Herendous crash update

May 30, 2007
Grand Junction, Colo.
92 ST1100
I'm now at home after 2months in hospital. Hip, spline and other sociated things like y right arm are now netal plated, Still have a bit of a 'hitch in my get-along'. That will improve and be back to normal with the concious effort of walking straight. Right arm from wrist joint to elbow was pretty well shattered. Back together now with help of a titanium plate. Have full use of everything and am practicing my elualiberium with my /schwinn electric kick-scooter. Be back on my originally bought ne 81 Yamaha 1100 Venturer for the touring and LD riding. As a shafty, it's even s bit smoother and more comphy(have dozed off several times on it) than the STeed was with it even having road pegs, Corbin seat, and fully adjustable Heli-Bars:D:). ..........Sorry for the delayfellow riders as I temp. forgot my password. Musta been fron the frontal brain area memory loss due to impact. Anyways, still here, upright , awnry and jokingly arrogant as ever:D:) Should have scoot uncoverd and be back on two wheels by first of November! You all ride safe, ATGATT..............Brant.:wht11:
I read about your crash and I'm glad to hear you are well on the road to mending. Good luck in your rehab - and try not to pop too many wheelies on your scooter. Save them for the big bikes.....

Glad to see you're back on site and ready to get back on two wheels. Take you're time the roads are not going anywhere.
Good luck man, hang in there. God be with you and you have surely been through a bunch. Pretty country where you live, hope to get back out that way again on the bike some day.
Welcome back Mr. Brant.

We've never met, probably never will, but I have followed the reports of your experience on a regular basis and am so pleased to hear of your continuing recovery. Your determination to return to riding at the earliest possible moment is an inspiration; I wish you every success in the venture and many many more years of happy riding.
Brant! Good to see you getting back in the groove of things! I must admit meeting you for the first time at the hospital only left me with the desire to meet you at a riding event somewhere along the way where we can ride and chat it up some. You are a fighter for sure and you have a lovely supportive wife! Keep up the good work and we will see you on the road soon.
Good to see you are WELL on the road to recovery... That was a terrible crash and I'm not so sure I'd have the nerve to consider getting back on a bike after that - especially when it wasn't my fault - so good for you for not letting things change how you live your life on your terms.

Here's to wishing you a complete and quick recovery.
Brant, glad to see you back among us and hope the recovery continues at a fast rate!
Welcome home,
I've also been watching the posts on your road to recovery also.
All I can say from reading them, is you have an AWSOME wife beside you.
Give her a great big hug as she deserves one. Also give her one from us as she has kept us up to date along with your friends on here.

Hoping you have a complete and quick recovery.
Good to see you haven't lost humour and cynicism... ;-)
Wishing ya' a speedy recovery!!!
And all the best to you and your loved ones!
Brant, thanks for the update and great to hear about your progress. Good luck with all the rehab.

Welcome back Brant.
Glad to hear your recovery is coming along nicely.

Be safe and heal well!
Glad you are home and doing better, Hope to meet up with you sometime..
Thanks for the update...been keeping an eye on your crash thread. Keep up the rehab and it sounds like your well on your way to being back to "normal"..although none of us on this fourm are considered normal [emoji6]
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