IBA Jacksonville Pizza Party Time again... Who's in?

Guys, I'm not doing either ride but I recommend you get a Sun Pass in advance of the ride. The tolls are a huge time suck without it. The turnpike is usually MUCH faster than 95 south of Ft Pierce. I'm in Jax too so let me know if you need anything or a place to sleep.
Hey Ashley, Just a word of advice, if the route they gave you has any kind of information on how to avoid traffic or basically any good tips... Heed them! During the Battlefield 1000 the route had a bunch of back roads listed between two points that were recommended to take if you arrived at the first point at a certain time. I arrived just shy of that time and I figured that there was no way that the back roads they suggested would be better than the direct route Garmin was giving me so I ignored them...Big mistake! I ended up snarled in traffic for a good while and the people who had taken the back roads finished a good hour ahead of me! You're a local so you might already know better but, I surely didn't!

Luckily I have been to or near most of the stops and I'm familiar with the traffic patters on the Interstate parts so i should be good. Just hoping for good weather. We have had some excellent riding weather recently mixed in with some ok stuff. Last weekend was clear and mid 70s and expecting the same this weekend. Hope it keeps up.
This will be the first time I will be using my aux tank but I am excited about having a 500 mile range. The ride to JAX will be the first real world range test but, even the possibly of only having to stop three times on the BBG is exciting!
Now that is a tank! I have a few more stops than that. Will compare notes the night before.
Guys, I'm not doing either ride but I recommend you get a Sun Pass in advance of the ride. The tolls are a huge time suck without it. The turnpike is usually MUCH faster than 95 south of Ft Pierce. I'm in Jax too so let me know if you need anything or a place to sleep.

Hey Tim! Ironically, I live in a state with no tolls however I have both a sunpass and an EZ pass kept in the right pocket of the bike at all times..."Just in case". My route looks to have me in Miami right around Midnight, is it still worth paying for the turnpike at that time or will 95 suffice?

You should stop by the parking lot of the hotel before the banquet for some first class tire kick'n!

**EDIT** I was just looking at my route and my GPS agrees with you, it already had me on the turnpike. Looks like I should add some dough to my Sunpass kitty!
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Now that is a tank! I have a few more stops than that. Will compare notes the night before.

It is the Taildragger tank designed by the great Ron Major (R.I.P) and produced by Sampson (R.I.P). It replaces the rear fender and works off gravity. Mine is the third ST1100 that I know of it being on and it increases the fuel capacity to the IBA limit of 11.5 Gallons. According to my calculations, I will have to make four stops anyway since my total route is looking like 1554 miles.

**EDIT** I think I was forgetting that I will be starting with a full tank. I am only stopping three times "On the clock"
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It is the Taildragger tank designed by the great Ron Major (R.I.P) and produced by Sampson (R.I.P). It replaces the rear fender and works off gravity. Mine is the third ST100 that I know of it being on and it increases the fuel capacity to the IBA limit of 11.5 Gallons. According to my calculations, I will have to make four stops anyway since my total route is looking like 1554 miles.

**EDIT** I think I was forgetting that I will be starting with a full tank. I am only stopping three times "On the clock"

Wow, Slasher, if you can really get 500 miles (or even close to that) with 11.5 gallons, that's very impressive. My ST1300 carries 11.4 gallons, but I'm lucky to reach 400-425 miles before getting too low for comfort. I look forward to meeting all you fellow ST'rs at the hotel! I will arrive mid day Wed, but I'm forgoing the event rides to take the IBR scoring seminar and test on Thursday. I figure if I understand the scoring process, maybe it will prevent me screwing something up during the Big Dance.

Wow, Slasher, if you can really get 500 miles (or even close to that) with 11.5 gallons, that's very impressive. My ST1300 carries 11.4 gallons, but I'm lucky to reach 400-425 miles before getting too low for comfort. I look forward to meeting all you fellow ST'rs at the hotel! I will arrive mid day Wed, but I'm forgoing the event rides to take the IBR scoring seminar and test on Thursday. I figure if I understand the scoring process, maybe it will prevent me screwing something up during the Big Dance.


Well, it's only a theoretical 500 miles right now, since my trip to JAX will be its maidon voyage on my bike. However its a sound theory since I was getting 47 MPG before. The previous owner who had the tank on a '99 model (one year newer than mine) was getting over 500/fill. My longest sections of the BBG are in the 400's so I should be ok either way. We'll see!

I was bummed out that I couldn't take the scorers class but I don't think I am computer savvy enough anyway. Would've been neat to just be a spectator though.

Ahh... The big dance... **sigh**...I'll be there one day! But for now I'll have to stay in the ST cheering section. Hopefully you can knock those silly FJR's off their pedestal!
I figure if I understand the scoring process, maybe it will prevent me screwing something up during the Big Dance.


That's a sound theory. Looking forward to meeting you in Jax Garry. Do you plan to attend the RTE in Flagler beach on Friday?
Slasher - You should note that most IBA certificate rides require some sort of documentation at least every 300 miles, so you might as well fill up for the fuel receipt. I believe they are a bit flexible on this, especially if you have additional proof such as a SPOT track. Also on a pre-planned ride, they may look the other way too. In my experience, they have always been more than fair when it came to documented proof of the ride. But I would play it safe and not push past 300-350 miles between stops. It would suck to do the ride and not get the cert because of this. If you have questions about doing IBA certificate rides, I can help, I have done quite a few. The rule below is copied from the Rides and Rules page for Saddlesores and Bunburners on the IBA website:

WARNING: If your motorcycle is equipped with a large fuel-tank, please note that you must stop at least once every 300 miles for gas (this is purely for documentation for your ride). Although we know it is possible to ride greater distances non-stop, we will not accept a claim of this type.

Ken - I'm not planning on attending the RTE, I'm not much for group riding or crowds in general. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and doing some tire kicking and story swapping at the hotel however! I'll be wearing my name tag, so if you see me, make sure to say Hi!

I was bummed out that I couldn't take the scorers class but I don't think I am computer savvy enough anyway. Would've been neat to just be a spectator though.

Ahh... The big dance... **sigh**...I'll be there one day! But for now I'll have to stay in the ST cheering section. Hopefully you can knock those silly FJR's off their pedestal!

I'm planning on taking a rather leisurely ride south from Tennessee for the IBA dinner with plans to arrive mid-day Thursday. I'll be meeting some MSTA friends for lunch that day and then heading back to J'ville for the scorer's class myself. Like "Garry in AZ" commented, knowing how other folks will be looking at your documentation should be good insight for getting it right. I lost important points in the 2003 IBR due to my lack of reading comprehension. Had I looked at the bonus location requirements with a more discerning eye, I might have gotten those points I ended up not getting.

Geoffrey Greene
Knoxville, TN
IBR '01 '03 '05, but I didn't get my '97 ST1100 until 2013
Slasher - You should note that most IBA certificate rides require some sort of documentation at least every 300 miles, so you might as well fill up for the fuel receipt. I believe they are a bit flexible on this, especially if you have additional proof such as a SPOT track. Also on a pre-planned ride, they may look the other way too. In my experience, they have always been more than fair when it came to documented proof of the ride. But I would play it safe and not push past 300-350 miles between stops. It would suck to do the ride and not get the cert because of this. If you have questions about doing IBA certificate rides, I can help, I have done quite a few. The rule below is copied from the Rides and Rules page for Saddlesores and Bunburners on the IBA website:

WARNING: If your motorcycle is equipped with a large fuel-tank, please note that you must stop at least once every 300 miles for gas (this is purely for documentation for your ride). Although we know it is possible to ride greater distances non-stop, we will not accept a claim of this type.

Ken - I'm not planning on attending the RTE, I'm not much for group riding or crowds in general. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and doing some tire kicking and story swapping at the hotel however! I'll be wearing my name tag, so if you see me, make sure to say Hi!

Garry, you are exactly right...MOST certificate rides require you to stop... This one doesn't! They verify the JAX rides by photographs of seven specific places with your rally flag. I pick up my rally flag at five in the morning the day of the ride. As long as I take all the required photos with my flag and have a time dated ending receipt from JAX in 24 hours, I'm good. Basically, the IBR and rides like this are the only places having Max fuel capacity really help. My route has me taking 10 minutes at every picture and 15 minutes at every gas stop and I have 8 minutes to spare. Hopefully I will be cutting time off those estimates but I'd rather have extra! The ending receipt doesn't even have to be from JAX, they said that if your cutting it close on time and your GPS says 1500+ miles...get a receipt! I plotted my absolute minimum point on my route that is 1500 miles and named it the "Hail Mary fuel stop". It is a full 45 minutes outside of JAX. Thanks for looking out though! See ya in JAX!
I'm planning on taking a rather leisurely ride south from Tennessee for the IBA dinner with plans to arrive mid-day Thursday. I'll be meeting some MSTA friends for lunch that day and then heading back to J'ville for the scorer's class myself. Like "Garry in AZ" commented, knowing how other folks will be looking at your documentation should be good insight for getting it right. I lost important points in the 2003 IBR due to my lack of reading comprehension. Had I looked at the bonus location requirements with a more discerning eye, I might have gotten those points I ended up not getting.

Geoffrey Greene
Knoxville, TN
IBR '01 '03 '05, but I didn't get my '97 ST1100 until 2013

I'll be passing right by your place early in the AM on the 11th... I'll wave! You riding the ST or the Beemer to Florida?
Basically, the IBR and rides like this are the only places having Max fuel capacity really help. /QUOTE]

Actually any rally, not just IBR. I can deal with not having an aux tank on he ST, but the Wing...wow is she thirsty in a headwind at 80mph. Barely get settled in and its time to stop again.
Well Slasher, you got her buttoned up? I'm getting excited for some nice weather. You too I bet as I heard you got slammed pretty good this last storm. Don't sleep too late on Friday, only 2 kegs and a lot of thirsty people.
I'll be passing right by your place early in the AM on the 11th... I'll wave! You riding the ST or the Beemer to Florida?

Since I try to give all of my bikes a chance to stretch their legs on a regular basic, it's probably time to stretch the legs of the '85 GL1200. The Beemer will probably be making a trip to Acadia in Maine later this spring while the ST is going to get its legs stretched in early summer on a blitz out to California. I'm also leaving the morning of thde 11th, but I don't know what time yet. I generally like to go through the mountains on I-40 to Asheville and then head south. It adds ~20 miles to the trip to Florida vs going through Atlanta, but I don't have to ride through Atlanta. I consider that a win!
Well Slasher, you got her buttoned up? I'm getting excited for some nice weather. You too I bet as I heard you got slammed pretty good this last storm. Don't sleep too late on Friday, only 2 kegs and a lot of thirsty people.


She's all back together! I can't get it out of my driveway though, roads just too treacherous. Supposed to be in the 40's today and sunny so hopefully tomorrow I can get her out to check everything out. I let her run for probably half hour yesterday and it didn't burst into flames so I guess my electrical is good.

I think I got two free beers last time I was in JAX, after running a solid 24 hours I might be asleep til 4 this time, lol!
Since I try to give all of my bikes a chance to stretch their legs on a regular basic, it's probably time to stretch the legs of the '85 GL1200. The Beemer will probably be making a trip to Acadia in Maine later this spring while the ST is going to get its legs stretched in early summer on a blitz out to California. I'm also leaving the morning of thde 11th, but I don't know what time yet. I generally like to go through the mountains on I-40 to Asheville and then head south. It adds ~20 miles to the trip to Florida vs going through Atlanta, but I don't have to ride through Atlanta. I consider that a win!

Atlanta doesn't bother me too much, if the traffic is too bad I hit the HOV lane but, I've only used it twice that I can remember. I prefer the I-40 route myself but I avoid it on the way south due to snow/ice possibilities early in the morning. I usually check the weather before I leave JAX and come home that way if its warm.
Atlanta doesn't bother me too much, if the traffic is too bad I hit the HOV lane but, I've only used it twice that I can remember. I prefer the I-40 route myself but I avoid it on the way south due to snow/ice possibilities early in the morning. I usually check the weather before I leave JAX and come home that way if its warm.

I can appreciate that routing option. It was on my mind to do exactly that this year. We'll see.
Geoffrey Greene
Knoxville, TN
So the final headcount looks like this

Don "Slasher" Black ST1100
Ken "Kendoo" Silver ST1300
Angelo "RCnJax" ST1300
Garry "Garry in AZ" ST1300
Ashley "Ashley" Red ST1100
Geoffrey "GIGreene" GL1200

Good times to be had by all!
Maybe we can get a group pic. I'll be on my silver GL1800 for this trip. Square tire with NY plates, shouldn't be too many others like it.
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