Heat Shrink Tape?

Interesting but never tried it.
Fwiw you could also use a self amalgamating silicone rubber tape.
I'd still be leery about it coming unstuck in higher temps. I always try to utilize heat shrink tubing in all of my applications. In places where I can't, I install a small zip-tie around the end to prevent it from unraveling later.
:rofl1::rofl1: I think I need new glasses!!
When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it said Head Shrink Tape!!

Gee...you mean you don't have to pay $150 an hour for that anymore? You can just buy a roll of tape??! LOL!

(And now, back to our regular programing...)

Be careful where you use it as one of the "Features" states: Continuous use temperature of up to 105C

So you set it up with a 'just over boiling water' temp and it is only good for temps up to 'just over boiling water' temps.

Back of the bike should be fine; but, I wouldn't use it around the engine or radiator.
No but I would be very concerned about whether I could get back into the item I was shrink taping due to the heat, adhesive and ultimate thickness of the material once shrunk.
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