New ST?

I believe "Monkey" would work as the store window suggests. It looks like a long distance monkey bike to me.
I give up, what is that exhaust manifold guard? One bright spot, owners will not have to bend over w/ a flashlight to check the oil level.

I think this adds new dimension to the term 'ugly'.
Midget is offensive . I believe dwarf is the proper name?
From my limited knowledge of little people, I believe a midget is the correct term for a perfectly formed little person, I'm not sure what precise measurement is used to determine a midget from a short arsed normal person.
Now your dwarf is a different thing altogether and I believe it merely refers to a person, yes a small person, with dwarfoid characteristics.
So it may be offensive to call a midget a dwarf or viccy verca.
However having spoken to a dwarf about this confusion on one occasion, he said he didn't give a monkey's what he was called.
I obviously apologise forthwith if I have offended any person's of less than would be accepted normal height in the writing of this reply.
Thank you for pointing out my perceived slip from correct protocol and I'm sure it could be ridden by a dwarf or a midget.
I believe a midget is the correct term for a perfectly formed little person
A "perfectly formed little person" is one of/with proportional dwarfism- one of many forms of dwarfism. Not that it comes up much in casual conversation but I'd err on the side of caution and just not use "midget" to describe a person." The LPA has tried over the years to educate the word out of existance IIRC.
A "perfectly formed little person" is one of/with proportional dwarfism- one of many forms of dwarfism. Not that it comes up much in casual conversation but I'd err on the side of caution and just not use "midget" to describe a person." The LPA has tried over the years to educate the word out of existance IIRC.
Now call me crackers...........but who'd have thought on a site where just about everybody is tall enough to ride an ST the term "proportional dwarfism" would ever be used, go on put your hands up.
No put them back down, this is ST Owners, of course it would come up. Everything comes up :biggrin:.
Thanks @ST Gui always an education never a chore.
P.S. What is the LPA and haven't they got anything better things to do?
Edit Didn't know that existed, but why wud I.
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A "perfectly formed little person" is one of/with proportional dwarfism- one of many forms of dwarfism. Not that it comes up much in casual conversation but I'd err on the side of caution and just not use "midget" to describe a person." The LPA has tried over the years to educate the word out of existance IIRC.
You're absolutely correct.
Midget has had negative connotation since the 70s.
One should never use that term to describe a 'short' person.
I don't know if the 125 would be very comfortable at highway speeds but that one was in Thailand, where there may not be all that much slab to ride on anyway. And yes, the model name is "Monkey".

But you probably can't fit a full-face helmet in those panniers...
I give up, what is that exhaust manifold guard? One bright spot, owners will not have to bend over w/ a flashlight to check the oil level.

I think this adds new dimension to the term 'ugly'.
Now Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
But yes in this case the beholder would have to be blind.
Now can I still say blind. Is there anybody else left to insult :think1:.

Note to self, must try harder, that diversity course was wasted on me. Actually I think I went on four all told.
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I don't know if the 125 would be very comfortable at highway speeds but that one was in Thailand, where there may not be all that much slab to ride on anyway. And yes, the model name is "Monkey".

But you probably can't fit a full-face helmet in those panniers...
I wouldn't think the 125 would be legal on the freeway/highway. :law1:
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