Just for Fun....


Feb 13, 2005
SF Bay Area, CA
I didn't know where to post this, so Joe, please help me!!!!

This was taken in Nevada somewhere on a dirt track road off HWY 95. This picture has special meaning as I dropped the bike and I tell you, I'm so pleased about those plastic guards and engine guard. No bike damage apart from one piece of plastic! Goota love mother Honda!!

I was so happy I had this photo taken!!


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Hey, that looks like the type of road I typically find and can't resist the "wonder where that goes" urge.

There's almost always a zippo lighter (ha) laying in those kinds of roads.

So, did you find a zippo, too?
LOL.. this is a good place... Question, was the bike-drop before or after the pic? Basically, did you stop to take the pic and because of that, drop the bike.. if so, we might have a whole new category of bike drop-age.. LOL
Okay... I created it.. LOL and I'll move this post there.. all hail to the Tip Over Wing..
Ok, I'll start since I supported this thread:

It was a nice balmy day and I was about to take my 1st ride on my new to me, rag tag, dog earred 1978 KZ400. New tires, seat, brakes flushed and lots of adjustments and I'm off to work. All went well until lunch. That was when I decided a trip to the drug store was in order. I got there without a hitch, pulled into a parking spot came to a smooth stop. Then I promptly learned parking lesson #1. Always, ALWAYS look where you are going to put your foot before one comes to that nice smooth stop!! Funny thing this: Seems that once you are stopped you're pretty much committed to putting your feet down right where you are!!:crackup

Well, there was an expansion crack right where I stooped with about a 2" difference lower just left of where I had to place my left foot. A little spot of oil just helped matters along as my foot slipped over that little drop off. No stopping the laws of gravity now, though I did try with all my scrawny mass!!!Down she went like it was slow motion or something so that all the people in the parking lot got a good look at me!:oops:

I don't know how I managed to keep on my feet but my ankle was sore for a couple of days. Damage to the bike? Minimal scratches where many already existed and of coarse I no longer had that odd little ball on the end of my clutch lever! (never liked that thing anyway!;) ) Hmmm...suddenly it occured to me why the brake lever didn't have that little ball when I got the bike!!:hat1:

Hope you all enjoy! I have a couple more but I'll wait until a few more posts show up to share those!:mcrider:

Thanks Mellow! This is going to be fun!:a13:
I have a funny one for ya too. I was seventeen and finally saved up for my pride and joy, a brand new 87 CBR600 Hurricane. So I rode it to work to show it off to my friends. I worked for an electronics company in an industrial building. So I see the rollup doors open and figure I'll just make a grand entrance and ride it in there to show everyone. (Now you have to picture me with all my neon cool 80's clothing on and a big old mullet haircut. I was probably wearing shorts and flip flops too:headbang: )

I rode in there just fine but when I stopped, I put my foot down on the smooth concrete floor. Of course it slipped and I laid it down in front of about fifty of my co-workers and scratched the hell out of the side of it. One of the worst days of my life. I thought I looked cool like Tom Cruise in Top Gun :cool: ...but I was just the same old dork :a13:
Well well. I missed this new sub-forum till now. Hmmmm... How do we award the TOA (Tip Over Award) to folks? Should it be for every story of a tip-over, or just for current tip-overs? Also should the TOA be just for ST's, or any bike the forum members drop? So in the meantime here is the TOA for you guys above. I'll keep an eye on this forum...

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Well well. I missed this new sub-forum till now. Hmmmm... How do we award the TOA (Tip Over Award) to folks? Should it be for every story of a tip-over, or just for current tip-overs? Also should the TOA be just for ST's, or any bike the forum members drop? So in the meantime here is the TOA for you guys above. I'll keep an eye on this forum...


There was a seller on ebay that did customing engraving from a picture on zippo's . I know I need to buy one :eek::
OK I just don't believe this... I did it again last week !
I had just changed the oil. I had put some news papers down to catch any drippage and when I took 'er down off the center stand.... My foot slipped on the newsprint and over we went....:eek:

once again a Byg thanks to Byg Dawg for those tip over bars, they work.

My best one :eek::

I pulled up to a light and noticed my left sock was sagging... I put the bike in neutral and leaned over to the left to pull my sock up... well, I passed that point of no return :eek: , and I just laid the bike down rather than drop her.

Stepped over the bike... pulled my sock up... :bow1: to the car across the intersection from me(they flashed their lights in appreciation), picked the bike back up, started her up and went on my merry way. I was lucky it was real early in the morning so only one person saw this :eek::
Man, did you ever have one of those times when you hit the button and you know you made a mistake? I think I am about to...

I haven't put the ST down yet. 15 months, and I've hit the stand every single time...I'm guessing since I mentioned it, that is about to change:)

My best:

Rural Western Kentucky. I was on one of my 'short cuts', riding in the rain that was Katrina. I was no longer on a STate Highway, I was on a county road. I had too much coffee, was getting pretty cold, and needed to air a slow leak tire...but no town with a gas station...2 towns, three towns, and I am starting to wonder whats the legal penalty for peeing in public in KY? I see another town ahead of me, and what do I see? A BP! With an air hose on the side! And a little sit down so I can have another cup o joe after I run the last three out...Both pump islands are in use, so I pull up to the side where the air hose is, and I have to go. I mean I HAVE TO GO. I got off the Venture, and didn't really even make a pass at the side stand. And had to pee so bad, I just left it laying til I got done.

A kid in a UK sweatshirt helped me pick it up, even in the driving rain. I really did like Kentucky, beautiful. Some day, I'm going to go see it in the sun!
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OK I just don't believe this... I did it again last week !
I had just changed the oil. I had put some news papers down to catch any drippage and when I took 'er down off the center stand.... My foot slipped on the newsprint and over we went....:eek:

once again a Byg thanks to Byg Dawg for those tip over bars, they work.



Great topic!

I dropped my '05 ST for the first time a couple of weeks ago in Las Animas, CO, while we were on vacation. Checked into the Best Western Bents Fort Inn, then we offloaded the luggage and rode into town to check it out. When we got back we wanted to park the bikes where we could keep an eye on them from our hotel room window so we drove around to the side parking area. This parking lot smelled strongly of creosote and looked greasy. Had lots of grit, rocks, and sand here and there as well.

Pulled past the space a ways where we wanted to park. I started backing my bike in, inching it back carefully. Oops, not quite straight and didn't leave enough room for my hubby to park. Move it up about a foot, look back over my right shoulder and suddenly my left foot is flying out from under me from a greasy spot. Bike starts tipping left to the point of no return.

The drop wasn't particularly noteworthy as was my dramatic dismount. I managed to put my left foot back down again and tried to stop it as it was falling, but then did a drop and a roll away from the bike because it was falling towards my leg and I realized I was going pin my leg underneath it. Very ungraceful get off as I rolled across the neighboring parking space. At least there wasn't a car parked there to complicate things, and no one saw me (that I know of) besides my hubby. :eek::
Not the first nor the last, but the most :eek:: moment in high school.

Not noticing that the kickstarter to my 68 Honda CL175 is hooked to my bellbottom Levi's(it was 1971).

All the most unattainable females of the student body sit waiting for their rides home at the main entrance.

I approach uphill in front of them to the stop sign to turn right trying to look as cool as the Fonz, try to put right foot down but couldn't, seemed like forever as I slowly fell over as every girl in high school watched.

After hitting ground I ripped my pants getting out from under the bike, pointed it downhill pushed off and didn't head home until after dark:eek::

I still blame this incident to my problems with women:D
I knew this was going to happen at least once, so I might as well get it out now. I went riding with my friends about a week after I got my ST1100. It was a great day, so we headed towards the shore in NJ. Well, the nice day turned ugly by the coast, and we got caught in a nice light rain. So we pulled into a little parking lot before turning around and heading back. While backing up my bike, my left foot settled on a nice little wet stone and VOOP!! Felt my left foot slide out, and the bike started to tip.....I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up, so I put down my left foot and pushed with my right hand to minimize the drop onto the left wing. My friends helped me right the bike, and the only damage was a cracked left wing housing.......thank goodness!!! Do they make the rear bars for the ST1100?? Because I would sure like to have them!! :rolleyes:
Unbelievable thread! Thanks again Mellow!:hat1:

My second MC drop was not very dramatic. I'd parked my 78 KZ400 along the edge of a friends drive way and went to sit with him and his mom @ their picnic table around the side of the house. About twenty minutes later we all heard an odd "snap & thud"! My friends mom could see my bike from where she was sitting and said: "Your bike just fell over!" I thought she was joking but after she repeated herself I got up and looked! Sure enough, there she lay on her left side!:shock:
"Now how the heck did that happen?" thinks I.:???: Upon a close inspection, I found that the edge of his cement driveway where the side stand was resting, had popped under the weight of the bike. Once the cement gave way the stand slid, just like our feet on gravel, off the edge of the drive. Then, plunk, over she went and there is the freshly reshaped shift lever tucked neatly under the frame:mad: . Hmmm... that made the ride home quite interesting to say the least.:banghead: Fortunately that was the only damage and with a little gentle persuasion that little lever bent right back to her original shape.

Talk about a fluke!:crackup

Stay tuned! More TOT's coming up!
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