Heart Cath anyone?

I had an Angiogram a few months after I broke my ankle a couple of years ago. I remember the warm feeling when they injected the dye, it was a strange feeling. They found a minor blockage but not enough to require a stent. I was on meds for a while but gradually got off them. Bruising was a *****, I couldn't hit anything with bruising. Since I've been off the meds no issue with bruising. It did bother me slightly when I rode but figured it was just another risk of being on the bikes. Changed my diet and that has helped as well.

Good Luck
Please have everthing taken care of before ArkanSTOC. I 'll be ready to ride with you and Al again!
I'll be saying a prayer for you buddy!
I now exercise regularly and, as many of my fellow riders know, take a bunch of pills every day. They took me off Plavix after 18 months and it's now a full aspirin a day. I never stopped riding and to the many who tell me I'm nuts for so doing, I reply, you know, I damn near died laying in bed one morning so let's put it in perspective.

Had my stent put in 5 years ago. At that time there were two kinds of stents..drug coated (with Plavix I believe) and uncoated. The same night I had the procedure done they came on the evening news and announced that. I had already had a drug coated stent put in and my doctor recommended plavix for life which I still take. I have nuclear stress tests done every two years and checkups and ekg's every nine months or so. Remember if you are taking aspirin or plavix daily and you"re scheduling a colonoscopy you have to come off those pills for a week or so before the procedure. Since the stent was put in I have been fine. I did not want to watch the stent being put in no more than I want to watch my colonoscopy....good nite Doc!
Well guys tomorrow is the big day. I'm a little nervous but not too much. Like I said, I had a heart cath 15 years ago, and it wasn't that bad, but 5 years ago my brother had his first and last heart attack while taking out the trash. He was 61 at the time and I just turned 60 this year. He was a smoker for many years and I never have been. I just have a bad family history of heart trouble and stroke, so if I can prevent or postpone either one of those I will be happy. More years of riding for me.
Thanks for all the infor and support
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. The operation was a success and no stents were required. I spent the afternoon all doped up and sleepy, but now I am at home and sobering up. I was offered a chance to participate in a clinical trial of a new drug not yet approved by the FDA should I have needed a stent. This drug is basically liguid Plavix and is a fast acting blood thinner. It is administered by IV when a stent is placed or a balloon is used to open an artery. This drug only stays in the body briefly (5 mins or so) and prevents clotting around the stent or angioplasty. Not having to have a stent, I did not receive the drug which was a relief to me and my wife. Niether one of us are fans of big pharma.
Once again thanks to all.
Ride Well
I am saving vacation time for ArkanSToc next fall. Someone has to keep Al in line!!!!
Glad things went so well. I went in for an Angiogram on Dec 2 thinking I would have a couple stents and be sent home. It turned out that I had 4 blocked arteries (widowmaker 100% & 3 others at 90%). Dec 8 I had my by-pass surgery. They kicked me out 4 days later. I am up to about 3.6 km / day of a fairly brisk walk now. I'll be glad when the discomfort (pain) goes away but am really happy to be alive. I ended the biking season on Nov 20 and intend on being back on the bike in mid-March. What a way to get an extra long XMAS holiday. Take it one day at a time. There are no guarantees in life.
I had a heart attack 4 years ago this month. (almost 58 at the time and retired for 3 years) I got lucky as my wife got me to the hospital very quickly and they were able to break up the clot. While waiting for the angiogram/angiplasty I was on blood thinners and all sorts of other meds. My angiogram and stent insertion were done through my wrist which I was very happy about. Went on Plavix for a year plus Metroplol, Ramapril, Lipidor and aspirin. Since then I have dropped the Plavix and Metropolol. (on consultation with cardiologist)

I have since dropped about 40 pounds (now 150 at 5"8") and walk vigorously every day. I also trained for a 5 Km run til my knees and ankles gave out. None of my doctors ever suggested giving up motorcycling. (one of them does serious rock climbing) I feel about ten times better than I used to and plan on living another 30 years.

By the way the diet that was suggested is not overly restrictive and is called the Medditeranian (sic) diet. Lots of veggies, fruit and grains, with smaller portions of meat, especially red meat.

Hope things go as well for you and wishing you the best in 2012.

Wow guys. I realize just how lucky I am when I hear of some of your experiences. Now is the time for the battle of the bulge to kick into high gear.
Thanks again for the well wishes and prayers.
Ride Well

If I can be so bold as to offer some advice. You've probably been told to take it easy for a while, but if not, take your time in working out any exercise programs etc. It took me a full year to drop 40 pounds. It was done a little at a time, some weeks losing 1 to1.5 lbs and some weeks next to nothing. Same with the exercise. Start slowly and work your way up to what you want to accomplish. I was fortunate in that I had the support of a very good cardiac team. This included a heart rehab program, cardiologist, family physician and a dietician. Yes there were a lot of days when I felt like chucking everything and going back to the old ways, but in the long run it was worth it. The really good news is that my wife decided to go on the same eating/exercise program and is now at the weight she was prior to any children. Definitely worth it.:D

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