Heat level in dash pockets?

Computer Nerd

full frontal nerdity
Mar 4, 2007
Los Angeles
I was wondering about the level of heat that builds up in the dash pockets.

Think it's ok to carry things like an iPod, or a digital camera in the locking pocket?

It would be nice to carry the camera in the dash pocket for easy use.

But I am just wondering about the level of heat.
I don't know about a camera but if you read the IPod documents they actually warn about heat and cold in a glovebox so I'd not even chance the Ipod in there... nor would I a camera... too bloody hot.

Your call, but I'd get a small magnetic tank bag or use a breast pocket or something like that.
I wouldn't put any electronic devices in there.

Had a digital tire gauge get cooked. I learned.

I did buy a Chick-Fil-A sandwich in Phoenix once, put it in the left pocket and when I got to Utah it tasted great at the campground. :rolleyes:

It is irritating to have those handy pockets, and not be able to really use them. (Except for keeping sandwiches warm) :)
It is irritating to have those handy pockets, and not be able to really use them. (Except for keeping sandwiches warm) :)

On trips I keep a wet washrag in mine - heated it just melts the bugs! I've found it particularly helpful while moving. I can clean my helmet shield and it almost instantly dries clear.

I have used it to dry out wet gloves after all it is a glove box. However they do go a bit crinkly as a result of the heat.


At least if you put a piping hot coffee in the drinks holder, it stays piping hot... gee, some people are impossible to please :D
I bought a camaera pouch that loops right on my belt at walmart for .99
it works great,I dont even feel it there...and it's RIGHT there!!!
I have my Escort 8500 and Autocom amp in the left fairing pocket of my 05 ST1300 with no problems. Had the same setup in the right pocket of my 03 ST1300 for 24k miles with no problems. Had the Honda RDS radio in the left pocket of the 03. I guess some electronics are tougher than others.
I put a clean folded sock in the bottom of the right pocket and stuff my cell phone and ipod in there along with any other electronic goodies. It gets warm, but no worse than the front seat of the truck.

The left front pocket on the other hand, is off limits to anything but paperwork and other items that can take the heat. Even with the inside cowling drilled and vented, the left side pocket remains much too hot for storage of anything electronic.
I keep napkins from 7-11 inside the left pocket, so I can wrap them around the burn marks I get from getting things from the right pocket..:hurt1: :bannana :hotpepper
So being veldro'd higher up in the pocket keeps it out of some of the heat?

I was playing around with the idea of mounting some speakers in my dash, and then setting up the gear to play an iPod in that left pocket.

But since it's a toaster over, I dunno... :rolleyes:
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