License plate covers

Protect the plate? Get a NEW one? Obviously you've never waited in line at the local DMV for 2-3 hours, wasting a half day, to get any minor thing taken care of.

Polite? LEO's???? Seriously????????????????????? Our "local yokels" drive like they stole the car..knowing that no one will complain, since they have to then make a statement, and risk retribution. I was ALMOST run down by a LEO who was accelerating in the "slow truck" right lane- he miscalculated his speed relative to mine, and came within 5 feet of my front fender when trying to get out of the right lane, which ended abruptly. This is not a rare happening. They KNOW no one will complain.

Got to agree. Not saying one brush covers all, but there are lots of the law think they're above the law. The "blue brotherhood"
The bell rings, and like clockwork, Pavlov's dogs are salivating. Out of that wave of confirmation bias and hyperbole I'll address the one part of it that's at least somewhat relative to the thread. Does it really take "2-3 hours" of waiting in line at a Georgia DMV just to renew or replace a license plate? I find that hard to believe. I've lived in several states over the years (not GA), and the longest I've ever waited in line for anything at a DMV was maybe 45 minutes, and that was a rare, extreme, lined-up-out-the-door example in the pre-Internet days. Maybe GA is the only state that doesn't have online license plate renewal and replacement, but since that option started maybe ten years ago, I haven't even set foot in a DMV office simply to renew or replace a license plate. Five minutes online and you get your plates and/or stickers in the mail a few days later, or if it's plates that have to be specially made, maybe ten days. The only time we have to physically go to a DMV office for registration services is to register or transfer a newly purchased vehicle. Once it's in the system, as long it's the same owner, license plate renewal and/or replacement can be done in just a few minutes online. I'd be surprised if GA doesn't have that option.
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... Does it really take "2-3 hours" of waiting in line at a Georgia DMV just to renew or replace a license plate? ...

Must be a southern thing. Nothing happens at the DMV in 45 mins. around here.
Must be a southern thing. Nothing happens at the DMV in 45 mins. around here.

It takes about 5 mins in NY.... I do it all online. New plate comes in the mail! :)
Haven't gone to the DMV in about 10 years.

As to covering plate... its a No-No in this crap state.
Any plate cover is illegal in Colorado. But auto parts stores will sell you as many as you want.

Same here. The plastic frame with the dealers name on every car in the state isn't legal. Any part of the the state lettering covered results in an obstructed license plate infraction. The only time it would get issued is if they let you off for a moving violation stop. Pretty rare at that.

NJ MVC is a LOT more customer service oriented than it was say 20 years ago.
Anything attempting to cover a license plate got a ticket from me! Even clear ones.. They are like a mirror at night when the patrol car headlights are on it! Motorcycles with any cover got stopped and tickets! They are statistically higher runners than cars.
I always wondered why people spend money to "protect" their license plate! It's the ugliest piece of equipment on any vehicle. It's made of aluminum and you get a new one when it's worn out.
How much more polite would people drive if there was something on your vehicle prominently displayed so that anyone could identify you and how to contact you? ...
Kinda like on all police cars.

And I would love to have the ability to ticket every police car I saw breaking traffic laws.
Turning on the lights to get through red lights at intersections when not on an actual call, just heading for the coffee spot (usually a donut shop) is one of them.

Hiding your plate should be a valid defense from having your wallet raped by cameras.
And I would love to have the ability to ticket every police car I saw breaking traffic laws.

I'd hope you'd have the actual knowledge instead of the traditional cracker-barrel prejudice that's so rampant.

Hiding your plate should be a valid defense from having your wallet raped by cameras.

Sure as long as it's the only time your plate is covered and only at the cameras that will rape your wallet and is legally display at all other times.

There's nothing wrong with making money off of the backs of violators. Just make sure the cameras are functioning legally and take the money as the suckers roll through.

If somebody gets a ticket from a red light camera I hope they do their do diligence and make sure it's functioning legally. If it's not Fight the Power. If it is Pay The Man and pay big time. I have no sympathy for people who fail to stop for a red light. The majority of drivers stop properly regularly. Those that don't need to pay.
Sure as long as it's the only time your plate is covered and only at the cameras that will rape your wallet and is legally display at all other times.

There's nothing wrong with making money off of the backs of violators. Just make sure the cameras are functioning legally and take the money as the suckers roll through.

If somebody gets a ticket from a red light camera I hope they do their do diligence and make sure it's functioning legally. If it's not Fight the Power. If it is Pay The Man and pay big time. I have no sympathy for people who fail to stop for a red light. The majority of drivers stop properly regularly. Those that don't need to pay.
New Jersey hit the news for their cameras that were impossible to NOT get a ticket. The yellow was only on for a few seconds. WORLD news, not just local "cracker barrel" stuff
The one instance I gave of police cruisers (3 of them) activating their lights to go through red lights at several intersections make their way to a coffee shop sooner was one I actually witnessed. I watched carefully as they did this for 3 traffic lights in a row, then pulled in and parked for a coffee break.

I arrived to the same coffee shop and went in to find them all seated and having their coffee.

I have personally seen other outright violations based purely on the previously mentioned "blue brotherhood" and feeling of entitlement.

I believe that far too many officers feel that laws do not apply to them.

And that's not cracker barrel stuff.

As for red light cameras, they increase accident rates at many intersections (rear end collisions) and also there are proven documented cases where cities have shortened yellow light duration time with the sole purpose of ticketing anyone in the intersection when the light went red. Purposely not giving the usual time to clear the intersection during yellow.

A ticket for entering the intersection after the light goes red is fair, as the ticket is issued for running a red light.

But to issue a ticket based on a really short yellow phase and ticketing anyone still in the intersection is not.

Picture sitting in the intersection and waiting to turn left.

The yellow pops up for a brief instant and while you are waiting for approaching traffic to allow you to proceed the light switches to red and a camera takes your picture and issues you a ticket.

Again none of this is made up or cracker barrel. All documented and proven.

And there is plenty of evidence that speed cameras do nothing to create road safety, they simply raise revenue, very effective cash cows.

Anyone who tells you differently is one of two things, either delusional or a brainwashed member of that same "blue brotherhood"
Must be a southern thing. Nothing happens at the DMV in 45 mins. around here.
Driver's license, not plates...First trip to GA DMV- misspelled my name on driver's license after waiting about 3 hours to get it. Restarted the process, only 90 minutes this time....and they left off my motorcycle endorsement on that one. Restarted again, got fast-laned and out of there >5 hrs total. Last visit was with the new ID requirements, massive line in a rural location (less people there, right?). In early at 9:00 AM, finished only after they officially closed the door at 5:00 PM. My passport was handled much easier and quicker than this.
I've seen fire trucks and rescue squads rolling with lights and sirens, then all the sudden they shut them down and pull off into a restaurant parking lot or whatever. Why? I guess I could choose to believe they really just wanted to get where they were going in a hurry and they think they're "above the law", but I'd say it was most likely because they were on a dispatched run and got "cancelled en route", as often happens in the emergency services. If police units were rolling on a silent alarm, or any of a number of high priority runs for which "silent, invisible response, approach, and deployment" is appropriate and authorized, meaning no use of sirens but "bulbing" their way through red lights and traffic, but as frequently happens they got "cancelled en route" off the run for any number of reasons and they pulled into a business for their pre-cleared dinner break, and someone witnessed that, how that someone interprets what they saw is greatly dependent upon their own predispositions. That logical fallacy is known as "confirmation bias".
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+1 on the above. Who knows that may have been where the call was or the building 3 doors down to give cover etc. etc.
The one instance I gave of police cruisers (3 of them) activating their lights to go through red lights at several intersections make their way to a coffee shop sooner was one I actually witnessed. I watched carefully as they did this for 3 traffic lights in a row, then pulled in and parked for a coffee break.

I arrived to the same coffee shop and went in to find them all seated and having their coffee.

I have personally seen other outright violations based purely on the previously mentioned "blue brotherhood" and feeling of entitlement.

I believe that far too many officers feel that laws do not apply to them.

And that's not cracker barrel stuff.

As for red light cameras, they increase accident rates at many intersections (rear end collisions) and also there are proven documented cases where cities have shortened yellow light duration time with the sole purpose of ticketing anyone in the intersection when the light went red. Purposely not giving the usual time to clear the intersection during yellow.

A ticket for entering the intersection after the light goes red is fair, as the ticket is issued for running a red light.

But to issue a ticket based on a really short yellow phase and ticketing anyone still in the intersection is not.

Picture sitting in the intersection and waiting to turn left.

The yellow pops up for a brief instant and while you are waiting for approaching traffic to allow you to proceed the light switches to red and a camera takes your picture and issues you a ticket.

Again none of this is made up or cracker barrel. All documented and proven.

And there is plenty of evidence that speed cameras do nothing to create road safety, they simply raise revenue, very effective cash cows.

Anyone who tells you differently is one of two things, either delusional or a brainwashed member of that same "blue brotherhood"

Picture sitting in the intersection and waiting to turn left.

This is actually not lawful. We're not supposed to enter the intersection until it's clear to proceed all the way through. At least that's the law in NJ. Of course, no one drives that way and if they did, there are intersections around here where the traffic is so dense that you could wait literally for hours. If you actually attempted to drive within the letter of the law, you would probably receive a ticket for obstructing traffic. So, they can get you either way.

We need to use judgement when driving, even if it means "bending" the law. Red light cameras can't make judgement calls. IMO, they're intended as revenue generators, not motorist behavior modifiers.
I do not for one second believe the cancelled call or any other explanation.

Entering the intersection and waiting to turn left while yielding to oncoming traffic is legal and accepted in Canada, NJ is just strange ;)
I do not for one second believe the cancelled call or any other explanation.

Entering the intersection and waiting to turn left while yielding to oncoming traffic is legal and accepted in Canada, NJ is just strange ;)

Yes, it is strange, but that's probably not the best example.

So, are the motor vehicle laws in Canada country-wide or are they specific to provinces. In the US, each state makes its own motor vehicle laws, but for the most part, they're very similar.
New Jersey hit the news for their cameras that were impossible to NOT get a ticket. The yellow was only on for a few seconds. WORLD news, not just local "cracker barrel" stuff
Don't blame the police for that. Blame the traffic engineer .. there was none. Blame you're local government.

CA enforcement is VERY dependent on province.
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Don't blame the police for that. Blame the traffic engineer .. there was none. Blame you're local government.

CA enforcement is VERY dependent on province.

That's why I don't live in Jersey...;)....No, seriously, the engineers don't write the tickets and I'm sure that they (collectively) not only knew about it, but made money on it.
Defend that ? Wanna buy a bridge (it's kinda in Jersey)?
This is actually not lawful. We're not supposed to enter the intersection until it's clear to proceed all the way through. At least that's the law in NJ.

Do you have a reference to a statute that states this? I didn't fine it. There is one that mentions right of way that I found.
39:4-90. Right of way at intersections
Just a guess but I'd bet a lot of yellow light tampering at red light cameras went from local government to a highway crew without any input from a traffic engineer. There is no defense for it and some data that says it adds to accidents.
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Do you have a reference to a statute that states this?
Can't tell you the statute, but I know in Missouri the law is wrote the same. You are not to enter an intersection unless you are able to complete the maneuver.

Rarely enforced upon people illegally entering an intersection when proceeding straight thru.

I didn't fine it.
That's punny.
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