First hot day on the ST

In other words, the difference between 65 ambient and 80 is substantial and I should expect the same thing when it goes from 80F to 95F? How do you guys ride these things all day? I will admit I'm sensitive to everything so I'm sure it's me.

80 to 90 is where I notice the heat the most. Below that and I really don't feel the heat from the bike. Above that and EVERYTHING is hot!! The ambient air temperature affects me more than the heat coming off the bike. I have ridden in 110+ degree heat and I will sweat like a pig but, as long as I keep moving and I have an adequate supply of water to rehydrate myself, I can keep reasonably comfortable. Stuck at a stoplight for a minute or two and I start to roast from the inside out.
Auron, before heat management mod, I could not ride above 90F. After the mod, 100F, no problems. Then comes the second question, what kind of shape will you be in when you arrive? Tired and exhausted or just hot and bothered? Some of the gears like hydro vest, mesh outfits, beadrider will help your comfort level during the ride, thereby arrive in better form.
Auron, before heat management mod, I could not ride above 90F. After the mod, 100F, no problems. Then comes the second question, what kind of shape will you be in when you arrive? Tired and exhausted or just hot and bothered? Some of the gears like hydro vest, mesh outfits, beadrider will help your comfort level during the ride, thereby arrive in better form.

What mods did you do?
Heat was a deal breaker for me, sold it and couldn't be happier. This bike does have a heat issue, it's annoying as hell and if you are sensitive to heat in any way do not buy this bike. If only my new 2016 FJR could be built as well.
If you ever want another i would suggest the following mods
Mylar foil under seat and tank reduces the heat a lot.
Wrap the headers my after market ones would glow red.
Change the exhausts the originals add a lot of weight and hold heat
Ideally just buy one with after market pipes and do the above mods.
the mylar thing took my bike from nasty to barely noticeable do all 3 and you will have no issue with heat.
Lastly if you really want further reduction leave off the lower fairings.
I think the easiest answer is free-er flowing aftermarket pipes. My Staintunes significantly reduced the heat around the tank and just generally. I have ridden in plenty of 105+ days, in full gear and its not the heat of the bike that is the problem, its just the heat. I also have a cooling vest that works great to combat the blow dryer effect (driving in air so hot its no longer cooling).

Now, on my last trip (came through Glacier Park on Wednesday) I was wishing for a little more heat. 32 degrees, and worried about ice... Thank god for my electric jacket and electric gloves.

If you ever want another i would suggest the following mods
Mylar foil under seat and tank reduces the heat a lot.
Wrap the headers my after market ones would glow red.
Change the exhausts the originals add a lot of weight and hold heat
Ideally just buy one with after market pipes and do the above mods.
the mylar thing took my bike from nasty to barely noticeable do all 3 and you will have no issue with heat.
Lastly if you really want further reduction leave off the lower fairings.

I'm curious about the mylar foil mod. Where do you get it? And can you give any details of the install? Thanks.
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