Memorial Day, Never forget those that paid the ultimate sacrafice

Jun 9, 2008
Sparks, NV
2005 ST1300
Thank you to all the veteran's out there.

We went to West Coast Thunder in Southern California today. I met SoloTotoCoyote aka Adam at Skip Fordyce doing his share, keeping riders happy :)

Here's a few pics.
In front of me

Behind me






and someone's thoughts was laying below the Afghanistan wall



It was a pleasant surprise to see you this morning. As I understood it, there were somewhere around 6,000 motorcycles and from the time the first ones left to the last ones leaving (for the parade) was around an hour and a half. Good to see the ST's representing. :cool:
Thanks for the pics Andrew. A big thanks to those that have served, are serving and will serve.
Always good to remember those who put themselves in harm's way or paid the ultimate price to help protect our freedoms.

Yesterday it was my turn to work with the VFW and serve as the pastor for our community Memorial Day wreath laying service. As a veteran and a pastor I am honored to serve in that capacity. I started my part of the service by quoting the words of Jesus found at John 15:13

"No one has greater love than this, that one should lay down his life for his friends."

I then asked those gathered to raise their hand if they had lost a father, mother, son or daughter protecting the freedom we have in this country. Those who raised their hands numbered about 5%. I shared the words of Winston Churchill:
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"
I then shared the stories of 4 of those who received the medal of honor "laying down their life (one each from Iraq, Somalia, Vietnam, WWII).

I closed by sharing with them the following statistics:
The Soviet Union lost 13.71% (23,100,000 killed) of their population during WWII. It is estimated that the have lost another 55-60 MILLION to the KGB, Gulags, Forced labor and starvation... all to buy the freedom they now have and that which they call freedom we would see as an oppressive regime!
In the U.S. we have more freedom than almost anywhere else in the world and that freedom was paid for by the blood of the few who bravely fought and died for the reality that the life and liberty of the many sometimes outweighs the the life of the one...

May we never forget "so much is owed by so many to so few"...

I have a bunch of pics, too late for the actual day but I'll get'em posted soon. Need some advice on how to post a short .avi movie. Upload to U-Tube?
I have a bunch of pics, too late for the actual day but I'll get'em posted soon. Need some advice on how to post a short .avi movie. Upload to U-Tube?

Yes sir... that keeps the bandwidth off STO and that does help.. :hat1:
Thank you for being part of a big expression of gratitude. I'm one of the many and I am very thankful to everyone that have served, especially the very few who gave everything.
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