I think I've been infected...

May 12, 2006
Double Oak, TX
I've had my '05 ST for about 18 months now. It's pretty significantly farkled and everything's working great. I love riding it. Having some issues with leg comfort on long hauls, probably need to switch the Corbin for a Sargent saddle.

Go on my second weekend trip with Mellow. Standing around talking about seats, comfort, etc. I innocently ask if I can sit on Mellow's Wing. No big deal, just want to see how it felt. Saw a little flash in Joe's eyes, must have been a reflection of the sunlight off the many chrome parts on his bike.

Sat on the blue beast and well, it felt great. Didn't think much of it at the moment. The next day, returning to Dallas, despite the sounds of Kasey Kasem and the Top 40 songs for July 17, 1982, thoughts kept pulsing through my head. Were my legs really this sore before or is it getting worse? Could it be the seat? What if it's the riding position of the ST. If I switch to the Sargent, I'll need to get a different backrest for my wife. If I'm going to do that, why don't I just add the top box. It sure seems to make weekend camping trips easier. Well, if I'm going to add the top box, aren't I conceding the "sport" part and just becoming a tourer? I'll bet Joe's not worrying about leg pain on that Wing he's on right now. Hmmm....

Yesterday, I stopped at DFW Honda to get a new tail light bulb and buy another 4 cans of Honda Cleaner/Polish (you never know when the world supply will be gone!) to add to my stash. I thought I was fine. Walked toward the door to leave and WHAM! Things were hazy for a minute, thought maybe I was having a stroke or something. When my vision cleared, I was sitting on a beautiful burgundy Goldwing. I may have even been making little motorcycle sounds as I gripped the bars and stared at all the buttons and controls. My butt and legs were whispering in unison..."dude, this is sooooo comfortable. That dream of a SS1000 could be real with this machine. There's room in the garage, really." I walked over and looked at another Wing. Had something called the "Triple D" package. List price of $27k. Some part of my brain actually processed the thought..."Hey, it's more of an investment in your mental health, really. It's half the price of your car and twice the fun to drive. What a great deal!"

Thinking back, that little flash wasn't sunlight. I think this website is a "virtual Borg" and that man with the smiley face for a head is the Borg master!!

I'll close with a question. When you have a Wing and an ST in the garage, is it best to park them in the side-by-side mode or is it easier to have them in the facing-each-other sideways configuration? I'm just thinking ahead...
I'll close with a question. When you have a Wing and an ST in the garage, is it best to park them in the side-by-side mode or is it easier to have them in the facing-each-other sideways configuration? I'm just thinking ahead...

That depends.............. Do you want them to mate....or not. I've been told that it matters. :)
OMG.. LOL... now that's funny... I didn't even use the "get a wing" subliminal insert between every 5th word during that weekend.

Personally, I'd give a different seat a try.. grab Matt's Sargent first... that Corbin Close seat was murder for me when I had the ST.. it was better than stock but not by much... the Sargent made the bike a 1k mile a day bike immediately...

If you are intent on a Wing, I'd go out of town for one as the premium around here is tough to negotiate.. Altus, OK or Lake Hills in MS or some of the other high volume guys around the country can get you one for probably $20k... plus or minus...

LOL.. Yeah, I did smile... there is an air about someone that actually says 'Can I sit on it' as they approach the Wing... Some are able to resist ... others, well it's like a fly caught in a web... there's just no way out..

Then again, when you first saw and ST it really wasnt' much difference...

Mark, there are things you will miss on the Wing that the ST has... The brakes and the tank range are two that I wish I had... of course, the Brakes wear out faster and the gas you have to use is premium... but, they are things you 'll find yourself missing if you take the plunge...

If you plan on having both... well... gee.. I can't argue with that scenario at all.. I'd love that situation.
OMG.. LOL... now that's funny... I didn't even use the "get a wing" subliminal insert between every 5th word during that weekend.

And think of all you'll gain by having a wing...
1) you won't have to give any excuse when you pull into a DQ!
2) you won't mind gaining weight (see number 1)
3) you'll have to change the way you wave! :D

Mark... back away from the wing... slowly... just back away... you will be OK in a few minutes..... You'll come to your senses..... trust me.... 44 is too young to waste the rest of your life......:wink:

(that burgandy is absolutly beautiful!!!!!)
Yeah... you don't want to do that...

What a shame. And only 44 years old.

I know. I know. My wife told me I couldn't have a Wing until I was 60. I want to believe that's possible, but I keep having flashbacks of what Joe's bike felt like off the center stand. That picture in the previous post sure helps, NOT.

My wife likes the rigor of scientific thought. Maybe if I position this as an unblinded clinical trial. I'll get that burgundy Wing and keep the ST. Then, I'll keep detailed records for 12 months, recording which bike gets ridden, where it goes and how I felt about the ride. At the end of the experiment, I'll have data to clearly indicate whether to a) sell one of the bikes or b) keep both. I wouldn't normally want to spend that kind of money, but in the name of science and data-driven contributions to this forum, it almost feels like my duty, doesn't it?
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I know. I know. My wife told me I couldn't have a Wing until I was 60. I want to believe that's possible, but I keep having flashbacks of what Joe's bike felt like off the center stand. That picture in the previous post sure helps, NOT.

My wife likes the rigor of scientific thought. Maybe if I position this as an unblinded clinical trial. I'll get that burgundy Wing and keep the ST. Then, I'll keep detailed records for 12 months, recording which bike gets ridden, where it goes and how I felt about the ride. At the end of the experiment, I'll have data to clearly indicate whether to a) sell one of the bikes or b) keep both. I wouldn't normally want to spend that kind of money, but in the name of science and data-driven contributions to this forum, it almost feels like my duty, doesn't it?

If I were you, I would modify the unblinded clinical teST that whatever happens the outcome is b).

I rode a Wing for one day during our laST SE USA trip and I liked that bike (as long as it rolls). I understand your explanation about the difference in seats.
But although we had clear sky and sunshine, lots of chrome on the Wing, I missed the SIGN FROM ABOVE.
I need to honeST to tell you I forgot to charge my Ipod, so the need of riding the 6 cilinder Radio was big enough to take away my ST addiction. When we STopped, firST thing I did was charge my Ipod.

Frankly, I think that it's a dumb idea to own both a Wing and an ST. That is probably the stupidest thing that I've ever heard of. The only thing more ridiculous than that would be to add a Harley to the equation.:)



2005 ST1300 (metallic red)
2005 GL1800 (metallic blue)
2006 Street Glide (pearl black)

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Frankly, I think that it's a dumb idea to own both a Wing and an ST. That is probably the stupidest thing that I've ever heard of. The only thing more ridiculous than that would be to add a Harley to the equation.:)



Yeah, that's the dumbest looking garage I've ever seen :) The word "schwingggg" comes to mind when I look at it. Over and over.

At least you have the right color ST. Can you send me a higher resolution of that pic so I can blow it up and hang it on my garage wall for inspiration? :)
It's funny, but when I was looking for a bike to replace my '99 Connie, I looked at both the ST1300 and the Wing.

Rode the ST, and really liked it.

Sat on the Wing, and really liked it - then I rode it. Didn't get a block before extreme pain set in (bursitis and arthritis in left hip, and grade 2 arthritis in left knee). As comfortable as it was on the showroom, there is no way I could ride the Wing. The ergonomics just don't work at all for me. :eek:

I would have liked the radio, cruise control and GPS though... :(
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