM, and when I find the vacuum bleeder, I'll ship it to you so you can try them side-by-side, then decide for yourself. You'll only be out of about $20 (for the MP). One catch (isn't there always?): Just return the Mity-Vac, because I'm sure this will happen again and I want to be able to provide it to others. Fair enough?

+1 I have both and the MP wins hands down.
Tell you what, I'll look through my garage for the vacuum bleeder (Mity-Vac) that I used only once before Larry (Igofar) educated me about the Motion Pro. Order the MP. Send me a PM, and when I find the vacuum bleeder, I'll ship it to you so you can try them side-by-side, then decide for yourself. You'll only be out of about $20 (for the MP). One catch (isn't there always?): Just return the Mity-Vac, because I'm sure this will happen again and I want to be able to provide it to others. Fair enough?

Convinced! I'll order the MP and surely you'll never hear from me again! Thanks for the offer Darryl! But, with all the positive reviews about the MP, that's the direction I'm going and should I run into any problems, there are so many on hear willing to help that I shall succeed!
The nice thing about the MP bleeder is that once you 'prime' the cylinder, you can stay above the handlebars and keep an eye on the fluid reservoir while you simply pump the lever. With the vacuum style, I seemed to always be in danger of not keeping an eye on the runs dry and you have air in the line. Not as much chance of that happening when you can stand near or sit on the bike while doiing this.
Drum Roll Please.......Ta Da!
Dang I must be getting old to come in 19 posts late on a MOTION PRO brake bleeding tool thread, Oh the shame....
I did a 500 mile day yesterday and took my deceased aunt on her last motorcycle ride and found a beautifiul bluff over the Pacific Ocean surrounded by a field full of wild flowers...
Anyway....I slept in this morning, sue me :well1:
I'm only gonna say this one time....Motion Pro Bleeder.....
Ask anyone who witness the bleeding frenzy at the garlic tech event! (just don't ask about the 1100's mud that killed mine)
When you purchase yours, just make sure to purchase some clear 3/16ID x 5/16OD clear tubing from your hardware store. Don't use the soft stuff that comes with the tool or you'll be fighting leaks.
With this simple tool, as witnessed by other members, it is possible to bleed the complete system of an ST1300 or GL1800 in about 45 minutes by yourself, and end up with NO air in the system.
As far as the few folks that still use a....I can't even say that word....We'll forgive'll come around sooner or later :rofl1:
Igofar has left the bldg. :bow1: (I'm putting new rear pads in MY bike today and bleeding the system)
When you purchase yours, just make sure to purchase some clear 3/16ID x 5/16OD clear tubing from your hardware store. Don't use the soft stuff that comes with the tool or you'll be fighting leaks.

That could be the problem I was having. It was pretty much a useless tool for me as it kept popping off as soon as any pressure went through the system, maybe I got one that's been sitting around a while. I'll hit home depot and get some tubing and give it another try.
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