How do you U guys wave safely at 75mph?

Cops tend to wave back by pointing toward the side of the road and requesting an audience.
Just what are you holding in your right hand, while you wave with the left?

That, may be the underlying issue with your instability. :D

I just do it, but not on curves (duh!). I just got back from a 4,500 mile ride through the SW. Many lonely roads and unfamiliar places. It's sure nice to get a wave or nod from another biker passing by!
Out in the ranch lands around here most of the pickup truck drivers give me a friendly wave and I try to return same. Never know when you might need the use of an air compressor to fill a newly plugged tire in the middle of cattle country. :)
Still trying to figure out why waving at 65 is even considered a problem by some? Perhaps it is because when you are in that still air pocket behind a large raised screen sticking your arm out in the wind blast does feel strange. Since I am normally out in the wind behind my lowered 5" cut down shield sticking my arm out to wave doesn't change anything?

I sometimes put my hand out on lonely stretches of road and let it go up and down like you used to do in the car when you were a kid. :) I've never had a problem waving at any speed. You'll get used to it.
I sometimes put my hand out on lonely stretches of road and let it go up and down like you used to do in the car when you were a kid. :) I've never had a problem waving at any speed. You'll get used to it.

+1 But why wait for lonely stretches. Sure get some funny looks from drivers on the slab. :bannana I did this on I-20 going through LA just a few days ago. Good way to stretch out your shoulders every now and then.
Do motorcycle cops (LEOs) wave back? Not in Beaverton OR.

OK, I have to eat my words. This morning an officer did wave back!!

They always wave back here in Tennessee. At least they return my waves. Maybe you just have that criminal look about you.

Tennessee is different, everyone's nice in TN (at least the ones I met :D). I took what you said to heart, and left my inmate jumpsuit and shakles at home today (probably made the difference with the LEO waving :p:).
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