North or South?


Apr 13, 2005
Central MA
2018 GoldWing
So, I got through Glacier NP, and I'm currently in a hotel in East Glacier.

I'm looking for some discussion from you all, about how to head back home to MA.
I could go north into Canada to pick up Rt.3, and eventually Rt.1
The other option is to ride down to The.90, and head home from there.
It's about 2 hrs to Fort Macleod, vs. 5 hrs to Springdale, Mt.
Other recommendations?

I'm leaving tomorrow (Saturday), one way or another.

Have you been over Bear Tooth Pass before?

If not, then I'd suggest taking US89 south to Yellowstone and then out the east park entrance and take US212 over Bear Tooth Pass to Red Lodge. Its one of the finest roads you'll ever ride.

From Red Lodge US212 will take you back to I-90 and you can head back east that way. I have no suggestions east of Red Lodge, others may be able to suggest things to see along the way back.
Depends of you are on a hurry or taking the long way. I90 is a drone most of the way home. If you can ride around Lake Superior or even the southern part to Copper Harbour. Transcanada Hwy1 is boring through Saskatchewan and Manitoba but pretty when you cross into Ontario. Stay well north of Toronto and make your way through Quebec and then down to MA
Take the scenic route back home, there are lots of good two lane roads between there and home. Enjoy the ride.
It's been said you haven't truly ridden across the USA if you haven't ridden Rt 2.
Grain elevators from long ago, Maltana Inn, Great Northern Hotel, gas-spewing Bic lighters in ND, transition from grasslands to croplands to forests to walking across headwaters of the Mississippi to shores of Lake's Rt 2!!!
Interstates are all the same.....they just SUCK in different ways.
It's been said you haven't truly ridden across the USA if you haven't ridden Rt 2.
Grain elevators from long ago, Maltana Inn, Great Northern Hotel, gas-spewing Bic lighters in ND, transition from grasslands to croplands to forests to walking across headwaters of the Mississippi to shores of Lake's Rt 2!!!
Interstates are all the same.....they just SUCK in different ways.
This is very true. First time I took it was west from Wisconsin to Glacier National Park. I remember taking a picture of a sign saying Mississippi River, couldn’t believe how small the river was up here.
Please let us know what you decide. Good luck and safe travels.
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