Mileage vs. Maintenance - When Buying

Dec 28, 2016
Orange County California
2006 ST1300A
I have decided to sell my 2003 Silver ST1300 to Buy a Black ST.

I have three nice looking black 2006 ST1300s all with ABS to choose from.

1. Has 26,500 miles
2. Has 19,400 miles
3. Has 10,200 miles

All three are very closely priced. However, #1 has far more farkles and a top case. #2 and #3 are mostly stock.

My question is, would you let the low mileage worry you on #3?

Although #1 has 26,500 miles. It too has been mostly sitting.

I would appreciate your thoughts...
For the last 15 years I average 3k miles a year instead of my usual 15-20k per year for a couple of decades prior to that. I put 50k miles on my '97 by 2000, it now has 107k in 2017, an average of 3300 miles a year for those last 17 years. But, it generally gets ridden once a week year round, and in the summer I commute to work most days, but its a short commute. The low mileage per year doesn't seem to have had any negative effect on the bike, but it definitely has never sat unridden for any period of time. I'd ask them how often they rode it just to get an idea of how long it sat, and how often. Other than fuel injection issues, I'd suspect any negatives due to sitting around unridden wouldn't be that difficult or expensive to address, but I do all my own maintenance, not sure if you do or if you would take it to a dealer for that type of thing.

Perhaps others here who have had to deal with bikes that sat around for a long time might have more first-hand experience to share.
Let's add that bike 1 is across town but 2 and 3 are fly and ride. 2 is across the next state and 3 is three states over, the big western states, not the small eastern states. You have to ride that low mileage bike bike home.

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And what is the issue with riding a ST1300 home?????
In my book all 3 bikes are low mileage.
I very agree. OP is concerned about breaking down on a long ride home and wondering if low mileage issues, like things settling in the fluids or any other issues a low mileage bike might have, could cause problems on the way home, riding alone, not a mechanic but not dumb.

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They are all low mileage and wouldn't be of much concern in that respect.

I'd be curious about when they were last ridden and when they last had a proper service. They are all 11 years old and unused fuel goes off and can leave residues, and brake/clutch fluid absorbs moisture - and old fluid can cause problems with seals and crud build up. Bikes that have had fluid and fuel replaced at regular intervals throughout their life tend not to get these problems.

A 29000 mile bike that has been ridden and serviced at regular intervals might well be better that a 10,000 mile model that has not been used or serviced for the last 3 years.

But I have to admit that a 10,000 mile model sounds tempting !
+1 with Mr Heath.
All are low/normal mileage.
All you can do is go with your gut, keep everything crossed and hopefully enjoy.
Good luck.
It's difficult to screw one up with the mileage on either bike unless either sat with gas in the system for a year or so. That could cause problems but will probably show evidence at idle and on a test ride. Corrosion? Check around the battery area, under the seat and at the power connectors. Look for the green/gray leakage traces at all the visible hose clamps. Any evidence it was stored outside for any period of time (sun fading on the paint or instrument panel, spider webs under the plastic, etc). Spongy or hard feel to the clutch or brakes?

These few items should give you an indication of the bike's health.
These bikes go 200 to 300K miles easily - if you maintain them and ride them regularly. All of your choices are whippersnappers. I bought mine at 16K miles and can think of no reason why another 10K miles would do it any harm. I'd go for #1 for two reasons. Proximity is very important to me - working, buying stuff, just ease of getting and negotiating the bike. You will not have to worry about breaking down far away from home on the trip home. Carrying a lot of cash on a trip does not strike me as a wise thing to do (though that's what I did when I bought my bike). And, very important to me, the accessories you mentioned can be expensive if they appeal to you. I have several thousands of dollars invested in my bike - that's over and above the purchase cost and exclusive of maintenance items. These things do not fetch much on the used market, and a few guys here have advised removing them and selling them separately from the bike to pick up a bit more cash. The top case alone could run you from around 100 up to 600, depending how and what you buy (and what brand it is).

When you get any of these home, you should go over the whole bike, stem to stern, and perform all the maintenance items suggested in other threads here. You might ask the sellers if they have maintenance records.
I did a complete fluid change on my ST within 500 miles of purchase. The previous owner said he already did it but didn't have any receipts for the last fluid change. I would also personally purchase #1. The difference in mileage is negligible and #1 is closer than than the other 2 bikes.
Farkles are better than no farkles.

Or, it could just mean more headaches down the road if the farkles were implemented by a marginally competent farkeler.

And I think each rider has their own level of interest with farkles, more isn't necessarily better for everyone, its a matter of personal taste.
Let's add that bike 1 is across town but 2 and 3 are fly and ride. 2 is across the next state and 3 is three states over, the big western states, not the small eastern states.

This was never stated by the OP, do you know him or been in contact with him via PM?

When you add this to the mix then #1 is the clear winner unless it shows obvious signs of neglect from sitting too long. Since its across town it costs nothing to find out, so that would be my first move.
Or, it could just mean more headaches down the road if the farkles were implemented by a marginally competent farkeler.

No question here, you are 100% right, but if the OP likes or would add what is on this bike, he will save at least 50% or lots more getting them on the bike. A quick look under the seat might reveal the work of a competent or messy meddler.

On another note, now we have expanded farkles to a farkler, maybe even farkling, farkled, had farked, and maybe even more variations on the theme.
I'd look at them as more or less the same (low) mileage. Go kick the tires of the close one act semi interested and consider farkles you don't want as 0 value. Plan on fluid changes as SOP on all of them. Odds are by the time any of them are beyond service life you'll have spent more on gas and tars. Does the farkley install quality give you any pause?
I will most likely purchase #1 for a few reasons. However, it requires an initial outlay of $1000 more than #3, which is my second choice.
#1 includes some things that I can sell, like a heated Corbin Seat and a Sargent Seat which I don't need. That will bring the price down by $700 or thereabouts.
The other farkles on it are nice and usable. And would have some value if sold separately. But, I would just keep them as is. The seller is also the third owner of this bike. That makes me wonder about why it has traded hands three times?
The current owner claims that he is the one who added all of the shiny stuff.

#3 is the second owner who bought the bike from his next door neighbor for financial reasons. But the new owner doesn't ride it much at all. It has new tires on it and the very low 10200 miles does appeal to me.

if I were to purchase #3 I could paint my current silver top box black to match. But that would add $100-$200 to cost.

If I buy #1, I could sell my current top box separate from from my ST and gain $300-$500

So, #1 may make financial sense even with the initial $1000 overage outlay.

Keep those cards and letter coming :)
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I will most likely purchase #1 for a few reasons. However, it requires an initial outlay of $1000 more than #3, which is my second choice.
#1 includes some things that I can sell, like a heated Corbin Seat and a Sargent Seat which I don't need. That will bring the price down by $700 or thereabouts.
That makes me wonder about why it has traded hands three times?

#3 is the second owner who bought the bike from his next door neighbor for financial reasons. But the new owner doesn't ride it much at all. It has new tires on it and the very low 10200 miles does appeal to me.

if I were to purchase #3 I could paint my current silver top box black to match. But that would add $100-$200 to cost.

If I buy #1, I could sell my current top box separate from from my ST and gain $300-$500

So, #1 may make financial sense even with the initial $1000 overage outlay.

As with many other threads here, as time and responses pile up the story becomes more and more detailed. As presented in the OP's recent response, the prices for the three bikes are not the same. From my POV, having to sell extra seats, top boxes, whatever, is a bit of a pain, takes time, and is just one more chore. And, I would be tempted to try out for comparison purposes all the different seats and maybe not sell one or more - or even present them to a friend for nothing or next to nothing. The best laid plans.....

Also, from my POV, a fly and ride adds significantly to the cost and worry how the bike will perform on the ride home. I would be more inclined to drive and trail the bike home, which would still be a significant cost if the drive took more than a day each way. A friend recently drove 6 or 7 hours, looked over two bikes and rode one home (riding and driving was split w/ his son). This led to an 18 hour day - something I would plan to avoid.

When considering a bike more than a few years old, maintenance records and appearance would be important to me, cost less so, and mileage (now that I am more familiar with ST's) less so, especially if they are within shooting distance of each other (i.e. not differing by significant amounts).

But, everybody is different. I have a friend who is always wheeling and dealing, buying and selling stuff - he really enjoys it. I look at it as a bit of a hassle. He, no doubt, would have a different ordering of priorities were he looking at these bikes.
Hey OP, I like what SMSW said, especially about "present them to a friend for nothing or next to nothing."
The rest of his opinions sound smart also.

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How many Sargent Seats do you need :)

How many bikes do you need? How many fishing rods and reels? How many whatever? One is to use, one for a spare, and one to give away to a friend (that makes 3 minimum). :bow1: Maybe one more - so you can loan it to a friend so you can both go fishing, riding, etc.
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