Friday 16 Feb - How Good is this Coffee?

I know, I know, that's "brutally cold" to some of you, but this is eastern Canada - we were all born covered in fur. (Now, there's an image!)

Sounds Neet!


for supper last night, I had wild sole fillets poached in a tomato, garlic, lime and cilantro sauce over a bed of sauteed rapini (or broccoli rabe, if that's what it's called in your neck of the woods).

Beats having the "Big Mac in a blender" homemade MCsmoothie!
.... the price of petrol. It went up 6.5 cents/L overnight. That's $0.2457 a gallon for you imperialistic folks.

Is that UK gallon or US gallon? Either way, it's around AU$1.11 or AU$0.93 per litre. We're currently at around AU$2.00 (US$1.30 / CA$1.75) per litre. Reckon Ray is hurting a lot more.
Is that UK gallon or US gallon? Either way, it's around AU$1.11 or AU$0.93 per litre. We're currently at around AU$2.00 (US$1.30 / CA$1.75) per litre. Reckon Ray is hurting a lot more.

US gallon. I did the conversion for the folks South of me who don't get litres (or celcius..) The fact there are two type of gallons is even odder.

Current price for fuel here is as follows. (Cdn cents / litre)

So from below 164.9 = $1.649 / L


Yeah, UK is worse I've heard.
Full-serve, dunno if there's any of them left over here. Petrol price vary greatly here, only a few weeks ago I got RON 91 for around $1.75 per litre, now its around $2.00. Here's a snapshot of average prices over the past few months.

Back on topic. It's Saturday here, just finished my second coffee.
Evening all.......
Thanks @Williamson for the start. Glad to see you again. But offer better coffee next time.

Up before the sun for a long drive to the better ski hill. 130 miles one way.
Condition were absolutely fantastic. Best day of the whole season. 21 degrees, clear and sunny, 10" of freshy fresh pow pow......

Went alone so met a few folks on the lift. One from Chicago and one from London . Sorry, no snow bunnies.....

I will sleep well, hope everyone else does too.
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