I’m worried about younger generation

Have you heard Ricarda Lange, our childrens book author and Trampolina speak?
Politics seems to have been for them the last option.
The medias are flooded with memes... :rolleyes:
Amazing how such imbeciles actually manage to gather an ecumenical(?) entourage around them...
If you can't dazzele them with brillance, baffle them with bull$#!+. I blame Media for alot of the problems with the younger generations.
IMO again a sign of bad parenting... no one thought them even an iota of independent, critical thinking, to question what is presented to them, to compare and verify with other sources...
I found it on the internet, it must be true, wrong... FikFok doesn't show the truth... nor does YouTube... period...
No media, no advertisement does... and especially no political group, no matter what color...
Don't trust the church and state or anything they tell you... (a prophetic song...)
But since religious influence is fading, fanaticism finds new ways...
This all started with a Facebook argument that I had, a couple of weeks back.... Thoughts?
You are way off base (no offense meant). Back in the early 70's, I had a girlfriend who was flagged over on the freeway (she was doing between 55 and 60, she said) by a young driver who overtook her. He pointed to her left rear wheel. The tire had gone flat and she drove on it so long that it was shredded until it fell off, and she was riding on the steel rim, throwing up a shower of sparks. I asked her something to the effect, "Didn't you notice the car was riding differently?". She said, 'Not really.' Last I heard she was in her mid 50's, had raised a family, was a successful real estate person and living on the west coast up north somewhere. Evidently that kind of ignorance was not terminal, despite our (a collective noun for the denizens of this website) beliefs to the contrary.

The only difference between then and now, is we get to read about this kind of thing on our phones instead of you hearing me lament her lack of mechanical sense in person. On the other hand, I met and had a crush on a girl who built race cars in Penn Yan, New York, on vacation. Long distance romances did not work back then for high school kids, and nothing came of that. She too ended up out west somewhere.

People have always had their strengths and weaknesses. Now kids just let it all hang out - and write it for everybody to see. Yes, even back then they were able to reproduce and become more or less successful citizens.
My favorite....
Was riding early one evening and encountered a car with a half flat left front tire. I tapped on the driver's window and warned her of the low tire and suggested she pull into the next service station and air it up.
'Isn't there some special way you have to do that?'
I continued along on my ride.
I used to have a huntin' buddy that said he stuck his mad money in the owner's manual of his wife's car between the pages on how to check your oil and how to check your tire pressure cause he was sure she would never look there.
John John John, you must move into the 90's or the 2000's someday. You no longer need oil and in Cowboy movies they don't sling lead. Lasers just shoot out from their arms and hands and or they can just levitate entire planets and toss them around with bare hands cocked over crookedways. Catch up ol man.

p.s. My wife can watch these new cowboy movies all day and never once think out loud like myself, "That ain't even close to possible".

How young? :rofl1: '"OMG, you guys, It's an ST1300 owners group! Do I have to spell it out for ya? ST1300 owners manual, please!"
I think that condemning whole generations because of some examples we all hear about is painting with a pretty broad brush. Like most things, you hear more about the bad than the good; especially on social media.

You have to wonder what the younger generations' conversations are regarding us "oldies" when we start asking for help with electronic gadgets. eg. the blinking 12:00 And yet a good number of us (well, maybe not me so much) are very capable of dealing with them.

I wouldn't be too concerned about the young generation being (or choosing) the upcoming political leaders. We haven't exactly set a very high bar when it comes to that.
This is just me but each Gen is weaker than last. The older ones that grew up in the depression and those that were alive in the WW1 and WW2 age were tough as junk yard dogs. See I think what you are missing is very few have common sense and very few seem to possess it. Again if you can't google it or ask alexia this generation is lacking:rofl1:
This is just me but each Gen is weaker than last. The older ones that grew up in the depression and those that were alive in the WW1 and WW2 age were tough as junk yard dogs. See I think what you are missing is very few have common sense and very few seem to possess it. Again if you can't google it or ask alexia this generation is lacking:rofl1:

Every generation has had misgivings about the next generation. This has been going on for thousands of generations.
Deciding to let students use calculators in school was the beginning of the end.


Let's go back to not teaching students how to shoe a horse. That was really the beginning of the end.

Railing against technology is tipping at windmills.
Well, I'm perplexed. Comparing what I see/hear/read in the media (and evidently here) with what I see myself . . . the youth of today are doing just fine. I don't disregard many of the examples put forth in this thread, but I just don't see them as examples of the youth of today as a whole. Local schools near me are involved with robotics, medical training, construction design, culinary arts . . . students are thriving. I'm encouraged by what I see.

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