installing 40 amp alterenator HELP

Jun 1, 2009
Mount Forest Canada
putting the new alternator in right now if you have upgraded please advise not sure how far 'i need to put it in before drawing it in with the bolts. The o ring is still showing can I try drawing it in with the bolts now? Thanks
Did you have a "Lewis Pin" to align the 2 gears on the drive? Without the lash gear being aligned the alt will not go in all the way.

If the Lewis pin is installed then install the bolts and alternate turning each 1/2 a turn or so until it is seated.\
Exactly what Pat said except "1/2 turn per each bolt as you chase it around the circle". I broke one of the ears off the alternator stand.

Is the O ring touching the hole? Even it all the way 'round? I think you can draw it in if you've aligned the gears....

How many times did you go in and out before you were satisfied? I got to where I could hit the angle and turn perfectly:)
I would advise making sure everything is fully seated before starting to tighten anything! If for some reason the split gears have not engaged properly, tightening too soon could possibly cause damage.
Posted via Mobile Device
Looks like the gears aren't seated in all the way. The Lewis pin isn't lining the gears up perfect and they maybe hanging up when I try to slide it in. Thinking I may take the oil pan off and have a look at it just time and a seal.
I've done the upgrade on my bike and just did the upgrade last week on my friend's ST. We built our own toolkit for his upgrade. Eventually we found a perfectly sized drill bit for the gear alignment and we cut the butt of it off, drilled a hole in it for the cable, and made a perfect replica of the Lewis pin. It took us several tries to get it right, and the one time it really sucked because we got the alternator in, the pin out, but the stinking pin wouldn't come out through the oil drain hole!

I wouldn't bother pulling the pan, it won't help you that much. Put the gears in separate of the alternator and you'll know once you get the base seated enough to continue to put the alternator in. You shouldn't see the o-ring. It sounds like you just need to fiddle with it a while. It took me 5 or 6 times scratching my head wondering why the base/gears wouldn't go in this time when all I had to do was keep trying.
Sounds like you've got all the advice you need. I'll add one thing, the gears should be at about 4:30, viewed from the rear, to give the Lewis pin the straightest shout out the oil hole.

I've done several upgrades and have found the base can be hand fitted to flush without the bolts. That's the best way. I use Plumber's Silicone Grease to ease the passage of the o'ring, avaialable at any hardware store.

Keep us poSTed on the outcome,
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