Leg cramps solution???

Picked up some potassium supplement tablets at a Walgreens along the way, and one of them a day seems to have cleared up the problem, joy for sure....
The very best way to get a nanner when you need one (that's not too green) is to get a nanner-split at the nearest icecream shop... usually a Dairy Queen.... That's why you see so many motorcycles in the DQ parking lot... We're trying to prevent leg cramps... That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!
To stop cramps when I get then after being out on the range all day in the heat I but vinegar in a pan and dip my feet in it, stop them dead within a few seconds. :D
I've had crippling (literally) leg cramps for years - until recently. I used to take potassium or magnesium/potassium combo along with vitamin E and get almost immediate relief, but they'd come back the next night or within a few. I've started deep muscle massage on both legs and feet using olive oil morning and night when I can, and havn't had any cramps or end of day swelling which has also been a problem. I think the problem (atleast for me) is sometimes dehydration but sometimes it's just poor circulation, the massage works for the circulation and I think it also breaks up lactic acid build up that causes cramps. I also stay away from boots except when riding. Hope that helps, it's working for me
Dr Dean Edell advised to drink a glass of milk if you get cramps at night. He said the calcium-magnesium balance in milk is ideal, also that dehydration can be a factor. I used to get inside-the-thigh cramps while sound asleep, and it would make me howl and spring out of bed in an almost-instant transition from horizontal to vertical. No amount of walking, stretching, massaging, or moaning would make them stop, until several minutes later, they would let up. I heard the Dr's advice years after not suffering them any more (stopped carrying mail). I drink a 1/2 glass of milk before bed to avoid that particular nightmare now.
So far the Potassium/Leg cramp pills keep it at bay. Thanks for the massage and milk ideas, I'll mix those in. Now if I could just find a campergirrrrlll to administer that Olive Oil... !!!
Here's a vote for dehydration. I have to drink constantly to keep up fluids in my body. I've had leg cramps give me pains to the point where I couldn't walk. Its an easy one to check out. Just start with more water, fluids etc. If that fails you might head over to a doctor. Could be vericose veins, or blocked veins.
Am I the only person who is picturing a STOC event at some campsite with everyone around the campfire...... like the cowboys in Blazing Saddles???????



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