I feel like a Harley!

Feb 17, 2007
Venice, FL
Apparently the alternator is seeping on my '93 ST....
I will address it over the winter, unless it gets worse.....
Is there anything that I can pout over the alternator that will stop the seepage in the interim? Glopping some epoxy around the seal?
Just curious....
If you are going to get that "Deep" into the alternator you might think of upgrading to the 40 amp unit while you there.
I plan to....but was hoping for a stop-gap measure, something like "as seen on TV" that would keep me from leaking until winter...
Rich, keep your eyes peeled for a NJTechSTOC event, where you could tackle that alternator replacement at the "Garagemahal" with more good advice and experience than you can imagine.
Once they start leaking, I don't think there is any stopping them, short of R and R.

You could just tell people it's a BMW and that's driveline fluid:) I'm just sayin'!
You could get some self-emulsifying tape to hold back the oil, but in order to wrap it properly you'd need to do the disassembly, in which case you might as well do the swap.
Youre leaking in a way HDs cant. Harley v twins are air cooled, and dont have alternators. I would also agree if you take her apart enough to apply "goop" you might as well tackle the alternator at that time. You could try radiator stop leak, but Ive heard it clogs smaller passage ways. Good Luck
I'll try the Permatex for now.....then do the 40 amp swap in the autumn/winter...
Although I am fairly crippled and my knees and ankles are shot, so I sent the local shop (Circle Cycle) the parts list and the description of the job to see what they will charge to do it....
Has anyone ever paid a shop to perform the swap????

If you feel like a Harley and your pipes are bothering the neighbors, then you should cut back on the beans!!:D
Okay....some more help please....the local shop has slowed a bit and if I get this repaired or upgraded now is the best time as far as labor charges...
Am I correct in that the cause of the oil leak is the seal on the shaft that drives the current (no pun intended) alternator? Fixing the seal would require complete removal of current (that unintended pun again) unit as well as the shaft?
a second question: has anyone paid a dealer to replace or upgrade their alternator? What did they charge (again, no pun intended).
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