Friday April 19th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
Or B MOT day as it's known over here. Let's have some French Roast before I check er over.
Er'Indoors is away to Berwick-upon-the-Tweed for Jumpy stuff. I'm sitting here wondering why my stomach gets bigger and ers don't. Pffffffftttttt.
The weather, it's best described as Woolerumnal really, we may see 50, we may see sun, we may get blown about......we may not.
I think I might need some bike riding kit out of the store. Pffffffftttttt.
Yesterdays best purchase on our shoppin adventure was Craster Smokehouse Dry Cured Back Bacon. It's a thing of beauty. Craster Smokehouse is on the coast near to here and they mainly smoke kippers. The inside of the kilns are dripping with fish oil and they do the bacon in the same smoke. It's good. But expensive.
I'll do bacon and fried egg butties for you one morning, but not today, I've got tyre pressures to check and stuff.
Av a gud un and remember, remember where you left your hard hats, you might need them. I spose at least we've all got helmets.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray. Until the day comes when I get my bacon and fried egg butty I'm making do with a couple asiago cheese bagels. They'll get the job done.

It's 49°F and cloudy in Rockville, causing me to consider whether I want to wear a long-sleeved under layer on my ride to Union Station this morning. Might not be bad to have one somewhere in my kit, "just in case". By the time Rockville reaches its expected high of 66 I'll be most of the way to Charlotte NC, or should be if Amtrak is running anywhere near schedule.

Lots to do yesterday meant I never opened the package of plug cutter drill bits, so that task will wait until I return in a dozen days or so.

It's to be a hotel tour rather than camping, meaning I should have time and wherewithal to keep checking in on you ruffians while I'm away.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

I'm sitting here wondering why my stomach gets bigger and ers don't.

The reason is you need a big roof over a big tool shed.

@ibike2havefun have a great trip, although the ride down is a bit of a cheat from you saying you were "training for a long ride."

Weather wise it's -1C here, so no bikey-bikey for me to work this morning. It's sunny though cool, but should pop up to +12C later in the day.

I'm off tomorrow for 3 days to go semi-move Thing2 at uni. She's working there this Summer vs. coming home, but we have to move her from her current dorm to the Summer dorm. (And then back again in the Fall.) This involves bringing all her Summer needs down and taking school & Fall stuff back, only to repeat again later on.

Lastly, but not least, today's random sentence from the generator: When he had to picnic on the beach, he purposely put sand in other people’s food.

How rude!

Enjoy your Friday,

Oh, and I figured I'd give Temu (the online shopping site) a try after asking folks here about it.

I bought a hidden hitch for the new Wing. I wanted one that attached to the bike's fame and not the subframe. That left 3 choices: Bushtec, Rivco or Denray. Between those I preferred the Rivco design. The cheapest I found was going to be about $500Cdn. Temu had the Rivco (unbranded of course - likely an over run from the factory that makes Rivco) for a lot less.
It's a gamble, but all in (taxes, customs, shipping, exchange etc included) was $244.67.. just over 50% off the other best price.

If it comes, and it works, that's a win in my books.

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Mornin’ y’all. Thanks for the coffee this morning, Ray.

It’s 63, after overnight rain. Partly cloudy now, with expected high of 86. Household chores are on today’s list, if I can remember where I put the list.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

It's cloudy and 41, going to 57 for today's high.
Rain, tonight.

Yesterday, we met with the prospective contractor, and it went well. He'll provide an intro to his preferred kitchen designer, and we'll move forward with electrical and plumber subs to firm out the estimate.
Afterward, I went to the gym, and not much else.
I dropped off the trimmed light panels at my friend's restaurant, and will install them this morning.
I received the new mower belt, and I'll try to install that today. Brenda pointed out the lawn length out front, and I may end up mowing by hand...

@ibike2havefun have a good trip.

Enjoy the day,
Good Morning All!
Is there any "coffee" left or is it more like vac-resid now?
Ah! OK then, I've made some newer stuff anyway called "Tractor Gearbox" - guaranteed to wake the dead.

Whew! Mr Tractor and I dun wore ourselves out yesterday.
We dug for hours moving dirt and rock from the Bahama Ranch.
Wow, wouldn't it be nice if all I had to do was just dig in the dirt - but not here in Paradise.
I spent at least several hours extracting boulders from bucket size to fist size - whew.

It's a bit dreary here today with marginal risks all over according to the hyperbole channel.
That's part of the reason we worked so long yesterday.
Progress is slow but steady.

I may do more today or I may not - oh, me aching bones...

Y'all have a winnerfull day!

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Ray, though shame on you for teasing us with the prospect of bacon and fried egg butties! Fine, I'll make my own, then. Pfffffttt.

It's another overcast, rainy day here, and there's a breeze, so it's a bit chilly. 7°C/45°F right now and 14°C/57°F later.

@ibike2havefun: Have a lovely journey, Keith! Looking forward to some pics.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe, go safely and remember, no butties for YOU! :(

Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray!
Here’s hoping the B does well at the MOT inspection!
Keith, enjoy your trip & please stay safe!
Miss Judy & I are dragging my pal Harry out for breakfast & we’ll catch up on what’s new in the area!

Cool & wet here in Stokes Bay this morning!
Enjoy your Friday
Thanks for the coffee and the fish story this morning, Ray. Without your enlightenment, I would not have known the difference between a kipper and a red herring.

Just another day here, but high in the low 80s... but with a 40s chance of rain. Not good for the carpet lining in the dog trailer. Darn.

Local news story is about several families of deceased inmates suing a major university for removing organs without permission. How macabre! Have they been taking lessons from China? Wowza.

Now, I don't know this Francis fellow, but he may be on to something...

Our heads are round so thought can change direction.
-- Francis Picabia
good morning all. thanks Ray for the coffee. 55F on the dog walk with clouds and some stars to view as we walked. I might be seeing things. when I took dog #2 for his walk I saw a black cat in the front yard of a neighbors house. I was 3 houses away but it was big like a mountain lion. when the dog started to bark it turned and ran between the house's. its movement was graceful and was gone in a second. Dog was going crazy on the end of the leash. I tried to tell him that was on cat he didn't want to screw with. all I know it was no house cat. installed the door hinge yesterday and replaced a leaking A/C hose on the 99 Subaru. today I will drive it to the gym to test out the A/C as it will be 93F for the high. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning all! Another gorgeous day here in paradise; 4C with clear skies and 15C with sun to come.

Went for a walk around the harbour here yesterday at lunch as it was so nice out. Got a few kms in. Felt it last night in the knees though, guess I need to slow the recovery trajectory and not do too much. Riding home last night I kept feeling this hair brush across my face and nose, darn annoying. I'd try to get it rid of it at every stoplight but to no avail. Got home and found one trapped in the arm of my sunglasses. It's always the little things that are the most annoying....children....dogs.....

Have a great trip Keith, hope it all goes well.

And hope everyone else also has a great day!
Went for a walk around the harbour here yesterday at lunch as it was so nice out. Got a few kms in. Felt it last night in the knees though, guess I need to slow the recovery trajectory and not do too much. Riding home last night I kept feeling this hair brush across my face and nose, darn annoying. I'd try to get it rid of it at every stoplight but to no avail. Got home and found one trapped in the arm of my sunglasses. It's always the little things that are the most annoying....children....dogs.....

Seems the knees of a few outweigh the knees of the many.

And a recurring annoying brush with a hair is better than a brush with Death.
Good morning and thank you for the morning start. 51 in Safford Arizona going to 92 later in the day but I won't be here for that as I am heading home.

Camped outside of Clifford Arizona last night.

Enjoy your day and be safe out there.

Awesome sunset shot, Mike. Almost reminds me of Mt. Doom, only subdued.
Morning Ray & All from mixed clouds and Sun, in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 41F, heading for 69F (an hour ago it said 70F would be the high... :well1: , no winds now, but later we could see them out of the NW @ 10 to 14mph.

Chris is getting all of her stuff ready for her week down in ST George. Her & her friend will be leaving around 11AM. Once she is gone, I'll use her garage area to finish up the 2004 for my ride down to Las Vegas tomorrow, to see Justin. It will be nice to get the bike out for the day! :thumb:

And then when I get back, a week's worth of no supervision! What could go wrong? :think1:

Lazyman's breakfast, with banana. Pepsi to come later.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
I bought a hidden hitch for the new Wing.
Is that a brand name, or do you mean a hitch that is hidden from view?
If it is the latter, and had I known you were looking for such, I would have mentioned a company here in Quebec who custom makes hitches that are almost invisible when the trailer is not connected. Below is a photo of the hitch that they made for an ST1300. The standard two-inch receiver is hidden behind the fender. The ball platform simply slides in to it and extends back behind the fender to receive the trailer when needed. Pretty slick design.

Armoric ST1300 Hitch 04.JPG
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