jonjonboo went down yesterday--rearended by HD ridin brother

Jul 31, 2012
2019 GL1800
It was a beautiful blue sky day yesterday and my younger brother called me to go for an RTE into Texas , we decided Nacogdoches TX, @ 500 mile round trip. A nice day of riding on great roads and scenery, we arrived at our destination with no problems other than me constantly waiting on brother to catch up (felt like I was dragging an anchor). His ride is a recently purchased Harley Davidson Ultra Classic and he is somewhat inexperienced without any formal training ( I always suggest to him a good riding school--never listens) We had just left Nacogdoches and were traveling speed limit 70 mph when I decided to find a good side road to pull over. Signaled numerous times of my intent and he was @ 100 yards behind me, looked in my rear view as I turned on my right blinker to get over on right side of road for right hand turn. He thought all my signaling was telling him his blinker was stuck on and got distracted, while looking at his dash as I was slowing down, then he looked up (with plenty of space between us) he saw I was in front of him and locked his rear wheel, instead of going around he just hung on and made contact with my right hand saddle bag (destroyed) Upon impact we both went down at @ 50 mph and I flew into the blacktop on the right, I felt my helmet impact on right side, right elbow and hip slid a ways before I rolled and stopped before impacting a large pine tree. My ST1300 slid on right side, only damage was total loss of right mirror, right saddle bag and highway peg and cover. My brothers bike has plenty of crash protection and his had minor scratches and a bent crashbar and front fender. After calming his excited dumbass down, we brushed the dust off (we both only suffered bruises and minor road rash) and continued on a tense (yet nice) ride home. We both agreed we would pay for damages ourselves out of pocket. I am need of a silver right bag and mirror assembly. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks
[quote;1726897]As long as you are both OK that is all that matters..I guess.[/quote]
I just keep telling myself that--- I did warn him that we will no longer ride together until he completes a rider safety course.
[quote;1726897]As long as you are both OK that is all that matters..I guess.[/quote]

+1 and get him into a MSF class right away.
Glad to hear that you are doing well after the get off..
Some sort of class every few years is good for any rider but I feel a MSF type course should be required for any rider that has not ridden in years or new to the sport..
man dude! glad you are all right.

I ride with my Harley brother the same way, I am always in front, and I always wonder does he have time and attention to stop if I need to
He is a pretty experienced rider tho... I try to keep him on his toes too. Don't let this stop you from riding together.
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Ouch, glad you guys were both relatively okay... you taught him a lesson that will save his life in the future.. .I'd make him pay for the damages. Just my opinion.
Glad it turned out OK and that this convinces your brother to get training.
Distracted and inexperienced, with a heavy bike; not a good combination.
This brings up the old question of what is safer when riding with a newbie or "rusty" rider: lead or follow??
Just wondering, if he was riding a GoldWing, an ST or a Bimmer, would he have been able to avoid this any better? :D
+1 on MSF and highly recommend:
Well that is a lesson learned by both of you!! Glad you both came out with minor damage to yourself and bikes. I would also have my brother pay for my damages and would also sign him up for a motorcycle safety course.
Happy to hear the injuries were minor... could have been much worse. If it were me, I think I would have to ask him to pay for the damage. Good luck with the rebuild.
Ouch, glad you guys were both relatively okay... you taught him a lesson that will save his life in the future.. .I'd make him pay for the damages. Just my opinion.

I would think an Ultra Glide would have ABS as standard equipment, though I've heard that HD has had some issues with their ABS system.
Brothers... what can you do with them!!!

Glad to hear you're both relatively okay...


Glad to hear all are ok.. and definetly sign his ads up for a motorcycle training class,,, if he likes they even have a specific Harley class at many of the dealerships.

Tell him you'll pay for the class if he pays for your saddlebag.
A LEO friend of mine told me that this type of crash is one of the most common types while riding with another rider. Right turn and rear rider not paying attention and rear ending the front rider. Happened to me also, hit from the rear but thankfully at a very slow speed that did not put me down.

Glad that other than some minor damage and bruised egos that you are ok!
That is exactly why I always honk my (quite loud) air horn every time I make a speed adjustment when someone is riding behind me.
I would think an Ultra Glide would have ABS as standard equipment, though I've heard that HD has had some issues with their ABS system.
His is an older model without ABS---he needs a bike that has it for sure
Glad you both managed to recover from the mishap and be able to ride home!

I would also check your crashbar. Often they seem to be okay, until you take the tupperware off and see that it is bent in at the back bolt. The problem it causes is that the two bolts connecting the lower fairing to the crashbar are now causing tention on the plastic where the bolts are and will crack or break your lower.

I've ridden with my brother numerous times, and we did have one time where I decided to pull into a gas station and he was looking where I just pointed to and when he looked back at me he had to slam on his brakes! He stopped short of hitting me by inches! :eek:4:
First off glad it wasn't serious.

Secondly I ride with my younger brother a lot. One of the best Christmas presents I gave him was a Scala rider headset which links up to mine. We talk all the time and can warn each other about cars pulling out, potholes, dogs, deer, I have to pee, I need to pull over etc etc..much cheaper than even a used saddlebag and much more enjoyable to boot. Suggest you guys look into them if you plan to ride together very often.
Maybe bro will be a little more open to rider training now ... unless he's thinking the whole thing was your fault and then you're going backwards with that plan.

Anyway, glad no one got hurt.

Good luck with the fixes.
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