Jan has lost her Father Robert Jocoy (Van Texas)

Blue One

Mar 19, 2008
Canada (Edmonton Alberta) - Texas
04 ABS ST1300
My wife Jan has been down in Van Texas since the 15th of June helping her aging parents over some rough times health wise. Her mother is diabetic and has macular degeneration so things are difficult for her.
Her father had hernia surgery on the 11th of July and had some other small medical issues such as severe pain from a bout of shingles, the pain just never seemed to leave. He had issues with vertigo dizziness as well.

Last night /early this morning they called 911 and an ambulance took him to the Tyler hospital. He was clammy and pale and was having trouble breathing. He was conscious when they reached the hospital in Tyler however he passed away very soon after arriving .Seems his heart stopped and he slipped away. They tried to revive him without success.

Robert was a great man, I only knew him for the time Jan and I have been together (since 2004) but liked him right away. Robert was a retired logging man and was working all over Canada and the US for Simpson Timber during his working days.

He was responsible for bringing many logging plants back into the black after they had operating issues.

Please pray for Jan and her sisters Kathy and Sue. As well for her mother Earlene. As well there is a large family of grandchildren and great grandchildren as well.

This has been tough on Jan, she has lost her Daddy.

God will take care of you Robert , RIP and all your pain is gone.
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Sorry to hear that Larry, will put you and Jan + family on the list of thoughts and prayers.
Unbelievable! :(

Prayers are forth coming, you all have my deepest sympathy!
May God grant you peace and tranquility with this...
My condolences to your wife and the entire family.

It sounds like your father in law was a great guy. We'll keep Jan and her sisters in our thoughts and prayers.

I want to thank everyone who has posted their condolences and prayers. I told Jan that I had posted news of her fathers passing and she was deeply touched that I had done so and most importantly that you have taken the time to respond. It makes us proud to be part of this "family" we call STOwners.

We will miss you all at Westoc in Golden this year however we will be at Westoc next year wherever it is held. And we will finally be on 2 wheels again.

Thanks again. Larry and Jan.
Larry, pass on my condolences to Jan and her family. I know that this is a very tuff time for them as I just lost my Dad this past Fathers Day and know what they are going through.
Well another loss to add here. Jan's mother Betty Earlene Jocoy has passed away. She has gone to be with her lord and will rejoice in seeing her husband Robert and all her previously deceased family members.

Rip Betty and may God give you the peace you deserve.
Condolences to you and yours. In time the pain will get better.
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