Finally got my A1C level down


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Nov 13, 2011
Theta TN
2015 Versys 1000LT
I've always had trouble with my sugar levels being elevated. Partially, I suppose from having diabetics in the family on both sides. I never took it seriously until 3 months ago, when my routine physical showed my A1C level to be 9.1, definitely in the diabetic range. The doctor put me on Glimeperide tablets and said to watch my diet. Well, I went cold turkey on the carbs. In the past 3 months, the only bread that I've eaten has been 1/2 a roll at a restrarant. Not a single potato, and only one meal with pasta. My pharmacist said that any alcohol could be dangerous with the medications, so guess what? I gave up all alcohol. It sounds funny, but I miss the pie more that I miss my beer.

Anyway, it has paid off. My tests this week showed my A1C level down to 6.2, the lowest that it's been in many years. I've lost about 8 lbs. and I'm slowly learning to like raw vegetables and fruits.

The bad news from the visit to the doctor is I found out I have Type A Flu, despite taking the shot.

Ride Safe
That's great John! Just think how much better you'll feel once you get rid of that Flu! ;)

We found out a few years back the my youngest son was type 1 Diabetic. It happened when he spend a year loosing 100 LBS. (Went from 280 to 180) And we found out when he tried to go into the Air Force. It was the first of the new year that he was put back on my health insurance, so he went to the doctor (about a moth after the AF tests). And his level was so high that they gave him a shot on the spot. The next day (a Saturday) we got a call from the Dr's office to get him to a hospital immediately! He was really close to going into a diabetic coma!

Scary stuff! :eek:4:
I recently became type 2 as well with my latest A1C being 8.2 :(
Taking it seriously now so hopefully I can get a good number like yours ....... and ya the no cake thing is way harder than no cider or beer for me too LOL
Good going John!
That's a lot of dedication and tough work.

Again, congratulations!
John, nice job on getting the A1C down to 6.2, that's right in the normal range. I've been diabetic for 34 years and only had A1C results like that a couple of times. I'm usually in the high 7's , 8's and 9's.

The typical reason for pushing lower A1C's by doctor's is they state that it prevents complications. However talking with my endocrinologist she says the latest research shows there is very little correlation between A1C and development of complications, it's just as likely you will develop or NOT develop complications regardless if the A1C is high or low. I say this as i have beaten myself up over getting lower numbers over the years and been beaten up by a few doctors too. Despite my less than stellar performance in the A1C department i've avoided the complications with the one exception that i've had to have optical laser surgery and needles in the eyes a few times (talk about a good day out) for retinopathy.

At the end of the day you have to do what works for you and only for you. It sounds like dropping out carbs lowered it for you but you have to be very careful and remember that with the med you are taking any additional unplanned activity or exercise could cause you to go hypoglycemic as you don't have that reserve of energy that carbs give you. I'm sure you know that already though so i don't want to sound preachy because i know that drives me mad when i've had an ill-informed Doctor lecture me telling me "it's your life and your death", almost pulled one across his desk one day for that comment, my wife was there to stop my imminent arrest for assault!!:).

I've tried to cut carbs entirely but it didn't work for me, i went low too often and just felt weak and tired. But i have reduced them significantly. Best place i ever wwent to as a patient was the Barbara Davis Center in Denver, Colorado. Many of the nurses there were also diabetic as were some of the Doctors and they understood the challenges that people with our condition deal with. While they did not encourage it, they often said a piece of cake occasionally would cause no harm and the odd beer or two was OK. They were more concerned about cigarette smoking and keeping blood pressure under control. They taught there without lecturing, great place.

I wish you well John, good health and good riding. I've never let my condition get in my way or hold me back. They only thing being diabetic screwed up for me was it killed my career in the RAF before it started. But i got over that too.

all the best John
I think that's the best A1C I've seen in a diabetic. I've been type 1 for 38 years, just saw my doc and had 6.5 which was a personal best for me.
Unfortunately the foods I like the most are the highest in carb's, pizza, Chinese, Mexican...
Blood pressure is very important, keep that in control and you have a much better chance of limiting/avoiding damage to your kidney's & eyes.
My A1C is in the low 6's but fasting sugar has been 250 to 300 SO, an A1C is not a perfect indicator. I am weaning off the pills that squeeze the pancreas (glipizide) and substituting insulin long and short acting. The pens are a breeze. Artificially increasing insulin production MAY make things worse in the long run. That is arguable. Metformin is a better bet,(decrease insulin resistance), but I can only handle 1000mg. Wish I could take 2000. Belly won't abide it.
Anyway since going on 8 units of short acting before dinner and 18 units long acting at bedtime my numbers are behaving while my A1C is unchanged. Moral being TEST OFTEN.
Also don't think of insulin as a punishment. It's my belief that it's better for you then many meds out there.
I have been at this for about 20 years. No eye damage yet. Slight numbness in my feet but not getting worse. I'm 62.
Sugar crashes really suck if you havent had one yet. Learn to read the signs and catch it quick as you can. Or your afternoon is shot.
Good luck!
EDIT: I just noticed you are 66. If you keep things in check pretty good you will never suffer too much. It takes a LONG time to damage things if you mind your business.
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The A1C is also hard for me. I have been diabetic for about 17 years. It runs in the family. I went in for a visit about 2 years ago after I had been out of town working to get meds and have a check up. We had been putting in about 90 hours a week to get a store open for my daughter for about 2 months . We worked all the way up till midnight the night before the grand opening. I think I sleep for 2 straight days when I finally got home. I thought I should get things checked out since I was pushing 60 at the time and make sure things where ok. I mean I was wore out. The doctor run all the test and came back and said you are doing great your A1C is like a normal person. Keep on doing what you have been doing. Really if that is what it takes I am in big trouble. No way I was going to work like that forever. Last November we move the store. You know what happen again and my Dr. just laughed. John 6.2 is great. Keep up the good work.
Great to hear John but a bummer about the Flu. Get well soon and we'll have to go for a ride somewhere. Really don't care where. Take care of yourself.
Congrats on the results. I quit drinking about 3 years ago and I don't miss it nearly as much as I thought I would. It can't be healthy, it's a solvent.
I like the low carb tortillas too. We have been conditioned to eat foods with our hands. The byproduct of that is we eat lots of bread. Might want to get on Amazon and find an old copy of the Protein Power book by Dr Eades. It explains why the low carb lifestyle works. It has taken 20 years, but the medical community has finally started to embrace the concepts set forth in this book first published in the late 90s. There may be a more recent edition.
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