Just noticed, that my headlights working intermittently (st1100)

Sep 4, 2019
sometimes they are on, sometimes off, even with running engine. Also recently I have problems with starting engine, need to push start button several times to crank engine. Are those circuits somehow related or I need to check ground wire for headlights?
The wires often break or solder-joint cracks due to movement of start button. Depending upon what you find, it may just be as easy as soldering wire back onto contacts.

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I'm pretty sure about battery connectors, because everything else works fine and after few trials engine starts normally. If you say that headlight circuit also goes inside of starter switch, that explains that I start to have both problems simultaneously.
I'm pretty sure about battery connectors, because everything else works fine and after few trials engine starts normally. If you say that headlight circuit also goes inside of starter switch, that explains that I start to have both problems simultaneously.
Yes, if you look at diagram above, blu/wht headlight wire gets power from blk/red wire when start-button in UP position. When you push DOWN start-button, this disconnects headlight circuit and tuens lights OFF to conserve power for starter.

Then power to trigger starter-solenoid comes from kill-switch on blk wire. Start-button then sends this across to yel/red wire to activate starter-solenoid.

Sometimes, wiring & soldering are perfectly Ok. But it’s switch
contacts that are corroded and burnt, not letting power across. Clean with this stuff.
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that are corroded and burnt,

sticking starter switch

thank you for detailed explanation, going to clean and lubricate switch. Corrosion is a primary suspect I think - living on the humid area on sea side for 1.5 years made all contacts in fuse box covered with white oxide:(. Need to clean everything.
Not on an EC spec ST1100... no "hardwired" headlights there...
Instead an independent [OFF/P/LOW] slider above the starter button...
The OP shows Georgia; I took it to be in the USA.

Plus, an EC-spec bike wouldn't have this problem.
It might be a tiny country to you, but it's still more than three times bigger than the one I live in! I wonder how a Canadian-spec ST ended up in that part of the world.

As the smart people have already said, give your switchgear and any ground points you can access a good clean.
The UK is comprised of 4 countries. I live in Wales, which is 21,218 km². Georgia is 69,700 km² .

Sending you dry-weather vibes! :D
Spraying the starter switch pod (with a plastic safe) contact cleaner as previously suggested is the very first place I'd start. Quick and easy – if that's the problem it's cleared up immediately. At your leisure you can take the switch apart and give it a good cleaning and light lube. That should get you a lot of trouble-free miles from that particular problem.

There are other causes that further troubleshooting might reveal but the Run/Stop pod is a common issue. My ST buddy had the same thing happen. He has to ride at night and has three deer kills to his credit so light is important. From info I learned at ST-O he opened/cleaned/lubed the pod and all was well.
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