Helmets Nolan X-Lite 1002


Youth Challenged Member
Dec 8, 2004
Somewhere in the Majestic Rocky Mountains of Alber
Some of you may remember my rant about online buying/shipping issues. The Nolan helmets that I ordered arrived a couple weeks ago and I've just now (the snow's cleared) gotten around to an evaluation on the X-Lite 1002 with VPS I got for myself.


This helmet is replacing a Shoei RF900 that has served me very well, and will continue to be my helmet for track days. For long trips I decided to go back to the Nolan (I had a N100 that was destroyed in a wreck) for all of the convenience features offered by a flip up. I decided on the Nolan because:

1. I knew they fit my head
2. They're priced a little better than the Shoei Syncro
3. The integral sun shield
4. More modern (lighter weight) construction materials

First impressions:

Construction is first class, metal locking latches, even joint seams and a well sealing visor. All graphics are under the clear coat. Annoying safety stickers easily removed. The visor change procedure is not as easy as the Shoei, but it's still tool-less. The visor is the same as the N100 models so only one spare needed for the two helmets... bonus. Included was also the chin seal and Nolan's anti fog inner lens. These attach inside the visor to existing pins to give you a double window effect similar to ski goggles. There is a very minor increase in peripheral distortion with the inner installed but they do work. The one handed opening that Nolan now uses is a great improvement over the two handed system they used to use. Inside, the X-Lite is much plusher than the N100E and uses different shaped cheek pads. The pockets for speakers appear to be deeper and a little larger. The cheek pads and liner are easily removed for laundering. At first glance the venting system while easy to use, appears to be a little flimsy. Time will tell.

The roads around here are still covered with crap so the KLR was the ride. Stock shield and a slight cross wind created enough turbulance for a good noise test. It passed with flying colors. Not quite as quiet as my Shoei used to be ( a chunk out of the top vent results in a whistle at speed, hence the replacement) and quieter than I remember my old N100 being. This is of course very subjective, but I do remember the N100 having a whistle around the visor that I could never eliminate. *Note* I've always worn ear plugs and will continue to. One of my concerns was the VPS or sun shield, being on the outside of the main visor, would it chatter or create any extra wind noise. Nada... It works perfectly. There's no discernible difference in noise and no lift created at any position. Optics are as good as any helmet visor I'm used, just a very slight distortion at the limits of my peripheral vision, sun screen up or down. I really like the feature.

Nolan's website states that the X-Lite was wind tunnel tested with the chin bar in the locked and the open position. I only rode with the chin bar open around town but my impression was that it made no difference in aerodynamics at around town speeds. It didn't seem to catch the wind as I remember the N100 doing. There's a slight change in the balance due to the weight transfer, but it wasn't objectionable. The chin bar on the X-Lite actually moves a little forward as it pivots up, increasing the clearance as it passes your chin, another bonus.

It will be a full season before I'm totally sold, I want to evaluate the venting in hot weather, and a steady downpour. :) For now I rate it (out of 5)

Fit and finish :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Comfort :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Features :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Price :yes: :yes: :yes:

The price for the X-lite 1002 more than the HJC, less than the Shuthbert, and slightly less than the Shoei. Feature wise it's in the Shuthbert range for about $150 less. Price as tested excluding shipping, taxes and brokerage was
$359.99. Your dealer may sell for less.

I like it.

Is there that much of a difference between the X-Lite and the N100 - I have a N100, but will replace it later in the year (hopefully a Wine colored one if it matches the '05 red). I really like my N100 and don't knwo if the extra $15--$200 price jump is worth it (I've seen N100 for as little as $170
Killtimer - I don't get it, but there must be an explanation. I too have just acquired 2 x new Nolan Flip-up helmets c/w the VPS visor. Like you I ordered these on-line (from URL: http://www.moto-plus.com/).

But I got a pair of the latest version - at least I think they're the latest! - N101 Vintage VPS models, but also coded as "X1002". Are we talking about the same helmet here? I say this because, from your attched pics, the styling looks quite different when compared to the shape of my new lids. See pic below:

Moreover, I have seen it stated at a Florida-based helmet dealer (at: http://www.helmetshop.com/itemdesc....VE-EVEREST-57&Ic=395571&Cc=&bMatrix=True&tpc=) that the X-Lite is 5.5 pounds in weight, whereas my helmet only weighs just over 4 pounds - I know this for certain, as it's sat on my kitchen scales right now.

Can you shed some light on my confusion? BTW, great helmets - best I've ever owned.




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The VPS system will work on the newer N10* series (which I believe you have), as well as the X-Lite. They are different helmets and from what I've seen the one you have may not be available here. The Nolan site shows more detail but you have to follow the X-Lite link for the X-Lite or the Nolan link. They appear to be treating the X-Lite as a separate independent product line.

Keith, All.....

The N 101 is not being imported to the US.....

In the US we are offered the N100E and the X-1002 X-lite.....

The N 100E is the polycarbonate helmet, with removable interior and single button lift system (to separate it from the older N100).

The N 100 E's are sold for about $ 220 (on line - and I haven't looked at all merchants !) for solid colors....

The X-1002, comes from the "upper" shelve of the Nolan company, from the X-lite line. These helmets have composite shell (fiberglass) and will run about $150 more.

They have a bit different removable interior and vents, as well.

The X-1002 comes with the VPS installed, where the N 100E would need to be upgraded. The pre Sept '04 helmets require the new shield with the VPS kit ( about $80), where the newer helmets need only the VPS kit ( about $30 less).

You can find more info either dailing 866-2HELMET or sending e-mail to helmets @aol.com ......

birdie_xx, et all ....

Thanks for the lo-down on the X-Lite 1002, which explains everything. Coincidentally, you can't get the new Nolan N101 Vintage VPS models here in the UK either; well, not officially. I know this because the Nolan-appointed UK agent confirmed to me that these models would not be available for distribution in Britain.

So I tried the following on-line distributor at: http://www.moto-plus.com/. I was a bit nervous about doing business with this (fairly new) British registered company, which operates out of Germany mind you! - It all just didn't 'feel right' to me.

But Moto-Plus came good in the end, although delivery took nearly 2 & 1/2 months from order (12/10/04) -to- delivery (02/22/05)! However, throughout the whole protracted waiting period I was receiving some comforting and reassuring e-mail messages from one of their staff called 'George', whose English-written prose was not exactly learned at Oxford University! (think he was German or Dutch from his writing style - but can't be sure of his nationality, of course.)

I believe the delay was at Nolan's (Italy-based manufacturer) end of the chain. It was all well worth the wait though, as these lids really are THE business; that's for sure. The X-lite has many similarities, of course. Apart from the shape [and perhaps the weight], they're almost identical.

Incidentally, it appears from their website (http://www.moto-plus.com/) that Moto-Plus will export Nolan N101 Vintage VPS models to the States. That is, if you're prepared to risk it - even with all of George's reassurances!

Ride on

I have the xlite 1002 since Feb and a good helmet. Only complaints are price and tight at the jaw and just below the ear.

I like the vents and VPS and used both. Vents open at 76deg today I barely felt it but at 32 deg, it feels like your head is on ice.
Do you get used to the VPS shield? I bought the helmet and how the helmet sits, I tend to look at the bottom of the VPS shield and it gets annoying. Maybe it just takes getting used to....
I've been wearing the Nolan X1002 since March - only when riding though - and have just ordered a new visor for it. The sun shield put a row of scratches approx. 1/8" hi across the width of the shield, right in the vision line. Although the replacement shield is allegedly "scratch resistant", I don't think I'll be putting the sunshield back on. I'm very dissapointed.
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