Farewell, "Grandma" Sharp...

Prayers are sent to the descendants of the Sharp family. I too had the chance to have discussions of the old ways from Grandma Sharp. What a life and what a great person. God bless you guys for being who you were in her life.
My thoughts and prayers to your family.

I had the pleasure of meeting Grandma and playing Euchre as her partner at OhioSTOC a few years back. As I recall, we won every game. What a great time that was.
Pat, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. From all that I've read about her from your posts over the years, what a wonderful lady she was. Rest in Peace Helen...
Grandma was amazing! So is the rest of the clan with all their goodness. Hugs to all. Grandma had many friends and those that met her will have fond memories.
So sorry to hear such sad news, Pat. Your family was so lucky to have her for so many years. Count your blessings. She will be missed by many more than your family alone.
Love you Grandma Sharp! We had so much fun at OH-Stoc and MLR playing euchre and just talking. If you got close to her to talk she would grab your hand and hold on to you for the longest time. The time while holding her hand was always warm and heartfelt. Stories would be bountiful. Great times, great memories, never to be forgotten. Truly she is an angel now! Thanks Annette and Pat for sharing her with us.
She was a fine lady. So glad I got to meet her at OH-STOC a couple of times. We will all miss her. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Pat and Annette and family. RIP Helen.
So sorry to hear this....She was one of the many spokes in the wheel that makes OHSTOC so very special....RIP Grandma.
Grandma Sharp was an integral part of the OH-STOC family. She will be missed by all. Condolences for your loss and know you are not alone in your grieving.
What a fine, funny lady! When everyone else was tired from a long day of OHSTOC riding, Grandma Sharp and I stayed up late talking baseball. (See Pat's original post...there we are on the front porch.) Despite repeated attempts, she couldn't get the Reds game to come in on her radio at the campground, so we TALKED baseball instead. I'm a Red Sox fan, so quickly our conversation migrated to the 1975 World Series, which turned out better for Reds fans, I seem to recall. ;-) Grandma Sharp and Annette made a blackheart cherry pie with fruit from the tree in her yard. She said it was for me--as long as I shared it, which I did. She was mentioned in my Rider magazine article about SE Ohio and whenever I saw her (at another OHSTOC and at Moonshine) we'd always connect and remember that story. RIP, my friend. My sympathies to Annette, Pat, Bre, and all your loved ones.
Thank you all for your condolences and having us in your thoughts and prayers!! There aren’t enough words to describe the beauty which was Grandma and how she touched others’ lives just by her presence. I’m glad we were able to share her with so many others around the world. Whether, you physically meet her or just through the posts Pat wrote about her, she was bound to leave an impression on you. She enjoyed life and took it all in. She was happiest when she was holding a baby on her lap, and she held many, or when she was able to be out and about making new friends and experiencing life. She was a worker. I can’t remember too many times when Grandma sat idle. Unless, she was visiting with someone, but even then, she was holding a hand and talking a mile a minute. She told me a few times, “Oh honey, I’ve had many an experience.” I had the pleasure of hearing about some of them.

Thank you all again for the time you took to say hi to her, hold her hand and listen to a story, helping her peel potatoes at OH-Stoc, sitting with her, playing euchre with her, hand delivering a birthday card to her at our home, including her in a published article, helping her get in and out of the sidecar, and video tapping and taking pictures of her when she took that ride. I sat and watched through the videos and pictures of the sidecar ride, what a wonderful and special memory we shared with her. I pieced together a 25-minute movie with some photos and video clips, including the sidecar ride. The movie played on Sunday during the calling hours, we had so many people comment. They either couldn’t believe she was able to do that at the age of 93 or they remember Grandma telling them about her adventure. You knew when something was special to Grandma, because she talked about it, repeatedly.
I will have hugs to give from Grandma, during OH-Stoc. They won’t be as good as Grandma hugs, but I will try.

May we all have a blessed 2018,
Ahh. 2 hugs from you. Where's the line start at ???

On a serious note. I can say that it's people like grandma that we get to meet in our life to learn from and enjoy. So glad I and the other guys here had the opprutunity.
Meeting Grandma Sharp at the first OH-STOC I attended, listening to her stories while she gave us Euchre lessons, and eating her pies, my life was brightened. Since then, whether I attended OH-STOC or not she has been in my thoughts frequently throughout each year, inspiring me to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment. The 5th of May has been on my digital calendar for years and will remain there to remind me of her warm smile, caring attitude and zest for life.

RIP Helen,
Thank you, Pat & Annette, for sharing Grandma Sharp with us. She was a unique part of OHSTOC. I always had a smile on my face after unpacking my gear after arriving at Lake Hope because I knew she would sitting on the front porch with twinkle in her eye waiting to catch up.

I'll also confess to having a twinkle in my own eye when I gave her a baseball t-shirt...waiting for her to open it and discover it was not a Reds t-shirt but a Blue Jays t-shirt:)

From the interactions I had with her over the past several years I know that she was a special woman and she touched a lot of lives. My own is richer for knowing her.
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