Green Bay Shoreline Day Trip, 6/12/11

Mar 28, 2009
Appleton, WI USA
09 ST1300
I've been meaning to ride a couple interesting-on-a-map roads a hundred or so miles north of me for some time, and with predictions of sun and forecasted highs in the high 60s to low 70s, today seemed like the perfect day. I laid the route out, and it appeared to be about 4 - 4? hours round trip, which meant I needed to leave by 1 to ensure I was back in time to make dinner.

After mowing the lawn and some miscellaneous household tasks, I zoomed north on US41, leaving the house at 1:45pm. I rode past the city of Green Bay, and turned north toward the Upper Peninsula.

Exiting at Suamico, I gassed up and headed east on county roads, finally turning north on Cty J just west of the west coast of Green Bay. I followed it north to Oconto, where I rode out onto a one-lane causeway, which terminated a couple hundred yards into Lake Michigan:

Oconto City-20110612-00381.jpg

Turning north, I followed along the water's edge, catching occasional glimpses of blue water through the alternating woods and residences. Eventually the road dove into the forest, and for what seemed like forever this is the view I had:

Little River-20110612-00382.jpg

Emerging at Peshtigo, I hopped on US 41 briefly before exiting and heading to County Highway BB, and then B. B looked very interesting on a map, but the low speed limit and enormous turkey I nearly clipped when the limit increased to 55 kept me cautious and removed a large amount of the potential fun from the road. Turning east and then north, I rode to Marinette and crossed the bridge into Michigan, more to prove a point than anything else.

After encountering a roadside attraction:


US41 south a few miles back through Marinette brought me to State Hwy 180, which was the main reason for my ride. 180 follows the Menominee River, ending in Wausaukee. I raced along the sweeping curves and found myself a beautiful spot for a quick break at a bend in the river:



180 is 30 miles long, and as I mentioned ends at US141 and Wausaukee. Wausaukee, the “Ranger City,” is a small town with a great spot for a break along the railroad tracks:



While I was waiting in line, a train came through, pulling probably two dozen railcars full of timber:


From here, it was 141 to 41 and back to Appleton, with a total of 220 miles for the day.

Sorry for (1) the crappy cell phone pics and (2) the size of the pics, I reduced them down but apparently not quite enough.
Nice work. Next time you're in GB, make sure to stop in at Bay Beach and ride the Zippin' Pippin.
Eh, I may go there this summer - it's only a half hour or so from home to there.

I've heard from colleagues at work that it's "classic wooden coaster"; in other words, it seems, sounds, and feels like it's going to fall apart the whole time you're on it. That's not for me :scared2:
That description sounds like most of the bikes I ride! :)

By the way, your route looks great. I'm back in town in a few weeks to visit family. Any place you recommend to rent a bike? I'd like to explore some of the roads you mention. They look great to ride.
I don't have personal experience with rentals, but a quick look shows that the H-D dealerships rent bikes - Appleton's dealership among them.

I also found this company, in Sturgeon Bay. Seems like a lot of restrictions, and 150 miles isn't real far.

Although they are renting to H-D riders! :D


You should leave a few days early and ride over!
We're on a fixed schedule, unfortunately. But I'm sure I could talk my Dad into a longer ride. If we get down that way, I'll PM you to see if you're available. Thanks for the great route information.
If you get on a bike at all while you're here, let me know and I'll ride up. It's just a short hop over to Titletown.
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