Long Way Up

So, this isn't a "we're roughing it" bike travel series. In addition to using two Harley electric bikes, they have a whole [film] crew following along (with folks in Rivien electric trucks). From a companion video:

"One year ago, we took two early [Rivien] R1Ts on a 13,000-mile, all-electric journey from the southernmost tip of Patagonia up to Los Angeles. We now get to share it with you."
Looks interesting, although it sounds like it's very commercialized, probably more so than their last two "Long Way..." adventures. Still, will watch it when I can.

Pretty much 180° from Noraly though... she's on her own.
It's more of a full blown documentary compared to Noraly's travel vlog so I don't begrudge them the support team. I'll try to catch that as well as Itchy Boots. I like the eH-Ds so there's that too.
I'm curious to know how much of the adventure is 'real'... were the bikes heavily modified, did they bring chargers with them, did they have a team to repair them, did they bring extra batteries, tires, fluids, etc. Either way, I'm sure it will be interesting to watch, although there's no way I'm paying for Apple TV to see it.
Since the eHD has relatively short endrance - i.e. range, and the really unimproved (i.e. nearly desolate) areas in South America are extensive, I'd imagine the support vehicles carried gas and a generator for charging. I was not aware that HD made the batteries in a way that they can be quickly and easily swapped out. Absent the quick change batteries I'd guess they could only ride two or three cycles of discharge/charge a day.
Don't we all know this was anything but an adventure. It's two rich guys being paid too much to TRY to look cool on bikes. The back up was enormous but you probably won't see it.
Do you think HD would let them set off without gazillions of spare everything.
I would rather watch paint dry, but to each their own.
I'm curious to know how much of the adventure is 'real'
I'd guess it's all real... Just not real adventure. More like adventure lite - not even adventure light. But I'll try and catch it.

I don't know who's the arbiter of adventure but I'll agree it's not like climbing Everest though some say... That's not the adventure it used to be.
I like watching it for what it is. I know it’s manufactured, but production values are nice, vistas make me want to go out and ride, and they interact with locals. The crew has good chemistry and Ewan is easy to listen to.
And, tbh, they both are experienced and capable riders.
Okay, I actually like Ewan McGregor as an actor and have enjoyed most of his films. I really enjoyed the "Long Way Round" as even though they had a support team, it seemed like a real adventure. In particular the "Road of Bones" was epic. In the "Long Way Down", I really like how Ewan pushed Charlie Borman into allowing his wife, Eve Mavrakis, to join them.

I started watching this trailer and almost immediately paused it when Ewan said that "You have to look after the relationships in your life. It is so important". Divorcing your wife after 32 years disrespected Ewan in my eyes, just like another hero, Lance Armstrong, did.

I think I'll stick with Noraly!
I did not realize Ewan and Eva divorced! Wow, what a sad ending to their long marriage. Yes, in light of that, Ewan talking about the importance of relationships is a bit gag-inducing.
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