Justified or not?

Gotta do what you need to do to save yourself. I always try to travel just above the traffic flow to minimize the tailgating & keeps your focus forward and out of blind spots. Keep your head on a swivel and do your best to obey the local traffic laws. Be careful out there!
It does highlight though that driver education prior to getting a license could be better and likely should be mandatory.
It is mandatory here in Québec, and has been for decades. It has made no difference in how poorly people drive that I can discern, and it has not enhanced people's respect of the rules of the road either.
You think...
Yesterday we had TA alarm broadcasted about someone (again) going the wrong way on an Autobahn... the novelty though: the person was on a bicycle! :mad:
Most likely this year's most prominent attendee for the Darwin Award... :rolleyes:

And all this time, I thought people were getting smarter. How much of this sort of behavior is kamikaze, how much is just plain stupid?
I really like the hazard lights, so much in fact, I'm considering having a set installed on my ball cap.

I've had a few times where I was being followed too close and clicked them on, in every instance so far, I've noticed the vehicle driver would almost immediately drop back a bit and stop looking at their crotch.

Once I've got the attention, I'll often gradually ride to the side, and let him pass. Ten seconds of my life I'll never get back.

Once upon a time, I approached a T intersection. with a car stopped at the sign. At almost the point beyond the point of no return, he jumped across my lane and stopped. I managed to stop just short of his door. Rolled down his window and drawled...'Hey...yore light's on!!'. He then backed up and let me pass. Had I been in my van, he would have lost his car and family.

The older I get the more I'm convinced that potential human disasters become accustomed to new safety features as soon as they are introduced.......I could be riding on an unmuffled Boss Hoss, standing on the seat stark naked, ablaze from head foot, yelling the lyrics to 'Yellow Rose of Texas' through a bull horn and some a&^%^&^ wouldn't see me.
Much of the time, our car-driving road-sharers, and some riders, are just oblivious (distracted by whatever), or selfish, or inconsiderate, or simply make bad decisions (judgement), or are just plain all-around stupid.
However, there is a phenomenon known as "inattentional blindness", where their brain does not register "danger - motorcycle!" even when their eyes plainly see us.
This is discussed in the MSF Basic RiderCourse, and it's a real thing.

http://www.scholarpedia.org/article...tudies of,observers are performing their task.
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