MajorTom four weeks on

Thankful that you're getting better day by day MT! Keep us updated with your progress. God is good!
Thanks to everyone for your continuing positive thoughts and prayers. As my doctors tell me, nerve damage heals, but slowly, so I'm plugging away at keeping my damaged shoulder as strong as possible while the nerves repair. Brain testing last month showed continuing improvement from the smack my brain took when it hit the car that left turned in front of me, so no concerns about that getting cleaned up. :) I'm hoping everyone has a healthy and happy New Year!
Thanks to everyone for your continuing positive thoughts and prayers. As my doctors tell me, nerve damage heals, but slowly, so I'm plugging away at keeping my damaged shoulder as strong as possible while the nerves repair. Brain testing last month showed continuing improvement from the smack my brain took when it hit the car that left turned in front of me, so no concerns about that getting cleaned up. :) I'm hoping everyone has a healthy and happy New Year!
Yahoo...!!! Way to go Barry...!!! Keep it up.....and be nice to your home nurse...she deserves a medal for putting up with you.. :rofl1: :potstir1::p
We never like to hear about stories like yours but we are always glad to hear of your great out come. Consider where you were I'd say the Lord listened to our many prayers on your behalf. Please keep the progress reports coming. And a Happy New Year to you Tom.
Barry, a positive mind can do many a wonderful thing. Think of the road to healing as a challenging set of twisties you're on!
You'll get where your going even if if decided to sightsee along the way. The journey is the destination someone once said.
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