Escort Mounted (low profile)

Jul 18, 2008
Eagle, Idaho
ST1300 2005
I just finished (finally) my radar mount farkle. I'm using an Escort 8500 with a Screamer. It took me a while to figure it out because I wanted it low profile.

Anyway, here's a link to show what it looks like in case there's interest...

Nice job. My only concern would be if you went over a really harsh bump that required full suspension movement - but otherwise, a nice solution to a stealth installation.
I like it also, good idea. Of course lidar won't work and then there's the getting wet and being stolen?

Didn't listen to the vid but saw it, maybe you have solutions for those? velcroed on to easily remove? they do make a specialized plastic case for the 8500, would probably be perfect to avoid rain.

but definitely a good idea, out of sight for the most part.

Man, a bird would take that off my bike in about the first 200 miles! LOL

But seriously, how will that be OK in the rain?
Hey guys thanks for the feedback. Not the solution for everyone, I realize.

On the rain we get effectively no measurable precipitation in Idaho from Jul 1 to Sept 1 and only 10in/year total. If I lived in another area I'd go with the plastic case as suggested (and I may yet). For now, yes it is just industrial velcro-ed with a safety strap so it is quite easy to remove.

On theft: out of sight = minimal temptation...and velcro removal for higher risk situations.

On the clearance, agreed, it was a consideration. I think I'm OK but I did want to keep the thickness to a minimum. There is also a little flex in the cowling under the headlight for the emergency situation.

On lidar, I think it's just the rear port that you give up. Which is a reasonable trade-off for me. I figure it's rather hard to beat lidar in any case (if they are beaming at you specifically then you won't have time to react). Fortunately lidar is still relatively rare around here since it requires more setup on LEOs part.

I've heard first hand that if stopped by LEO the visible presence of a radar detector doesn't help your situation...

Thanks again; I'll keep testing it and let you know how it goes!

Been running 8500 Escorts under my headlights on my ST1100s for quite a while. I put mine in a Radio Shack Project box (6"x4"x2"), cut out part of the front panel and replaced with clear plexiglas, sealed with silicone II. Routed the sound into my Valk CB system. On the ST1100, the clearance is fine unless you really hit a major pot hole where the forks bottom out really hard. With the project box, it's waterproof, theftproof and out of sight. I control the power to it from a switch mounted in the left fairing pocket (my Virginia/Canada 'mod'). BTW, the power cord for the 8500 Escort is the same as an RJ11 phone cord. You only need the hot and the ground for the power - the middle two (usually read and green wires). So you should be fine. BTW, as far as the 'rear' port goes, most of the time your body blocks it anyway. I figure laser detection usually just tells you that a ticket is on it's way! ;-)
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I've actually thought of just dropping my Beltronics STi in one of the glove boxes. I recently discovered that it worked just fine inside the closed center console of a rental car. I'd stuck it inside when I went into a store (and was using that power outlet for convenience of tucking it away when away from the car) and forgot it was in there. Went off well in advance of a Leo running radar (obviously wouldn't work for lidar).

Anyway, nice set-up. Can you actually hear the screamer whilst riding and do you typically use earplugs?
Thanks Phil, good to know. I may end up encasing mine at some point.

Raven, I was pleasantly suprised, no problem ** at all ** hearing the screamer at 80 mph (beyond that I don't know yet <g>). It wakes you right up (I was riding w/o ear plugs though). Without the screamer there's no way to hear it.

A couple of things that help: a) STs are quieter of course, b) the screamer instructions say to point the speaker towards you and with a direct line of sight to your ear, which I did for the most part.

The screamer is a little odd sounding, like a loud bird chirping. I guess that's because it's actually a piezo device more than a speaker. Anyway it is effective.

I've heard that radar works fine through plastic but not so much through metal so the fairing pocket might work well.

Speaking of fairing pocket, I now have a power outlet in mine and was going keep my GPS in there while riding (I'm not so good at multi-tasking <g>). I'm just a little worried about the heat. Anybody have advice on cooking (or not) your goodies in the pocket? Has that been an issue?
I used to 'bury' my old detectors inside the body work of the ST1100 and they worked fine other than the laser detection. You've got to figure that the bodywork is not as thick as a windshield so x-band,k-band, etc. picks up fine. By routing it through my Valk CB/Intercomm I can adjust the volume as needed once I set the unit. I do have to have the Escort isolation cable because I use a Radio Shack y-cable to share the feed with my MP3 jukebox in the trunk. Just set the volume on the detector where it is slightly louder than the MP3 and you are good to go. Also, the Escort has a 'quiet down' feature after the first alert which is really nice.
I used to 'bury' my old detectors inside the body work of the ST1100 and they worked fine other than the laser detection. You've got to figure that the bodywork is not as thick as a windshield so x-band,k-band, etc. picks up fine...


I used to have a Cobra radar detector stuffed into the fairing on my ST1100 with the audio going into the intercom. It was easy to hear and not a distraction, especially with the radar detector speaking plain english and the level of the signal by the frequency of the beeps.

Now on my ST1300 I'm using a 2-piece unit. It still speaks plain english and the signal level is given by the frequency of the beeps. The antenna is located behind the plastic in the front of the bike with the controls in the fairing pocket.

In both cases, out of the weather and out of sight, nothing to bother nearby pedestrians and/or motorists and no distracting lights.

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